A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 8 -Flowing Memories-

In his delay, he felt the loud pang of hammer against skull, knocking him to the ground in a bright flash of light. for a few seconds, his vision was blurred, and small little lights were dancing all over his vision.

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Redemption (Chapter Three)

"hand me the sledge hammer." sledge hammer!? i struggle trying to free myself from them but to no avail. the robbers tighten their grib around my arms. something taps the middle of my arm between the wrist and elbow. i bite my cheek and close my eyes.

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What Once was Eden Chapter 4 Part 1 of 3

The wiry vykati pulled out a hammer and took several wide swings at one of the spokes, breaking it and then pulling out the remnants. "carpenter will be by shortly," he told them. looking up at the open box, he smiled and held up the hammer.

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The Maryville Amazing Maize Maze

It went back to the old saw about hammers and nails. the supernatural were born with their hammers. and often a specific type of hammer. so they saw all the problems as nails, specific kinds of them, and acted accordingly.

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Chapter 2 - Rage

Lavinea took her hammer and ran to the front of the house. * * * meanwhile the watchful eye of a person viewed those events. - these two are also very interesting ...


Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Thirty One

The pirate fell to the ground, moaning, and the first mate turned, raised his hammer, and-- "wait, stop!" toke yelled, reaching for ludsong. too late. ludsong swung the hammer, flattening the pirate's skull with a sickening crunch.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 41: Separation

I swung the hammer, smacking the paws, smashing the reaching fingers. again. miss. miss. again. again! when the fingers were mangled and useless, i stared at the wolf.

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tigers on the brain part 5

I said while handing him a mallet. "cool, big hammer." he said with a sly grin. "what ever, get ready 3...2..1.0." and with that we both started breaking as much boulders as we can.

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A futile battle.

Shouts a single voice over a dead soldier's radio, loud thumps of gunfire being hammered away in the background from a close firefight.


show down in our world part 2

"don't worry me and red will be back" tsume said reassuring them as they made a run for it heading into the city as they saw some of the cops that were trying to stop them but they leaped over them, tsume changed her boombox into the war hammer

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Friends and Enemies

The weasel meanwhile raised his hammer high, aiming it at the wolf's creamy white footpaws. "please..." vanamee sobbed once more. "hold it!" came a booming voice.

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