Windows to the Soul - chap. 25-26 - by Skyfox [end]

Everybody looked at the screen and after a few moments a large portion in the center was overlaid with a blank display, followed shortly by the most ghastly creature sarah had ever laid eyes on.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.1 - The Faces of Evil

Weren't you worried when rai got attacked by that ghastly kiryu?" "ehhh...i-i knew he could handle himself but, maybe."

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Children of the Earth and Sky 10 - The Warriors of Light

The face of durai melted into a ghastly visage as his robes peeled off into burning drapes, wretched coils of dark smoke wrapped around his face which began to lengthen as his arms flexed with stiffening muscle, bursting free with a gasping howl as the bangaa

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I Dreamed of Fire 7 - Tomorrow Is Another Day

Her body stepped from the wall with a ghastly essence behind her as she walked over to the white circle of salt that had now been left broken from where oddclaw slept in it, shining with three trinkets. "it is done."

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The Useful and the Good

"that's a ghastly thing to say, cædor." "well, i would! it serves them right, mother. they should've known better than to try to fight ennobeck's uncle, shouldn't they have? mother says you fought barbarians, too, soldier." "yes, your majesty."

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Extinction 3 - We Stand Together

To meet him, jumping before they clashed as james leapt in time to scorch his scissors hard with burning flames and spin his entire body with a furious hurricane around him, turning himself into a fire tornado that ripped deep blackened scars through its ghastly

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Erika - Shattered Glass

"the colour scheme for this bridge is ghastly?" he then walked past commander valentine and walked around, looking especially at the walls and ceiling.

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Episode 12: Starship Down

The ghastly scenes around her were making her uneasy and she was trying her best to watch her inflections and the beat of her voice to convey confidence. gel fenrix nodded. "very well. again, you have the gratitude of my crew and i.

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Your Possible Pasts 7 - Welcome to the Machine

They checked over tubes where the shuddering cries of beasts came echoing from beneath in a ghastly symphony of the damned, chittering shrieks that resonated in the halls as the beasts travelled past and the raptors snuck out of cover heading further

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The Days and the Seasons

He might be an officer, or a merchant supplier, or one of those ghastly journalists the parisian rags employ." "i don't know," said the fox. he did not understand why his son's return inspired such questioning.

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Shadows move in pairs

And travellers now within that valley, through the red-covered windows, see vast forms that move fantastically to a discordant melody; while, like a rapid ghastly river, through the pale door; a hideous throng rush out forever, and laugh -- but

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 100

"i was in a ghastly state myself when we first met, and you endured that. the same as you endured that fall from the cliff. i suppose it's only right that we endure in return." alicia affirmed. "i dunno about the whole cliff thing...

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