Chapter 15: S. O. S.! Virus Evolution.

The angemons nodded to each other and then form pairing groups. when the angemons touch each hand, the pairs were merging and transforming into a new form.

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Stirrings of the Beast Within

Wolves weren't known for being strong in their human form only her eldest brother, the prince turu, was known for strength in his human form. if rolf was this strong in his human form than he would be nigh unstoppable in his two wolf forms.

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Hot Air Balloon Act 2

Easily knocking over buildings while also making his black form a near trivial target for the inflation ray. removing almost all muscle definition from jinx's form and replacing it with black bubbles.

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Starborne - Trial by Fire: Iridescent

Closing my eyes, i let go ... human and canine forms waver and blur - the human one fading away as the canine form solidifies, you and me becoming one again.

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A Dangerous Love

A glow started to form around the human's form, then just as he started to fade from sight a loud whining sound filled the air, and mandrathas's attention snapped back to his rescuee.

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A Cursed Life: A Three Part Anthology

Just like with her hand, a small squishy growth was forming on the bottom of her feet as well. there were smaller black pads also forming along each of her toes. she had pawpads.

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Veniferium (Incomplete)

The hazards of veniferium often are more deadly than one would assume due to the fact it breaks down molecules and compounds down into their baser forms, including organic molecules used to form all living things.

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Kalistora [Character & Lore Information)

Lastly, kalistora takes the form of a pure white longsword with a faint glow coming from the blade. she can manifest as other weapons like an axe ,a pistol and so forth but the form she chooses to take most is a longsword.

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My Visit With Karel

My equine form morphed, elongating and thinning at my head and lower half. they arched outward, forming a crescent shape. my 6ft. self formed into something new as i proclaimed, "i am a banana!"

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Omnivice Exhibition Part 1: Basics

Basically, when you first recieve your omnivice, of the latest version, you'll get a starter deck of the basic cards, as well as some pokemon and non-pokemon forms.

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A day at work

Taking in the size of everything now "damn i would love to see som" is all he says to his self once again as a loud creaking hits his ears making him spin his whole body towards a door watching it crack open quickly, now totally lost for words as a large form

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Side Chapter 2: Knowing Your Trueself.

The head grew larger slightly; the maw grew slightly longer; and forms a pair of k-9 ears drooping forward. the shattered data began to gather at his arms and formed a pair of gloves.

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