Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 75

She struck him over and over with her right hand, screaming and crying, tears flowing from her eyes just as freely as the blood was flowing from dorin's face. she finally staggered backwards, cradling her swollen hand to her chest.

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Seekers Tale Part 43

As the darkness continues to flow from him his voice rings out again, "you... betrayed.... them.... you betrayed..... your promise....."

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The Scout

The power flowing through the landscape was evident, and she was among the gifted few able to tap into it.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 73

She struck him over and over with her right hand, screaming and crying, tears flowing from her eyes just as freely as the blood was flowing from dorin's face. she finally staggered backwards, cradling her swollen hand to her chest.

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Cherubi's Story - Chapter One

There was still water flowing over my leaves, but it was slowing and starting to flow back into the river even as i watched. i looked back up at the milotic and hopped happily, feeling energized and so much better.

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 23 (preview)

The long hair flowing on the side like all of the alicorn i have met so far. deep red cat like eyes looking down at me, his wings slightly flared out as if ready to take off. the tail behind him flowing the same as his hair.

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Chapter 28: Just like Old Times

May 13, 2204 0932 hours the days flowed like leaves in the wind. the rising and setting of the sun became ritual, and time flowed by. the days grew shorter and shorter, almost like a blink, and they were gone.

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Birth of a Burning Soul.

Dim light flowed in soft beams through the rocky opening to a narrow cave. little paws padded along with a happy patter. "da dum da dum, dummdedy dum da dumb!" kivany hummed as she ran her fingers along the rocky walls.

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This is a real recurring dream I have. Please analyse 'til your face turns blue :)

I am sitting on a cushioned bench that runs all along the inside edges, warm red velvet flowing and bruising beneath me.

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Elation and the Fall

And it flows dripping from our abused minds to our toes i can't even keep track of where it goes all i know is that i understand his pain, his torture but i can't know how it feels and so what is it i'm supposed to do here from so far away i

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Pure Imagination (Illustrated by Angel27)

His upper body felt like it was melting and tingling all over as his head expanded outwards, smoothly flowing forward into a full-faced, serpentine snout.

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Laotian Rhapsody (Roar 9 Story Excerpt)

The smooth licks of the lead guitar from the punk doe beside him flowed with the warm harmonic chords of the keyboard by the tiger.

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