Sun Goddess of Lemuria

With the arrival of the chola dynasty and buddhism, attempts were made at stamping her cult, but they failed, and instead she was syncretised with the divine modern aditi, no longer just the modern of the sun but the sun herself.

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I Am God

It's a twisted monarchy, where thirst and hunger reign as cruel king and queen, mercilessly punishing any who refuse their goddamned divine right to rule.

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Chicken Bones (Thursday Prompt 13/9/12)

I had forgotten the most important rule of my magic in my lust to reveal the future: do not divine one's own path. i was blinded by love, but love also has a way of pouring rain down onto me. at least, when you use chicken bones.

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Ragnarok - Prologue

They lack madness divine. they cannot sing but briefly and of things particular. the world escapes their words. they do not see the constellations of the things men love spread out beneath their feet like fiery jewels.

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A Dragon's Prayer

In my own belief, it simply makes no sense to me that there should only be one correct path to the creative and loving divinity at the heart of all things, with all other ones being somehow wrong or misguided.

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The Nine Knights of Creation: Prologue

When the souls of the knight of darkness and light combine they form into the divine knight a force of intense power. the duty of all knights is to protect all of creation and defend from chaos.

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Makes no damn sense a lion without pride or livin' in this present tense but i just can't asked to be helped cause i'm a waste of their time and a waste of their metaphorical wealth; golden hearts and diamond minds so precious, like a gift from the divines

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Feral Dialysis - Prolouge

Billions of lives were cut short from all species fathomable, caused by their self delusion that they were the chosen species, favored by divine intervention; when in reality it was entirely self fabricated.



To deprive the world the honor of harboring such a divine fascination would be selfishly hedonistic... all for recognition, reward, and respect. for all her training and turmoil, the knight cannot.

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The Anthro Religion - (WIP)

For evil souls who had squandered there time in the mortal world by causing pain and suffering, staining the divine spark of life gifted to them by there creator, the dark pit awaited for there punishment and purification.

World Without End

From this swirling union of dust infused with divine energy arose an anthropomorphic feline, flexing his supple spine and focusing his slitted eyes upon the new earth that the deity had thoughfully created.

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Miharra's Battle

By my blade your empire will find it's match and it will crumble under the heel of my boot as i exact divine justice upon you all!!!"
