The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Aran Winwood
Dwarven resilience dwarven combat training \* tool proficiency \* stonecunning dwarven toughness \* military rank : trainnee skills guard level 0 casting time: 1 action range: self target guards from incoming attack to take less damage.
Patience and Chill (Otherwise Untitled)
I am in orbit over the abandoned mining colony tenpro, in a damaged walkabout suit. mayday. mayday. requesting assistance. colony tenpro, suit damaged. ship is de-orbiting in pieces. mayday. mayday. colony tenpro. request assistance."
The Patchwork Soldier Part III
It had to be in a place that where it could inflict enough damage to attract a lot of attention, but not enough to severely damage the station. the hallway? no, that wouldn't do enough damage to trigger the distraction i wanted.
Lost Pokémon Episode 19: The Final Chapter.
Lapras launches a lighting bolt straight at vaporeon causing super effective damage. electivire strikes magmortar with a low kick, since magmortar is a heavier pokémon the attack does a large amount of damage.
UPDATE - Red River Tales mod
Armor in the mod will be different from vanilla oblivion, with very high damage resistance to the hand to hand, blade and marksman skills, but blunt is a knight's worst enemy. also, armor will have realistic weights.
Poem: For My Dad
#13 of 2021 mental health crisis a sad poem about all the damage my dad has done. how do i even explain the horror? how do i explain the fear? how do i laugh in despair and communicate how i really feel?
Grand Duel Academy: Tournament: Rose 1
Hamon strikes it down, it's effect activating again, forcing rose to take another 1000 damage. soul: you're running out of options, rosie.
Yugioh NG Ep.1
This little device hits you for 600 damage once a turn whenever a thunder monster is summoned to my field. cannon fire!" she cried.
Unstable Future - Chapter 11
"because a 900 foot tall crested eagle has managed to get into the facility and do some damage to the production lines while making its nest and it has also damaged the last functioning maintenance units that were left in the facility," responded terry.
Future Sanctuary - Chapter 12: The Price of Sanctuary
Jim frowns, "that she might be sterile now due to the damage from the blaster bolt?" he looks down for a moment before he again makes eye contact with vorga, "no, because we don't know for sure yet if the damage will be permanent.
Anchored Prologue
I couldn't let him fight in this state, with that much damage he was going to die. "no," i said, using my staff to help him push back the general's weapon, "you can do more damage with your blades than i can with my staff, let me take the hits."
The primary elements
It doesn't do direct damage but can make a target very hard to hit in a variety of ways.