885 Beyond Imagining

In fact, contemplates terrowne, it is reminiscent of nothing so much as the start of the dark is rising, the novel by susan cooper. "today is bad. tomorrow will be worse. christmas day will be beyond imagining."

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The Dragon of Caldor IV [Part 1]

The magnetic pull wasn't so irritating when one cooperated, so lukai did just that; he figured it best to figure out who to punch for his incarceration some other time.


A Dragon for Christmas Part Four: Home Sweet Home

"if you can cooperate with us, then nothing bad will happen to you. "but misbehave even once...." he pulled a gun with a silencer and aimed it at kilmor's crotch. "and you will regret it".

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 25 of 37

I took a couple of breaths but my mouth wouldn't cooperate with forming words. if i grunted, the sound was masked by the noise of the club. after forever, words were finally heaved from my mouth, "becky was in an accident."

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Chapter 10 - Links To The Past

What he had not told them was of the family that his unit had dragged out of there homes and held at gunpoint to the farmers that refused to surrender the food and then was ordered to kill them when they never cooperated.

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Chapter 5 - Deception

The terran people who cooperated with this vision and supported it were given reasonable positions of responsibility although only the "prophets" diamond and obsidian communicated with the asgard directly and informed the people of their will.

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SPQR Chapter 5

The more hawkish members of the court were placated by donations of money and land in exchange for cooperation, and everyone agreed that the senate was a safer place, without the threat of imperial-backed assassinations as had been the norm under nero.

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Day 4

They had left me my suitcase and had given me the run of the airport, the team lead, a dr willins, said there was no point isolating me at this stage, and due to my cooperation i was entitled some time to relax.

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Cygnus X-1 Book Two: Hemispheres

Everyone in the land would celebrate a permanent ceasefire and the start of an era of cooperation all because of the work of one fox who had not even a physical body.

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Story Challenge #3

The success of a raptor team depended on one thing and one thing alone; cooperation. when you were alone in the callous and unforgiving wilderness, nature itself became your enemy.

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The Ramblings Of A Madman; Nyudo Gilgamesh Nattak

But that, however, is if you are willing to cooperate. i know it is hard for you to understand this, but....you have to. if you can tell me what's bothering you, i'll let you into a little secret, allright?"

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Raiyev Part 4

I can only ask for everyone's full cooperation through this inexplicably rough time. thank you." as the president stepped out of sight again, bodyguards took their place to ward off reporters trying to follow the president with questions.
