Day 4

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#6 of Days

The first line here sums up my life at the moment ;)

As always, feel free to leave comments, peoples thoughts are always important, and regular readers will know that comments sometimes creep into the story.

No sleep for the wicked.

The doctors had kept me busy with skin, urine, blood, saliva, stool, hair and as many other samples and tests as they could think of, and when they had all their new toys from me, they turned inward and seemed to forget about me.

They had left me my suitcase and had given me the run of the airport, the team lead, a Dr Willins, said there was no point isolating me at this stage, and due to my cooperation I was entitled some time to relax.

They had taken and tested the remaining doses of the drug I was taking, they wanted to be sure there wasn't something else in it, but so far the tablets they had tested had proven true.

"Here, catch." The female doctor, Dr Ellis said, throwing me a small box. "When you confirmed the use of azathioprine as a holding measure, we have ordered massive quantities of it, we have enough here now for the team and yourself for quite a few days. I am trained and good at detecting and diagnosing immune related diseases, what I am not good at is dealing with viruses. What I want to investigate though is this." And with that, she darted forward and snatched my bandanna away.

I grinned sheepishly, "Yeah, something seems to be making me a little... foxy. That's not a side effect of the drug is it?"

She laughed, "Hell no, that makes you feel like shit, sensitive to light and in some cases, your hair fall out. It doesn't break into every cell in your body and make them highly receptive to new DNA, that would be this virus. However by then the person is well and truly dead thanks to their immune system taking measures to kill the 'mutating' cells."

"So basically, the virus would make everyone turn like this, assuming their immune system didn't kill them first?" I started laughing, "Those fucking god loving bastards virus kills as a side effect? Trust them to screw even that up."

"You said 'God loving'?" She demanded, all levity gone from the conversation.

"Yeah, they were all 'lamb of god' and shit with their... notes..." I trailed off, "Fuck there will be another note here!"

"Yes, we have already searched all the lockers, and found it, forensics are taking it apart, what I want you to see is this video." She walked me over to a computer.

She started playing a clip, it was a 'We were the ones responsible' sort of thing, the wrong guys though, then it flicked to a new one, and a very familiar face was on the screen.

"That's them." I managed to say, very softly, as the source of the current problem was talking.

".. the Church of our Vengeful Christ have brought about the proclaimed day. Humanity missed its date with Armageddon in the year two thousand, we have ensured his Will hath been done this day. Prepare your souls, for before the week is out, you will meet me on the shores of death and be judged by His servants, and know that if you are found wanting, you will have none to blame bar yourselves."

She turned off the equipment and grabbed the phone.

"Yeah, its Dr Ellis, I have confirmed the group known as the 'Church of the Vengeful Christ' is behind this, yes. Of course sir, thank you." She blushed when she received compliments it seemed, prettily too I might add.

I hid my grin as she turned back, but was not really ready for the next line.

"Ok, now strip off and lets get a look at you."

"What? Uh." Damn, never heard that line before, although it had its appeal, right to the po-, "Hey, what?" I protested as she grew insistent and started to disrobe me.

"Look, I am a doctor ok, I have seen it all before. Although, one thing I have not seen, nor has any doctor, is a person slowly mutating into a fox." Her manner was still clinical, I kinda wish she would make a move on me, THAT I could deal with.

I sighed and helped her and was down to my boxers in no time, she then grabbed her notepad and started doing a standard physical on me. Reflexes, etc.


I had finished taking his temperature, nominal, and was checking in his mouth when I heard his stomach rumble.

"Hrmm, yes, I see what the problem is here." I grinned at him to take the worried look off his face, somehow I couldn't stand to see him sad, "Yes, definitely, you are hungry!"

He laughed and I started to hand him back his clothes.

We wandered to the food court and he took my arm and led me to the most expensive eatery, "Watch this, I love these places, they are so snooty.", and he preceded to bribe the crap out of the poor waiter.

I couldn't help giggling, "Where did you get all the money?" I asked.

"Those pricks gave it to me, said I was 'clever' and it was a reward." He revealed, "Truth be told, money has lost its lustre for me, it just doesn't seem as important as it once was."

"What is important?" I asked, a part of me knotted up a little waiting for his answer.

"Living, trying to help end this, making pretty girls laugh..." He said slyly, I couldn't help but play to such a strait line, laughing along.

Our meals arrived and we made small talk, it was as we were about to finish off our meal that something caught my attention from the corner of my eye. A lot of things happened quickly.


My eye sight had changed a little, my eyes were drawn to things that moved a lot more, so when the man walked purposefully up to the table, and I hadn't recognised him as any of the Doctors team nor a waiter, I reacted with what I hoped was not too hasty alarm.

I grabbed Dr Ellis' arm and pulled her to the side and down, diving over her.

"Useless wretch, die and be judged!" The man yelled, and I heard two gunshots and running feet., then blackness enveloped me.

I opened my eyes to see the Doctor looking down at me and she had hold of my hand.

"Ugh, what the hell happ-" I started, but it came back in a hurry, including the stabbing pain in my shoulder, although that was pleasantly faded at the moment. I was in a hospital bed, although by the sounds I was still in the airport.

"We caught him, but he charged at our security guys, they didn't hesitate. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Like I have been shot, you?" I replied

"Like a cute guy I have only just met acted selflessly to protect my life." She said with a slight blush and a smile.


I know I was blushing, I can't believe I had said that, it just came out, but damn it if he wasn't blushing so damn cutely under that fox fur himself.

I did something then that I think, may have been a little hasty, but it felt right. I leaned forward and kissed him.


I tried to avoid the kiss, but was unable to move much at all, whatever they had given me for pain had immobilised me for the moment it seemed, but our lips connected and I have to say, she is one of the best kissers I have ever known, and it may seem the last.

We parted and I looked up at her, worried "The virus, you said it propagates faster when the person is infected via fluids?"

She froze, realising what she had done, then shrugged, "I had it anyway, might as well start taking my medicine now." And she made to get up, "Plus, it was very worth it."

"I need to go report back to my team now, you will be out in the morning, the bullets grazed your shoulder, the suit you were wearing was made for someone with a bit more shoulder, the guy didn't realise that, thankfully." She was about to the door.

"I..." she was halfway out the door, "love you." I finished lamely, to an empty room. Surprising myself at the feeling behind it.

Damn, that last bit even made me go "dawwww!".