Chapter 1
His supplier approached him, all smug and smiles with contract in hand. what was a large but navigable hole in the role swallowed him whole with a single section within the contract.
Brace for Impact
If that didn't get me a tna impact wrestling contract, i didn't know what will.
{The Conquest} - Chapter 1 - Strength Amidst the Chaos
"unfortunately for you, my dear, your contract's up."
The damned
It sits down next to you the feeling is unsettling like your being launched higher in the sky wondering when you'll ever feel the flat impact a signed contract with the accused and you must abide you are to forever in your life; fail and reenact the losses
The Lead Crown: Ch 7a, Un-Escaping (Pt 2)
Enarork grunted flatly, "or the contract didn't read what you thought it did." it took a moment for theo to remember that the tribal bear was a business man; it certainly made sense that he would consider such an angle.
Dragon Story Ch: 3
contract your shoulders and chest for a moment to trigger it." flicker dramatically went through the motions she was describing for his benefit.
All across the nation, drakath's records, his employees, his contracts, everything was broadcast on every channel. everyone he had killed had a picture and a paragraph. children, family members, public officials, everyone.
Cloricia "Tex" Teixeira: Growing up 8 part 2
"i guess i'm okay with being a bench contract is running out this year....." emina knew that fear, even if her contract was good for several more seasons. the prospect of not being able to do what one loves is paralyzing.
Little Star Chapter 2
Luna managed a chuckle through the contractions. her husband could be so precious at times. she winced as another contraction hit. \* \* \* \* \* \* during the next few hours, luna felt she was in a battle for her life. she was practically a goddess.
Southern Free Agents, Ch 3
The sufa union didn't often take extermination contracts; that was usually left for the less experienced adventurers who didn't know better.
Get Crazy Like Sour Skittles (prologue)
She couldn't help but watch him. he was so sure with each of his movements, graceful and perfect. she could see each muscle contract and relax under his midnight black fur. he was an expert at what he did, and she knew it. she was sure he did too.
The Reunion - Part 3
Between expiring contracts and trades, anything could happen in the next few months. catherine was one of the players that was toasted that night.