What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 17
How many fuckin' beasts have _you_ killed? beasts who prob'ly had families like that young rat?! bet ya never asked yourself that fuckin' question, now did ya?!
Ant-Coon (Furvengers: Assemble!)
The beast, the giant, had him. his stomach felt like it was falling as the bruised and injured beast lurched to a semi-standing position in the ruins of the kitchen.
The Return of The Monster
As he was plunged in his thoughts, he realized that the beast was moving once again, moving slowly out of the city.
Stone and Wolf (Part 9)
The beast sobbed. a tear clouded one of lyke's eyes. then, he let out as much of a cry as he could muster, and struck the point down through the armor. with a fleshy thud, the beast twitched.
Pack Mentality
Roy readied his spear and looked up at the beast. "do your worst!" he said. roy swore the beast nodded before it crouched and then sprang at roy. roy ducked and sliced the underside of the beast's chest with his enchanted spear.
S1 Ep12 Rival Battle
"alright akira time for my beast form to appear!" shouted kage he summoned his beast form which is just a representation of his magic but the size of a persona through his beast trigger.
Lost Legends - Intro
So deep was this connection, they were able make pacts with beasts. those that the beasts found worthy were given the privilege to become one with the beast that chose him. forever being one, sharing with them their body, power and life.
Heart of the Forest ~ Chapter 3
Lannon found himself anticipating meeting the beast again, and almost desiring it.
Doodle Story: Trustworthy Ally
However, the beast was huge and still looked powerful enough to crack open their skulls with its jaw.
Chapter XII: E = MC2
Twilight realized that he wouldn't be able to keep up with the beast, he needed a ride to catch up with the beast before night and its shadow became the world. twilight gasped as chaos!
Doomsday Dragon
The moment the beast strikes, it was a bloodbath beyond anything the military and interrealm could encounter. when j'exa tells the beast to show them what he is capable of, he obliges and stands firm.
The childhood part 3
When i got there, illusionist, millenium eye, and beast eye were waiting for me. illusionist turned to beast eye and stated "you did a fine job of transforming him. i sense he is the beast type. good show." "illusionist, thanks.