TLoS: The Resurrection of Ferveras CH.0 an introduction.

taken from the book of eternal punishments: Beyond the veil, beyond what we know, is the cage of malefor. A dark realm created by rage and malice. beyond the confines of malefor, lies a black fortress, carved from the stone of the surrounding,...

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Sprite Master: Chapter 2

Morning came again to the forest as Tenebrea woke up and then grogily got up and looked out the window. He saw that the forest was no longer covered in snow the green grass returned and the animals and deer roaming around. He almost thought of last...

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The Eyes of the Eternal

Chapter one "Midnight, that was when it all changed. 'Everything' changed, the skies, the seas, the forests... And I ended up smack bang in the middle of it. My life Started again." Heading east along the car swamped High Street of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, a...

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In The Land of Ancients: Chapter 2

Written By Kiyotoe It was dark in this room after the flames had died out, and taking a step forward, I fell, loosing my footing as the floor seemed to disappear. Thankfully, it hadn't, but was once again flooded, the condensation from the walls...

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Kade Chapter 6

If there was one benefit to having the crime occur in a hotel, it was security cameras. Kade's first instinct upon reentering the building was to see exactly what the cameras on the floor had captured. Tyler had gone to interrogate witnesses, including...

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Pokemon BE Chapter 8

We followed May's Father as he led us somewhere. _I wonder where he was taking us? Better question, why am I following him? I only came here because Calvin wanted me to beat May so why was I following her father now?_ We entered some sort of living...

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Venturing: Sunnet Attack on Dates

Venturing: Sunnet Attack on Dates Bursting through the door, my eyes scanned around upon the surroundings. Darkness welcomed me with opened arms, but I refused to acknowledge it as I kept standing still and turned my head about. I was looking for...

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The hack: chapter 5 (Kit)

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock on my bed. "Shut up" I said groggy as I tossed it across the room, breaking it in the process. "Wake up, wake up, wake up" the alarm on my phone sounded. "I ain't...

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Chapter 7: Large Transaction (final)

"Is the femtocell ready?" Jake asked. "The femtocell is ready, but we need to make sure she makes a transaction though" Mike said. "They should be making one soon, I will be meeting her to make sure that...

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Chapter 3: To erase

With Trent... "Is the malware ready yet?" Arron asked. "Almost, I just need to convert it to an executable with Pyinstaller," Trent said as he booted into Debian which was what the servers would most likely run. He then opened terminal and typed in...

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Chapter 2: Warning

"Hello Mr Zhang," Jake said as he shaked his hand, Zhang was a red panda who was wearing a dark blue suit and a grey tie. Everyone sat down while Jake began to start the presentation. "As we all know, the security of the Citadel is adequate for most...

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Chapter 4: Sudo

"Look, we know that you are one of the Tsociety hackers, just tell us what you know and we can grant you protection," Daren the polar bear said. "I invoke my fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination and respectfully decline the answer to...

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