Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 6 of 37

He probably thought the weather had gotten too bad, too. shit, i wish i had his cell phone number with me. wait_- a scent of mint wafted across my snout and a shadow appeared beside me.

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Valkyrie - Book 1 -Chapter 8 - Flashback (Revised Edition)

The rains and wind lashed at her as she made her way across the muddy fields, the weather ten times worse then an english coastal storm. however she had come here as a matter of necessity.

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Grauman's Chinese Theater

The weekend was filled with enjoying the l.a. boardwalks, seeing film studios and avoiding the media as the weather cleared up, although no one would wear swimsuits on this 60-degree december day.

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david's collage days part twenty one

At last the tree looked fine but now the weather was turning bad so david went out and got some logs for the fire that would keep there feet warm and made sure that joey was nice and warm as well in his old coat on christmas day he'd be getting a new one.

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Thunderbolts and Lighting 3

It was on the local news, the weather update had just started. "...scattered showers with thunder again tonight" said the weather lady, a blonde mouse. i felt jake tense up beside me and whimper quietly. "what's wrong?" i asked him. "i-i hate thunder.

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Scars of Yesterday

The beast weathered the hail of blows, but it would not remain standing forever. it was strong, but he was stronger. it would die today. he would make up for his failures.

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Believe – Chapter 19: Liam

"wit are you doing in this baltic weather with a wolf pup?" the stag asked. red looked up to him. "ya shadda know what imma doing. ya doing da same, do ya not?" liam just nodded.

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fox test chapter one

#1 of fox test kadain a fox cub lived with his mom kaina who took care of orphans weather human or not. kadain never gave his mom any trouble in fact kadain is kind and playful.

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First Version: Rociel Hentzel

Trying to style it in the first place eyes: hazel gray fur color- primary- raw umber brown .secondary- jet black setting: (whatever i feel like) wardrobe: rociel is not a fan of heavy clothing, normally she wars denim cargo shorts and a tank top if weather

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Crystal's Christmas Wish

You must be freezing in this weather. come take these blankets and follow me. i live in a church near here..." "we thank you for your kindness, but we are not really church goers.

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Hair Dye and Iced Coffee

Niall didn't bother questioning the logic of the weather. sitting up, he rubbed his eyes, blinking a couple of times, and let out a sigh. it looked like today would be a bit steamy or humid. it always was when it was sunny in the winter.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirty-five

#35 of evolution part i as the weather gets colder, there doesn't seem to be much point in leaving the yard anymore \*\*\* that was the end of discussion about talking to humans.

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