Thunderbolts and Lighting 3

Story by josh the panther on SoFurry

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Super sorry for the long wait for those of you reading this. I guess I kinda stopped writing due to being super busy with life.

Here we are part 3

_ ~~Silas~~ _

_ " As he slowly pulled onto Rose Street, the street where I lived, I realized that I was neighbors with my crush." "How did I not realize this?"_ I thought to myself. I had noticed the moving vans a few weeks after school ended, but I'd never seen the golden fox once. I'd seen his parents, and occasionally another fox, who looked to be a little older than Jake. Sure enough, he pulled into the parking lot of the newly occupied house. I pulled in after him, and got out.

"Here we are" he said, directing me towards his house. I nodded and followed him up the stone path leading to his door. I walked in, and looked around, taking in my surroundings. To my left, was a room painted deep red. The couch, TV, and other assorted pieces of furniture made me think it was the living room. A set of stairs was located directly in front of me, and to my right was the kitchen.

Jake walked into the kitchen.

"Anything you want?" he asked opening the fridge "We have water, milk, and sprite"

"I'll take a sprite, thanks" I called back.

I took off my shoes and went into the living room. I took out my phone and texted my mother.

"I'm at a friend's house, not sure when I'll be back. Love ya <3"

A few seconds later, my phone rumbled "Okay have fun!"

I slid my phone closed and put in my pocket, just as Jake walked in the room with two cups. Halfway through the room, he stumbled a bit, and nearly fell, but kept his balance.

"You really are a klutz" I said amused.

"Sadly, yes I am" he said sitting down.

He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. It was on the local news, the weather update had just started.

"...Scattered showers with thunder again tonight" Said the weather lady, a blonde mouse. I felt Jake tense up beside me and whimper quietly.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I-I hate thunder. I'm absolutely terrified of it!" he said quietly

I don't know why, but without thinking, I pulled the fox into a hug. At first, he was surprised by the sudden gesture, but he relaxed.

"Don't worry, it can't do anything to you, I won't let it" I said releasing him and smiling.

He locked eyes with me for a moment, and our muzzles moved closer. Right before they touched, he seemed to realize what was happing, and pulled away.

"I'm sorry" he said starting to move away "I'll understand if you want to lea." I took his hand and pulled him back down,

"Why would I want to do that?" I asked him. He started to stutter out a response, but he was cut off when I pulled his muzzle into my own. He tensed up again, but relaxed into it.

I pulled away for a moment "I've wanted to do that pretty much since I met you, but I wasn't sure if" this time, he silenced me with a kiss.

We fell back on the couch and I wrapped my arms around his waist. We just lay there, kissing for what seemed like hours, but in reality it was only a few minutes.

"Does this mean you wanna be my...?" He started shyly

"Boyfriend?" I finished, he blushed "Yes, I would like that very much"

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into another kiss. He slipped his tongue into my maw, and started to wrestle with mine. We got so wrapped up (no pun intended) that neither of us heard a car door shut. Or the front door open.

"Jake I'm ho... oh my god..."

Both of our heads whipped around to look at the door...


"Thanks for the ride Mike, I really appreciate it." I said to my coworker Mike as I shut the door to his car.

"No problem" he replied as he drove off. I turned towards the house and noticed a car I didn't recognize in the driveway.

_"Guess Jake got a friend already"_I thought to myself as I walked up to the door and pushed it open. I heard the TV on in the living room, it sounded like the news.

"Why the hell is he watching the news with a friend?" I thought to myself.

"Jake I'm ho... oh my god..." I couldn't believe the sight before my eyes. There on the couch, I saw my younger brother, making out with a muscular lion as he was being held by said lion. Sure, I sometimes had my suspicions that Jake may have been gay, I mean, he'd never once had a girlfriend, and he never really talked about any particular girl he wanted. But this was still a surprise.

"M-M-Matt..." Jake said worriedly "I-I can explain"

Before he even finished his sentence I was already up the stairs and in my room. I realized now, that Jake probably now thought I hated him. I honestly couldn't care whether he was gay or not, as long as he was happy. But seeing him wrapped in the arms of a guy already, after only a day just seemed fast. I mean, he barely even knows him. I could hear movement outside my room. I heard the lion say "it'll be okay hun; I won't let anything happen to you."

_"Oh great, my little brother thinks that I'm going to hurt him"_I thought to myself

A few moments later, there was a tentative knock on the door...


I knocked on the door lightly, afraid of what waited for me on the other side. I wasn't a religious fur, but I hoped to whatever god there might be that no one would get hurt. After a moment, Matt told us to come in. He didn't sound angry to me, but I was still cautious when I walked in. Matt was sitting on the couch on the opposite side of the room. The room wasn't messy, but it wasn't the cleanest room you could imagine. He motioned for Silas and I to come sit down next to him. Stepping over a pile of clothing, I made my way to the couch.

"Sit." Matt instructed, both of us complying.

"So...well, I'm just gonna get out with it, you're gay?" he asked

"Y-y-yeah" I stuttered in response

"How long have you known?" Matt asked

"Since I was a cub" I answered

"Well, I support you no matter what Jake. I don't care whether you like girls or guys. So long as you're happy, I'm happy for you" Matt said to me before pulling me into a hug.

He turned to look at Silas "Treat him right, got it? I don't want my little brother to be hurt."

Silas nodded "I wouldn't imagine hurting him"

"Good" Matt replied "I'm glad my brother has finally found someone he could be with"

"And I'm glad he chose me to be with" Silas responded.

I was so relieved that my brother accepted me, I almost forgot one crucial thing.

"Uh, Matt?"


"What about mom and dad?"

"Well you're obviously going to have to tell them. They won't mind Jake, They'll love you no matter who you choose to love"

"Can...can you be there with me when I tell them?" I asked him

"Of course bro, if that's what you want"

I nodded "It is" I turned to Silas "Can you be there too?"

"Of course hun, I'll be here for you no matter what" he said as he wrapped me into a hug and gave me a kiss.

"Mom and dad will be home any minute" Matt informed us

As if on cue, I heard the door open and shut, and my parents enter the house.

"You ready?" Matt asked me

I took a deep breath "As ready as I'm gonna be" I said nervously.

"It'll be okay baby" Silas assured me one last time before helping me up to my feet. The walk to the door seemed much longer than before. My parents were in the kitchen.

"Hey Jake, how was school?" My mother asked before noticing Silas entering followed by Matt "Oh, is this a new friend?" She asked

"...Sort of. Uhh mom, I have something to tell you." I took a deep breath. "I'm gay"



Anyway, yes, cliffhanger, because I felt like being evil.

The next chapter should be out in a much....quicker fashion than this one.

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