DU Chapter 1 - It's Degonyale, NOT Dragonscale

#1 of dragonscale university so here's a series i'm going to start publishing here on sofur. it's called "dragonscale university", and it features a small red panda who was sent to the wrong school, a school for mainly _dragons.

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A Fighting Chance: Chapter 2

Hello and welcome back to the second chapter of A Fighting Chance! If you are returning after reading chapter one then thank you and I hope you continue to! If this is your first time reading something of mine, definitely check out the first chapter...

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Sergal Tails 2

Midnight smiled as blaze took her through many corridors of the university, getting to meet many of blaze's teachers before they finally reached the big fountain outside in the garden behind the university, blaze smiling warmly, "and this is the fountain that

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Rexville 21: Halloween Night Part 2

Chapter 21: Halloween Night Part 2 The six detectives were each given three random cards. The players were given their personal space and looked at their cards. Keanu carefully looked at his cards, he had Mr. Green, the library, and the kitchen. These...

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Bucking Griffin

"Griffins don't buck," Grey declared firmly. "Well, it says you will on the box," Gretchen said, taking out the box to show it to him, "Males will buck, 100% guaranteed." Grey sighed, once again his girlfriend had went out and bought a product to...

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University Story (Unofficial Name) - Chapter 1

#1 of university story (unofficial name) this is a draft of my first attempt of creating a whole long story set. i set this chunk of it to be the first chapter. the story, characters, and titles are all a work in progress. hope you enjoy!

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Furries University Chapter 9: a slight problem

"ahh yes you must be new this year, anyways the university doesn't like to have the campus used for unscheduled events, and you have to be part of a group to plan events and you have to pass them through the university's board of supervisors" answered mr.

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Furries University Chapter 7: Downhill Roll

#13 of furries university chapter 7: downhill roll. kitsune walked from the shower dripping wet and only covered by a towel. ozwot was sitting on the couch and looked at the fox with a smirk.

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Furries University Chapter 4: What's this now?

Miken looked out the window towards the university noticing that the sun was begging to set. she also felt a strange presence telling her that this is what all of that learning was for.

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Furries University Chapter 3: Another wolf?

Kitsune gave out a small chuckle then turned towards the university. "let's walk guys. you kin' join us if ya' want jay" spoke kitsune. miken walked up beside kitsune. then all of them including jayson made there way to the university.

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Furries University chapter 2: F you!

#7 of furries university chapter 2: f you! kitsune looked out the window and saw fu in the distance. he then put his head to the screen and began to wag his tail.

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Furries university Chapter 23: Guardian spirit

#29 of furries university chapter 23: guardian spirit (october 2nd 2019 a.d. - sunday 1:30 am) kitsune awoke hearing faint foot steps from the living room.

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