Brother Light, Brother Dark: In Which Jaqaran is Made an Accomplice
In due time, the two left the city walls, and as promised, donichus taught jaquaran more about fighting, both unarmed and armed combat, as the two continued on their way north into france.
Unstable Future - Chapter 12
Miller had really wanted to take the eagle on in unarmed combat since there was equipment that could apparently be damaged in the area the eagle was nesting in.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 22 - Country Folk
I thought for a second that he was unarmed until i saw the scythe he held in his other hand. wait, scythe? the heck? where'd he get that? by the time i shook myself of the thought he was in the fray.
A Journey Begun - Chapter 14 - Like Chuck Norris According to the Internet
Both gangs were trying to show superiority by sending in men unarmed to best them, but they always left with broken bones, dislocated limbs and hospital visits all around.
Cry Me a Murder (part five): Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Demon
"terminated by daniel kent; unarmed attack causing severe and lethal trauma." [\*] "your agent was trying to kill irene and me. i call it self defense." "he was only doing his job, daniel."
Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH3)
Not one of us was unarmed, we knew the risks of doing our research out here. we knew that some of the humans did not appreciate the work we were doing. i was about to follow them but my colleague put a hand on my shoulder. "wait, the logs.
Wolfen - Chapter 19 (Part 2)
Not wasting any time, he spun the spear around and stabbed it through the unarmed one's neck. it went through with ease and stuck into the ground. using it as leverage, he swung around and landed behind the other two.
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Forty Six
He still had the advantage, so long as shen was unarmed. he might as well get the answers he'd been so desperate to have. "how else? with juryo!" shen reached into his robe and withdrew a finger-sized vial full of glowing yellow liquid.
Chapter II - Challenge
Each had seen death before, each had taken lives on the battlefield, but never in such terrible number and never with unarmed citizens targetted and butchered so; it had been unthinkable.
Vision: Chapter 1
"the kid is unarmed!" said tess. "no!" screamed the squirrel. "no! don't know! you don't know!"
The Orphans Among Us Chapter Four: Bulletproof Fox
I was unarmed so i was staying hidden. in the rush to secure the cafeteria, the gunmen had shot out several lights giving me ample places to conceal myself. scattered at my feet where several pieces of glass from the lights.
MLP:FiM: Chapture 4: Down the Rabbid Hole
We don't hurt any innocents and we don't kill any unarmed, with the exception of those who use their claws, teeth or magic as weapons. any more questions?" responded washington who was placing the "machina" on his arms, warping over his neck and mane.