A Journey Begun - Chapter 22 - Country Folk

Story by DJ Atomika on SoFurry

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#26 of Saga the First - Book One - A Journey Begun

Part three of the furry arc!

I was the second to come to, and when I did, I realised I was in Brandon's apartment, just a storey above the bar. I woke up on the couch to the sounds of cooking and the smell of bacon and toast. As I sat up I realised that there was a blanket over me, and Max was curled up in the easy chair right across from me, fast asleep, his huge tail curled up right around him like a blanket. I got up and yawned, stretching a little bit as I wandered over to where I assumed the kitchen was. I was still dressed in the clothes I wore since yesterday that smelled of gunpowder and fire. My wonders of who was cooking shortly disappeared when I saw Connie standing over the stove, humming softly and happily to herself as she tended to a pan of bacon. I barely recognised her from after the transformation, but in a way she looked like how I'd imagined it.

Her body was accentuated by softer, gentler curves where there had been none, and she was also slightly taller too, but what was most prominent was that she was wholly vixen. Covered in light orange-brown fur that petered out to white on the lower half of her muzzle, trailing down her neck and into her shirt, with a long, fuzzy brown tail extending from beneath the back of her shirt. Both her ears were twitching and flicking about as she cooked, unaware of my presence, but I must've made a noise cause an ear perked towards me and she looked up from the pan with a smile.

"Oh! Daniel, I didn't expect you to be awake until later."

"I'm an early riser, Con. That's a really nice body you have."

She blushed.

"Thanks, though it's put weight on me that I'd be better off not having."

With a giggle she took the pan off the fire and gently scooped the bacon out and onto some paper to cool off. Then she rinsed the pan with water and cracked a few eggs into it before placing it back on the stove.

"Though, I never did expect myself to end up as a fox. You never really know with these sort of things, eh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Speaking of which, you look very handsome as a wolf, Daniel. I never expected you to look like that under that charm."

"Why thank you."

I smiled and leaned against the counter. Still so chirpy even though her life was changed forever in the span of a day. It led my thoughts to Brandon, and how he would react to waking up and finding himself a stag on two legs instead of a person.

Just then I heard a surprised yell coming from further in the apartment.

Well that answered that.

A few minutes later Brandon emerged from his room, hair still wet from a shower. He was simply dressed in a shirt and shorts, and I saw just how defined his muscles were under that. It was like he'd grown two shirt sizes in the span of minutes. He draped his towel over his broad shoulders and made a show of leaning over the plate of bacon and inhaling. As nice as he looked as a stag, his face still retained the rugged, hardy looks that I'd associated him with, due to his years of military expertise. He grinned as Connie frowned and harrumphed at him.

"What? I was just checking if your cooking was still up to standards."

"Says the man that somehow managed to burn soup on his first night over at my place."

"I thought we agreed never to talk about the soup burning incident."

"To other people, maybe, but Daniel isn't just some 'other person' now is he?"

I smiled and shook my head in exasperation. These two never changed. Connie dusted the eggs with salt and pepper and some green herb before scooping it all onto another plate. The toaster dinged and, obviously by magic, its door opened and several slices of toast floated out and deposited themselves on a big plate in the dining room, followed closely behind by a tub of butter, jam, the bacon and the plate of eggs. All this while Connie opened the refridgerator to grab a carton of milk and some mugs out of a cupboard. I was wowed by her talent.

"Do you do that when no one's looking, Connie?"

She looked back over her shoulder at me and smiled and nodded.

"Only when no one's looking. Except now we're all privvy to the existence of magic so why not?"

"Yeah. Say, Daniel, is that what you really look like?" Brandon.

"Of course man. Why don't you punch my cheek again and find out?"

"Ha bloody ha, smartass."

She giggled and took a seat at the table and so did I. Brandon went to the chair and shook Max awake, after which we all dug into a very hearty breakfast, which I was grateful for. I hadn't had a bite to eat since breakfast yesterday.

Wait, I was out for that long? Damn. I reminded myself never to attempt a stunt like that again without at least eating something a little more substantial than toast beforehand.

A few moments passed before Brandon broke the silence, speaking through a mouthful of bread as it were.

"So, what do we do now?"

I thought for a moment. I still had two, well three more Guardians I needed to locate, ones that I knew would be a little easier to convince.

"Well, we go after the rest of the Guardians nearby next."

I caught the attention of all of them. The eating paused as I took out my phone. I'd saved the watchlist in there beforehand, just in case I lost the physical copy I had. I thumbed to the last three pages and placed my phone in the center of the table.

"Here's our last three Guardians in the North-Eastern section of the States. Brandon, you might know them."

He took the phone first and slowly looked through the list, a little grin forming on his muzzle.

"I knew they'd be Guardians. Especially that friend of yours."


Connie was puzzled.

Right, she didn't know what we'd been doing for the past few months. I filled her in on the details, leaving out only things I considered inconsequential. By the time my brief spiel was finished, we'd finished breakfast. With a wave of her paw, Connie floated the empty plates and dirty cutlery into the kitchen where they deposited themselves into the sink.

"So these three other people are our next Guardians?"

"Yup. And since me and Brandon know them well, I think I'll go with him to get them."

"Right, and after that, Daniel?"

Max piped up from his silence. His question made me think. After I'd gotten the last Guardians on my smaller watchlist, what then? Would I be content with just the handful of people around me? The answer? Nah.

"I think what we should do after this is multi-staged. First, we need to consolidate ourselves here in America, or at least the East Coast. I know all of us stay here, which leaves the question of the remaining Guardians. I know two of them stay in Boston and the other in Nebraska, so that's okay I guess, but at some point we might need to have a base of some sort. Second, we need to start taking things seriously, because if things go the way they do, we'll probably start needing to pull superhero duty if things go south."

"Superhero duty?" Max spoke again.

"Well," Connie piped up to explain. "you know your old comicbooks, right? Superman, Batman, all those? They did their superhero thing while hiding behind a disguise when they weren't doing anything? We have to do the same thing."

He nodded in understanding, but then raised another good question.

"I get that, but what do we have to fight?"

"Well, I don't think it's crime, right Daniel?" Brandon.

"You're right. I think bigger threats lie in the things we don't know about. For all we know, we could get monsters attacking or something else like that. Strange, unexplainable things."

"Oh, so we're like the X Files guys." Max.

"Yeah pretty much. Except we don't have an Agent Scully in this little group. We all have to be Mulder. No room for skeptics. So Max, you're going to be very important in this. It'll be your secondary job to pinpoint things that are strange or unexplained, or otherwise suspicious, and direct them to us. If it happens to be within New York itself, we'll be able to investigate and handle it ourselves, alone or in pairs."

The three of them nodded in mute understanding.

"Oh, and one more thing. Total secrecy. Remember to keep your disguise charms up at all times."

"Disguise charm?"

Brandon spoke up again. I waved a hand over him and muttered the incantation, wreathing him in the guise of his former self, which no doubt stunned him again, but for only a second.

"Oh, that's what you mean."

"Yep. You don't have to concentrate on it to keep it up like some sort of psychic shield, and you can take it down or put it up whenever you want."

He nodded and sat back.

"I guess that's it then?"

"Yeah, I think so. All that's left to do is round up these three Guardians. Then I'll decide on what to do after that."

I shrugged and sighed.

"Who knows? Maybe after I grab these guys someone will come up to me with a request to go slay a dragon and rescue a princess or something."

Max chuckled and Brandon simply sighed and shook his head.

"Damnit Daniel, you sod."

He grinned after that and slapped me on the shoulder.

"So, shall we get going then?"

"Yeah, let's go get ready."

We stood and I dusted bread crumbs off my shirt, while Connie cleared the table of any other dirt and oil. As Brandon left to dress himself properly, she piped up.

"Where will you two be going?"

I turned to her.


A few hours later and we were on our way to Victor's airfield in a rented car. I honestly did not know what to expect. We hadn't visited him in a long while, so I didn't know if he was still there, or permanently back in Moscow where we'd left him after the big case. As we pulled up to the airfield, I heard the sounds of arguing. I stopped the car and got out to see a pair of men bickering in front of the office. My worry started when I heard what language they were talking in.


I ducked down behind the car and pulled Brandon down with me. I shushed him as he began to protest.

"What?" He whispered to me.


He nodded and waited, listening to the heated conversation. After a moment he nodded again.

"Russian. Yeah, that doesn't sound normal, coming from a primarily English-speaking neighbourhood."

"Either Victor's got friends over, or he's in trouble."

I stole a peek out from behind the car. The two Russians had noticed the vehicle's presence and were cautiously approaching it. One of them had a revolver. The other had one of those tiny, dinky machine pistols in his hand. Armed to the teeth, they were not, but they were still armed. I drew my cannons and held them steady while I moved backwards, trying to open up some distance between us and them while still staying behind cover. I braced myself next to the back wheel well and held up my guns at the front of the car. Just then, the revolver goon poked his head round the hood. I plugged him in the forehead. That drew the attention of his friend, who was conveniently at the back of the car. He came forward to aid his fallen friend and ran headfirst into Brandon, who quickly disarmed and knocked him out. Arming himself with the machine pistol and what meagre ammo the guy had, we regrouped and ran into the airfield. Brandon posted himself beside the office with a view of the runway while I went into the office. No one there, as I expected. I came out and joined Brandon at the side of the building.


"Yeah man. Several guys out on the runway. They're armed with rifles, mate, all of them. They must've heard your gunshot and came out looking for trouble."

"Well they're gonna get trouble. Did you see where they came out of?"

"Yeah, that hangar over there."

He pointed out a hangar just across the runway, and through the group of heavily armed thugs.

"Well that's cause for a distraction, don'tcha think?"

Brandon turned to me and grinned.

"Hell yeah."

"Right, well I need you to pull their attention away from that hangar."

"Got it. I'll head right, towards the other end of the runway. I'll draw their fire, you get to that hangar and save our Russian friend."

"Roger that. You go get yourself ready. I'll go on your signal."

He nodded and crept past me, heading down the side of the runway behind the other hangars that were there. I waited patiently until I heard the sounds of gunfire echoing from down the way. I saw one of the Ruskies drop and the rest turned and peppered the area with gunfire. That was my cue to run. As the Russian thugs ran at the area where Brandon no doubt was, I used the noise as cover to run past them towards the hangar, cannons in my hands. When I entered, I was greeted by a very grim sight. There was a man, scowling and pacing around Victor, who was bound to a chair. He looked ragged and torn up; there were cuts on his arms, legs, bare chest, even his face, and I saw that though they weren't deep, they still bled. He was being subjected to one of the worst tortures ever: death by a thousand cuts. I doubt he'd even last to that number so I made my way inside, being careful to avoid catching their gaze, but as I set foot within the place I heard the man talk. I quickly backed up and hid in the shadows by the door.

"See? Now look what you've done. The police are no doubt here, Victor, and you know what that means?"

He groaned and spat a mouthful of blood.

"T-that you're going to die?"

The man chuckled and grinned. He had a knife in his hand.

"Nyet, Victor. You are."

He placed the blade down on one shoulder and slowly circled him, carving a thin line over his shoulder blades and back, all the way to his other shoulder, drawing a pained hiss from his victim. Then he made a show of removing the knife and knelt down in front of him.

"Dasvidanya, svoloch."

He jabbed the knife into Victor's sternum.

Oh that's it you ugly mug.

I ran forward and tackled the guy to the floor. Before he could react I smacked him one with the butt of my pistol that knocked him senseless. I left him unconscious on the floor as I went to Victor and untied the knot on the ropes that bound him.


He struggled to open his eyes, but he did and his eyes grew as he recognised me.

"C-comrade Daniel...why are you here?"

"I'm here to rescue you pal, now stay put, I'll get you out."

I began to gently hoist him up but he yelled out in pain.

"Victor, what-"

"L-legs...broken...can't walk..."

I set him back down on the floor instead, being careful to leave as little weight as possible on his legs. Outside I heard the gun battle raging on, no doubt Brandon was giving them a stomping, but I returned my focus to Victor. He was bleeding from everywhere, so I took off my jacket and tried to staunch the blood wherever I could, but he stopped me from doing so, coughing as he pushed away my hand with his.

"Nyet, comrade...I am dying...leave me be, go help your friend."

"No way man, we came here to help you, and that's what I have to do."

He coughed again, blood bubbling to his lips. The knife must've punctured a lung.

"I-I'm already done for, Daniel...I'm old, weak, useless...just leave me and go help your friend."

He tried to push me away to get me to leave, but I resisted. He gave up and let his head rest on the floor, coughing ever so often. I was lost. I didn't know what to do.

Then it struck me. I turned to him, gently laid a hand on his chest.

"Victor, I have a way to save you, but you must promise me that after this, you will listen to whatever I'll tell you and believe me. It's extremely important."

He looked at me and nodded.

"Da, though I don't know how you are going to manage it-"

I cut him off by channeling my power into him through my palm. He grunted and hissed as his transformation began, his back arching as power coursed through him. I saw him grab onto the knife through the bright glow that enveloped him. He pulled it out and his hand gripped onto it tightly as he changed. I felt him under my palm, felt his flesh grow deathly cold, and I almost stopped in fear that he was dead. But he kept moving, though I didn't understand why. Gradually his body returned to the warmth I recognised as normal and the glow faded. I gazed over him and removed my palm from his chest, feeling familiar fur underneath my fingertips as my hand left him. He'd been turned into a mountain lion, one of the toughest mountain lions I'd certainly ever seen. His cuts and scars were barely visible now, save for one that ran across the top of his muzzle, underneath his eyes. They must've cut him there when he was still human. I quickly cast a disguise charm over him to hide his real form before I went back to the door, cannons at the ready.

The group of Russians were busy firing at one of the empty hangars, and I could barely see bursts of fire coming from within. That'd be Brandon, I guessed. I lined up a shot and fired, it dropped one of the Ruskies as the bullet tore through his leg instead of his chest like I'd hoped. Too far away. I had to get closer. As I moved to head out, a brown-furred hand stopped me, and I realised it was Victor.

He was up? Already?

I must've put more power into him than I thought.

He looked at me and grinned.

"Comrade! I do not know what you did, but I feel better already! Healthy even! Let me take care of those svoloch by myself. I show you how we country folk fight."

He half-yelled, half-roared as he ran right outside. I thought for a second that he was unarmed until I saw the scythe he held in his other hand.

Wait, scythe? The heck? Where'd he get that?

By the time I shook myself of the thought he was in the fray. His blade sliced right through the very last thug, cutting him clean in two as he moved onto the next. The blade ate through the men like a hot knife through butter, I could barely focus on him from how fast he was moving. He lopped the head off one and was immediately at the next, his blade stabbed right through his chest. He spun and the legs of another goon were cut clean off, and as he stood he jammed the blade through the last guy's skull. I saw him twitch several times before going limp, and Victor pushed the corpse off his weapon and wiped the blood off its blade. Then he made his way back towards me, scythe perched on his shoulders, while behind him I saw Brandon emerge from his cover, shocked and obviously awed. I emerged from behind the door and waved at him, and he waved back in response.

Then Victor's smile turned to a scowl and he reared back and threw the scythe right at me. I barely heard his yell as he threw, but I ducked instinctually and the blade flew clean over me and parked itself in the sternum of the guy I'd knocked out earlier, who was now behind me. He gurgled and collapsed to the floor while I stood, more than a little shaken from the close call. Victor ambled over and stepped on the guy's chest and pulled out his scythe before grinning at me.

"See? No trouble!"

He laughed and patted me on the back as I smiled with him, still a little unsure of how the Russian would react upon knowing how I did it. Brandon ambled over and nodded to me and Victor.

"Hey Victor. You okay?"

He nodded and grinned again.

"Never better, comrade! I feel thirty years younger! Say, what did you do to me, comrade Daniel?"

"Well, Victor, let's get a shirt on you and we'll go to your office and explain."

"So this is no dream then?"

"Yeah. Totally real."

He stared at himself in the reflection off the window. He wasn't exactly pleased, but I could tell he was at least grateful.

"And this means I am...Guardian?"

"Yep. Everything I told you is real, Victor. It's the only way I could've saved you. Otherwise...you'd be dead."

He nodded and sat back in his chair, contemplating something but I didn't know what. Me and Brandon remained in our seats, unsure of what to do, when Victor slapped his hands down on his desk, startling both of us out of our chairs. He laughed heartily as we sat back down.

"So jumpy, you two! Spasyiba, thank you for saving my life again, comrades Daniel and Brandon. Now I owe you two instead of one! How can I ever repay you?"

"No need, Victor. Both times, we did what we had to."

"But still, saving man's life not once but twice deserves some kind of reward, yes? Hmm, let me think."

He did think for a while, then he snapped his finger and thumb together.

"Got it! Why not I let you have free rides anywhere you want, any time? It is least I can do for you."

I glanced at Brandon and he returned the look. He shrugged and I turned back to Victor.

"Sure then, Victor. Thank you."

"Nyet, comrade, thank you!"

"Say, Victor."

Brandon piped up and Victor smiled.

"Yes, comrade?"

"You wouldn't mind flying us somewhere now?"

He grinned.

"Of course not! Where to comrade?"


A Journey Begun - Chapter 23 - Icarus

In the air, I had a nap. Changing Victor had taken more out of me than I'd thought, and understandably so. By the time I awoke, we were already in another vehicle entirely, on a bumpy road into Boston's city center. Brandon was driving, so I assumed...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 21 - British Slang

After I bade Max farewell, I straddled my bike with the intention to head for my next destination. I was about to leave when my phone rang. I pulling the buzzing thing out of my pocket and put it to my ear. It was Connie and she sounded panicky. ...

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A Journey Begun - Chapter 20 - Knock Knock

I tapped on the door with my knuckles. It was the early evening and I knew that it was pretty much home time for many office workers, including Max. I was hoping he'd be home early, though judging from the lack of a response he clearly wasn't there....

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