Vulcan Automata - Hiring Practices - Part 6
Cinnamon's short, stubby surmelle tail telescoped upwards without warning, irised upwards and spread wide like a reverse umbrella. it curved up and around and a central spindle of silver spars rose upwards, each one tipped with a blinking light.
August 2: Tatsu-nii and Torahiko
Though there was one thing i bought from the knick-knacks shop: a pair of wooden love charm keychains, each having an umbrella etched on it with spaces underneath for the names. tora winked at me. "oh? who's the lucky girl?"
From gray to red - Chapter one: The Stranger
The less rich ones with umbrellas [strange, also gray...], the others with personal force fields. walking through, over, by the streets. propobly also above and under them. nobody seems to see him.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 2 Part 1 of 2
It had an elongated umbrella above it and a sign that said, "cutting edge meats and vegetables" in common across it. there were three covered and steaming bins across the top and just enough counter space to allow service and a cash register.
Commission- Femme Fatals
It's natural, and when you decide you're ready to go home our umbrella boys are standing by to help you to your carriages."
Rexville 33: The Flight
He found a parking spot and ran back to the terminal's arrival section with an umbrella. he felt a weird blow of wind and swiftly mangled his umbrella in an upward position. "piece of shit!"
StarFox Universe [R]aid: 04 Renewed Vigor
The cold wind and water stung at his face as he descended down those stairs to see headmaster general peppy waiting for him holding a red umbrella.
50 Clichés | Chapter 1 FULL
I pat down the old newspaper from under me and tilt the umbrella so that water from the leaky alleyway isn't dribbling down onto my head. i'm a fox. and a super cute and handsome one, despite not being very muscled out.
Ember Tails, ch4 (pt.1)
"in the meantime," the manectric continued, turning to his classmates, "how about you three head on down and set up the towels and umbrellas and such? we'll come join you soon enough." gloria shrugged. "works for me!
Love for Sale: Chapter 4
At her small cubicle, bol-caregiver-yon-sovika [3] spread out and above her station like a black and white umbrella.
Daisy and Boss: 3 - Savior of Lambs
Boss pulled his umbrella out from inside his duster, picked up her bag of wet clothes and looked over his shoulder at the almost petulant goat girl. "ready?" "ok..."
Space Warrior Hitachi 2 - The Quest for More Money
If you go into a café and order a millanese squid, and they serve it with a tiny umbrella, that's 'cute'. this thing went several steps beyond that. it was too cute. if you had put a bow on it, the universe would have imploded due to excessive cuteness.