
Some time passed while rencor silently relayed the information through the telepathic bond, and the fox grew more horrified by the second. runil soon cut off the spell and backed away in terror.

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Race Weekend

"telepathic." "oh." "don't worry. i don't read thoughts. i just ... sense things. emotions. feelings. attractions." a pause. "i can read thoughts, but ... that's a line i don't cross unless i'm invited." her eyes darted to field. the mouse.

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The New Hive part 2

I felt the adrenaline substance again but this time stronger, my muscles grew huge almost tearing my clothes my eyes disappeared behind a misty glow just like the others and i felt no reason to speak only to communicate telepathically to them.

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The Transformation

"we are in the recesses of your mind communicating telepathically. i can say that i am you and i am not you." this kid made no sense what-so-ever.

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Drako Tygon- chapter 5

He faces off against a super telepath named dr psyche. charles finds he needs the help of the only family he's got left, along with the love of his life. but will he triumph, or will it all end in despair? have fun!

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Drako Tygon- chapter 4

He faces off against a super telepath named dr psyche. charles finds he needs the help of the only family he's got left, along with the love of his life. but will he triumph, or will it all end in despair? have fun!

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 11 - The Culling of Chentrilla (Revised Edition)

Maybe it was just a telepathic message but everyone in the area heard it which made it seem like a shout. "mortals... the time of your dominion has ended. in accordance to the will of the asgard, this city must be razed.

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Rebirth ch22

I thought to her on a private telepathic band. as the boy just froze up for a moment with his hands still held out to me, i peaked inside his head for anything else that he was lying about.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 4 - Reborn Anew -

Alex cried, roaring as her telepathic communication continued. "haha... i just wanted to repay the favor... did you enjoy the fish?" james asked, his heart leaping with the same excitement that she had when she brought him a meal.

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Journey to another world ch46

Jenavee asked rena over the telepathic link that she set up between them. ‘i do not think so. since the first time she only tried to trick us in the battling on that slope.

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Dusk Ch. 1 Reunion

"_it was me, your familiar_" said the tiny dragon, in an oddly familiar telepathic voice. jack squinted dumbfoundedly at the little scaly, " what? who are you?". "_oh come on! don't tell me your forgot, im the one who saved you're life...idiot!

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BWOAH Chapter 1

As soon as i get close enough, i can send them a message telepathically. commodore: you can do that? ariana: yeah, but it requires a lot of energy. commodore: wow! ok then. (in the courtyard) ariana: ok, we're here.

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