Indigo Nights- Chapter 6: The Lotus
She gasps for air, ripping the studded choker off her neck with trembling hands. "what's happening!?" quinn's muted voice yells through the bright barricade. "i'm losing control of my adaptation!"
Frost- Part #2 Friends Gained
His head had a large frill behind it that was studded with more spines while his eyes were pools of liquid fire and encased in scalene slots.
Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 3
You're stud over there," she pointed toward iago, "knocked our generator over the cliff. without it, we cannot possibly our sounds louder." iago raised his head proudly. winston shook his head, "shame.
Birthright: Chapter Two
The leather was covered along the backside in short metal studs. his figure was that of a slim and toned streamlined fox whose nervously cunning eyes never stopped moving.
A really terribly horribly bad day.
This was not good, both were just studs! her tail flicked, as she felt about for something to distract them with. the lights flickered, and shot on. they ahh'd together, and both made their way towards their respective doors.
Marsten's Interview
The mare-stud tried not to sob as shi shook hir head and looked out of the window of hir study. the eternal summer of rainbow stallion's tropical location did its best to cheerily pierce hir mood's gloom, but failed.
Nether Encyclopaedia: Dune Riders
Their accessories are mostly rings, necklaces(jewel studded collars for some), toe rings, thigh and bicep bonds and for some with long manes and hair: hair bands.
Life of Flare
A deep blue sports bra to cover her chest, same shade as her eyes, then a red plaid shirt, little too long, though it would cover the studded belt that held up her well worn and holey jeans.
POV vore - you and Toothless the dragon
You oblige by touching each wrist stud. camouflage control, emergency 'shift', comms, distress signal.
The Outlander 1 3
The old mouse wore a pair of heavy brass studs in both ears making the bottom of them elongated. the fox's heart leapt with joy at the sight of his friend and he embraced him. "hehehe, hello sandokhan my lad!" tin-jin chuckled.
Beach Party
I want you to rip off my swimsuit and ravage me, you stud!" will grinned, "unga bunga," and grabbed seph, pulling him in close, making that blue face turn purple with a blush.
Love Is Surreal
The black studded bracelet poked into my fur and arm as he squeezed my side into his black t-shirt. my gray muzzle and my bronze glasses were smothered in the stretchy fabric of the shirt, which allowed people with horns to wear t-shirts.