Terms and Conditions

Then, by a sudden move, he stops balls' balance and silence regain its place._**"i'm almost sure he would ask me to stop it." mister rowards thought amused.

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 3 - Be mad to be nice

" " stop it you mousebrain !!!" the brown tom had wanted to attack but the leader stopped him. " stranger would you please tell me your name. " " i´m half face. " half star lied to protect himself. " very well, half face.

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7even Towers: Chapter One

Growling he yelled "would you stop doing that ursa!" shrugging he laughed and said "not until you manage to stop it at least once, after that i'll stop."

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Alabaster and the Ring of Winter (excerpt)

He stopped at one cluttered table, sifting through the parchment scattered upon with a paw.

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Nightmare on Jefferson ch.7

Dane's heart nearly stopped, he wasn't even breathing "love, no love, there is no love." dane finally spoke, "fuck, i'm going insane." the wisher became erie, "he doesn't know love, how could he love you." "stop!"

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The Serpent Curse - Chapter 2

Critter suddenly stops, his attention on a cricket sitting upon a branch, his eyes lighting up with bearded dragon excitement. critter: wait, stop! i have to get this. critter steps toward the branch flicking his tongue in anticipation.

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Another way/Changing paths Chapter 17: My will…

I knew what was coming the only thing i could do was try and stop ruption before it was too late. "ruption stop!" i yelled, but was muffled by all the noise the two of them were making.

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The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 4 - Training

Even half star wanted to leave but she stopped him by saying. " not you. i have to do some checkups on you also." without a word of regret, half star followed her instructions and stopped in place.

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The Beginning of Red's Great Adventure

Today was supposed to be the day we are rewarded with a bountiful harvest from this magnificent tree. but long since ages ago, the tree hath stopped giving.

Friends Got Talent! Part 2

"now then," he said stopping the watch, but letting it hover in front of his face.

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back to the pride lands

" okay children can we stop fighting!?"

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Loonatics Unleashed: The Untold Beginning

"i-was-running-really-really-fast;-faster-than-usual,-but-i-couldn't-stop,-i-didn't-even-know-how-to-stop", rev said.

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