Jason Fox in a time long forgoten

------------- i was just turning 24,i looked like a red fox but i had an still do a tounge of a snake an a scar from where my father cut me across my left eye all because i liked guys,anyway my team an i were headed to a location for set up so we could spy


Dungeons & Adders CH5

The crew laughed as they watched the otter being brutalized, unaware of the small group of otters silently spying on them from the water's edge.

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Leo and Tigress Chapter 2 Tigress

"i'm going on a spy mission." she said looking him dead in the eye. "we-well where?" he asked to shocked to notice claw coming up behind her. "in king biford's territory. i'm leaving to night."


Paper Dreams

The scene unfolded before the borzoi's flying fingers, poignant, breathtaking, the heroine leaping from a burning car as she fought off pursuing spies... "cut! okay, take five, people."

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Chimera - Chapter 8

Indeed, jack suspected that by spying on someone like so, he would draw attention. "oh shit, this was close. a little more, and i'd make a laughing stock of myself in front of him." he thought, disrupted.

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Fat Bunnies

He spies on them as they study for finals... this story is bullshit, isn't it?

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Service Station

The otter sighs but agrees as he pulls up into the gas station, spying a skunk manning the counter half asleep. "okay be quick, i don't feel like leaving and buying something just so you can go relieve yourself."



The city verdie has been nothing but the blues always spying one you and just invading your privacy. some think nothing of it and just go along with it. but those who fought against it were criminalized. spirit was one of them.

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Excerpt for upcoming story! =D

Although some tend to make a good living using their species' abilities, like the rats being spies and couriers using the sewers in the cities and the sorts, most tend to be gentle farmers or simple guards trying to pass by and make a coin.

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Eat and Grow

Already, you feel the eyes of the lesser sentients spying on your doings. their ambassadors are nervous, dancing around the topic as if they're afraid to make you angry. your goal is clear. you'd let it eat, grow and survive.

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Grey Wolf makes a Touhou manga.

Such a sequence of events had actually happened thrice before, and nearly every person spying from the outside world had either heard of or drawn those happenings.

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A Dragons Love

"really, are you from here or are you really a spy? i wouldn't mind if you were a spy, it would only be a little awkward. you know... with me being the general of this tribe and everything." he made me smile. "lucilla, why haven't we met before?

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