The Pain of Losing - Chapter three

The husky smiles happily nodding then the bell rings as the teacher arrives as it seems time to make rick pay but in the clean and sneaky way.

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[SFW] Squirrelly Days #021 - Yineh

Speaking of any word on where sneaky-su is? dasak: not that i know of. enky-su's fairly annoyed about how long she's staying gone.

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The Plains- Chapter 2: Trespassers

About how khyva always took consideration of the cubs first and did whatever it took to keep them safe... though it wasn't protection from the lions, it was about protecting them from hyenas and other sneaky predators out there that preyed on cubs.

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The Doctor's Curse [Commission]

He swore softly under his breath, he could have sworn that he was being sneaky, he could have sworn that the woman was unconscious, and for a moment his mind allowed him to entertain the idea of smothering her with he pillow if she did not release him, and

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 30

But then again, most wolves weren't of the sneaky persuasion. they were already inching closer, tightening the circle around them, many with weapons in hand. "stay back!" all the shouting was making ander's throat burn.

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Chapter 3 - The Beginning of War

"that sneaky little fox got me again..." zeke angrily walked back into the living room and plopped down on the couch. "i'm gonna get that fox..." he mumbled to himself. "zeke, come look at this!"

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Maycor and Demaeter

"demmy's sneaky, maycor's hyperactive. actually, they're _both_ sneaky and hyperactive. two pests..." "hatchlings are often like that," atlas replied. hopping up and down, demaeter waved her wings for attention.

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Restart Chp. 1

As a big grin appears on his face "when i pounced you, i pulled a sneaky ninja". shaking my head a little and gesturing him to open the door. "ok, ok." moving back so he can open it... walking inside the room to find it was a huge room.

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Gates to misery ch: 8

Luckily, zorua is the sneaky type, so she did help me stay hidden. at times, we did have to fight though. mostly when we thought we were in fact, near the bitter cold.

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Industrial Accident

His blue eyes narrowed as he looked around the room, his hefty frame crouched slightly in a vain attempt to be sneaky.

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Restart Chp. 1 [Re-upload]

As a big grin appears on his face "when i pounced you, i pulled a sneaky ninja". shaking my head a little and gesturing him to open the door. "ok, ok." moving back so he can open it... walking inside the room to find it was a huge room.

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{sneaky woman harriet is, remind me to not play chess with her. as i am certain lina did not suggest all of this}. he grabs a flat bread and starts chewing it, cheshire waits for swiftfoot to respond.

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