2540 Chapter 1

Across a clear path of the woods, a girl with a red coat and long black hair showed up, she made a scene walking across the forest like any agile feline, when she was about to reach the vehicle some one from the back seat came out opened the door and

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Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 29

" * * * this scene was a very difficult one to write.

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Waiting to be Human

The poignant scene is incuplable. the pair, neither immaculate nor concerned swear off all artifice of oath or vow, in one fine scene, they draw a finer union.

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Paper Dreams

Act ii, scene i--a pivotal turning point in the narrative building up to the _denouement_. something grand, something splashy. a horde of invading zombie birds. no, that was overplayed. heartbreak! lovers torn apart by betrayal.

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Kingdom Digimon-Chapter 1: A New Adeventure and A New Awakening

Also i would like to put up 3 reminders: 1. the music for scenes will be centered in italics and 2. it takes me while to write up these chapters because i have hardly any free time write now.

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 18

Things heat up very quickly this chapter, and i finally introduce the first explicit scene of the story. i have a placeholder for now that represents where the explicit scene would go in the story.

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Alpha and Omega - Howl With Me

And instantly fell in love with the love on a train scene._ _for those of you who have seen the deleted scene where kate gets the chills from humphry's (notably awesome) howl, this will make more since to you.

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Tis the season for giving after all.

You start running for any sort of cover from this hellish scene your foot sinks between a few stray stands of carpet and hold tightly tripping you over with laughable ease as you pull and tub at the cable like strands of red.

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The Convention

Despite all that, the thing that draws the attention of those members of the public who just happen to stumble upon the scene are the costumes.

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Raiyev Part 9

This was also the day, as raiyev was told that morning by his fiancée, that brad was to be questioned about everything he witnessed at the scene yesterday.


It's All In The Eyes

Each peal of thunder and flash of light piercing the tall windows caught the shards of glass, flashing the floor with hundreds of points of light as four pairs of sharp eyes searched over the scene of disarray.

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The Journey to Acceptance Pt. 1 Reworked

Idk if i will do sex scenes until later on in the story as i myself am a virgin (and proud!!!) and don't know how to approach said scenes. anyway let me know what u think of this first part.
