Tis the season for giving after all.

Story by matt-the-mutt on SoFurry

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a story because, i had nuffin better to do! and birthday in 4 days! :D (30th dec <3)

Padding down along the street with a wide grin caused from a scene of power keeping him warm on this cold winters day, even as a few cars passed down the road along side, each with different amounts of people going to their own predetermined destinations with the only thing being in common with them being the wonderful warmth produced from their fancy panty air conditioning. looking towards the next car coming along the road the mutt stops dead in his tracks, eyes following the car down the street like a wold tracking his prey. he raises a single arm while manipulating his fingers into a mock gun shape, pointing the outstretched finger at the car he flicks it back and just like that the small blue hatchback with just the single person on board disappears, only leaving a suddenly stopping set of tire tracks that seemingly suddenly stop. giving a renewed smile the brown furred mutt resumes his trot down the road giving the odd wave or hello to the odd passer by, his mind imaging the possibilities of what his latest adventurer would get up to. ************************************************************* idly humming to the radio as you head don the quiet street Your eyes fix upon a young looking canine anthro, raising his hand it looks like the stranger is going to wave to you. shrugging it off and focusing back onto the road just as a white blinding light envelops you for a split second, you slam on the break in a panicked response with the sound of squealing wheels being the last thing you hear as you slump onto the steering wheel. You awaken again still in the car with a groan looking around with heavily clouded vision you can only just make out towers around you reaching into the unknown over you as well as countless other cars around you, a more disturbing fact being that you are now in a totally different part of town as well as the apparent total lack of people.

You're grip on the wheel loosens as you feel the car wobble slightly on its suspension only to be repeated time and time again with each wobble getting slightly more noticeable to you. With your vision clearing up you take another look around Your surroundings, Your heart starts racing as the buildings around you are simple items of furniture, a bed ahead of you and a sea of red carpet all around. The cars around you looking a lot more hollow and, plastic. Not to mention a very familiar scent that has started to penetrate every opening of You're far from air tight vehicle

Taking a grip at the door handle to leave you stop as a darkness envelops you and the surrounding area, looking upwards out of the windscreen you are simply lost for words as from the heavens a solid wall of a single socked foot paw rushes down, causing the shadow around you to shrink in size as you take in every detail of the socked sole, the vibrant rainbow of fabric slightly dimmer around the heal with the fabric near the toes so worn that that black sole pad is clearly visible inside as each toe flexes quickly around its self.

A shock wave causes the windows of your car to shudder and any loose plastic to rattle as the foot slams down next to you and on top of the plastic cars next to you, seeing them being over taken by a wave of sock till disappearing completely from view. The air pressure escalating around you causing your ears to pop and the distinct earthy smell of unclean foot after countless days forcing its way into You're surroundings.

Shaking You're head quickly and yanking at the handle you push the drivers side door open and clamber out onto the carpet looking upwards and seeing that paw raise once again and move position, throwing caution to the wind you bolt out from your car and into the open with arms frailing franticly shouting for any sort of attention from above still looking up the towering jeans clad legs and towards this monsters face. Only able to see the white underside of a muzzle till the thing looks down directly towards you with a wide grin over that slender fox like muzzle, yellow highlights around the tips of his ears, wide eyes looking down at you made all the more defined because of the black fur around them.

Still looking upwards Your heart sinks as that stinking foot glides back towards the ground and this time heads directly to your car, you are forced to watch onwards as the sock covered heal makes contact with the solid roof on your car. It would be laughable to anyone else to watch as that foot presses down without a care, the sound of shattering glass and groaning metal only reaching your ears as the fleshy heal presses down and completely flattens the metal can.

The foot continues over taking the little model vehicles before lifting up once more, the plastic cars sticking to the massive sole still holding their own shape unlike Your tiny transport is now mealy flat pancake stuck onto the godly appendage.

You start running for any sort of cover from this hellish scene your foot sinks between a few stray stands of carpet and hold tightly tripping you over with laughable ease as you pull and tub at the cable like strands of red. In the distance something takes Your eye and it all suddenly clicks into place, a camera the size of a house with a solid red light and the black lens watching you silently.

The sound of fabric rubbing against fabric attracts your attention as you look upwards once again, fingers grabbing at the top of the sock and pulling it downwards, soon exposing the supple red furred sole of this unaware fur, the black pads spotted with yellow specks each the size of yourself. This image burning into You're mind as it is quickly replaced with that damned sock, now dropping down on top of you and Your surroundings. Your scenes are instantly dominated by it as everything goes dark heat and humidity quickly getting to you and with each breath the only air you get is tainted by an ungodly stink of foot, you should and scream for some one or some god to save you.

Pulling at the thick still warm strands of sock you manage to poke your head from out of the fabric prison gasping for whatever air you can even though it is still thick with that dominating smell. You can only scream once more as the freshly exposed toes wiggle just over you, causing a rain of small bits of fluff to descend upon you before those toes drop down to you. Everything going dark as the pressure starts to become to much for you, you close your eyes tightly awaiting whatever happens next.

On the cameras side its all been watched and recorded, still watching as the toes clench tightly around the discarded sock and lifts it skyward, taking the cars from the floor and out of view as well as the additional unintended little adventurer. The video would only be seen by that playful foxes' boyfriend the little object being only just visible, but it must have been some stupid bug that only served to make the boyfriends viewing experience that little bit more real.

************************************************************* reaching down into his large jacket pocket that mutt's fingers ideally fidget with the two cars in his own pocket along with the terrified occupants. He just loved to take a few cars to play with, but it would be selfish to have all the fun to his self. It is the season for giving after all.

Leaving the city (macro)

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A day at work

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