Cyber Born Chapter 2 "Variety"
Chapter 2 "variety" okiniwa, one of most criminal infested island in the world was now under the watch of a teenage robot, although many criminals didn't take him seriously.
Holiday Special
I wanted to smash the robot." calex pouted. "i mean- bamf! "yes! robot smashing!" calex paused as he looked at his surroundings. he was just in front of the workshop now. "what?" "we made it back!"
Chapter IV: The Nox and the Hydrosphere, Part Two
The robotic crocodile walked to the center of the hydrosphere court and looked around.
Chapter II: Two Weeks and a Multiform
"exactly, what i would expect a robot to say. however, you had loyalty to me, i was your master and you abandoned me.
I checked and apparently the upgrade shop used medical grade robotics for him. given that i don't seem to be able to shut him off, i'm getting pretty concerned.
Endless Struggle: Chapter 1 SatAm fanfic
Hakuzo and tails are perched behind a large pile of robotic parts left out for junk. hakuzo sits back and watches the nearby swatbot factory, while keeping an eye out for any floating camera robots called spybots.
Not Self-Made
"so, does everyone on the team know ... about the robots?" "no. of course not. the identity of the robots is kept strictly secret ... except to those paying close attention. and i'm a very close attention-payer, as you know."
Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p4
"they're robots lieutenant." chase said, "they don't have fear. come on, we're out of this hell pit."
S2 Ep20 Saving Gaia pt1
Justin being cornered at the native wolf kingdom surrendered to the robots but was knocked out after being shocked badly in the back. the wolves then were taken to opal hq.
The End Of All
Switch watched with enraptured curiosity as the lycanesque robot simulated a deep, contemplative sigh. "you can die."
Venturing: Filling Memory
Thus yang broke the silence and turned towards me, her arms undoing "seems like we got a visual of how the robot was moving." "how?"
Chapter V: Consequences and the World Above
When qz saved all our asses, no a single person said a single thank you to him because he was a robot." the captain said making a point as he explained. "and what do you think qz honestly cares, he is a robot a fully fledged robot.