NMH_ No more Humans

Years would pass and pokemon and humans would have a relations that seemed would never break but like all cood things, they always have to come to an end.

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Plot of Mission Earth

A voice appears in lela's head and says to her that erik is going to be alright, but she tends to disbelieve, since she saw the blow (in fact she was relatively close to erik when she saw the blow [lets say about 15 ft. approx. 5 meters].

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Ferina III - A Note from the Author

But being bigger and smarter (dragons are said to have intelligence quotients many times the average of every other sentient race), the dragons are only united by individual ties and personal relation.

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Love, Loss, and Spilled Coffee

But all in all it was rather...well, perhaps not amicable, but at the very least relatively peaceful.


Dons Nation 2 - Week 3

Next week will not be a home game for the dons, so expect something fspn related for that time.

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Divisions, Chapter Two: Family Meeting (partial)

We listen to the murmur of conversation in the room, and i think about how different my relationship with all my relatives is.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)

Thankfully, the pod was relatively well behaved, responding to the jury-rigged controls like a tamed horse.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV

Thankfully, the pod was relatively well behaved, responding to the jury-rigged controls like a tamed horse.

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 10

Thurston exclaimed as he started the train and they started chugging along relatively quickly. nathan wasn't expecting the sudden take off, but he managed to recover relatively quickly. "i do hope you enjoy yourself!" he added. "o-okay..." he said.

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Anthrobird considerations

related to this, tv will be different; raptor eyes 'see' more 'images' per second than human, so the threshold for smooth animation motion is higher.

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Timber & Arctic CH2

Other than his relatives, he's surprised that his social skills are kicking in like if it was normal for him despite him all shy and timid that hunter could see, or is it because hunter is an easy-going wolf.

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Lord of Arms- Chapter 7

She's like my distant, distant relative on my mother's side." arthur spoke, while driving into a parking lot. after parking, he and will stepped out.

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