Be Careful What You Wish For As It Can Come True chapter one
pre-story long ago when the building's of triangle origin where young the wishing dragon made wishes come true for those who deserved it the unlucky one's who made fun of the lucky one's where changed by there deed into a baby infant to be raised on new mommy
Michael Flehmen - Character Detail
********************************************************************************************************************************************** **michael flehmen** species/race:stallion sex: male age: 27 height: 6' 10'' **summary/backgroud** **pre-story
Sergeant Aleksander’s Backstory by Alpha Wolfio
Before the eeveelutions came into being, there were eevees, which were the pre-evolved forms of the current eeveelutions. the eevees were a tall fox-human race and were inventing philosophical ideas about life and morality.
Sharp-Claw! Friend or Foe?
She put down her bag of meals, raised her fists and pre-pared for a fight. "i refuse to give anything to the likes of you"!
Sand Kitty Movies
He nodded deeply, almost a bow, and turned to finish his pre-party duties. the fox mistress sighed as she watched her coyote walk off, thinking of all the naughty things they were to do later at the party.
Am I In Love?
When he turned on the hot water, he gained a tiny blush from the heat, water ran down from his long cream hair to his tails, 15 minutes later he came out dripping wet, having a towel around his waist, he looked through his closet looking for an pre-made outfit
Chapter Eighteen
Dad laughed and stepped forwards before katy wiggled from my grasp, with her nearly empty bottle hanging from her mouth she jumped into her grandfather's arms and quickly settled down to finish her pre-breakfast snack.
Nice to Seat You ch 1.6
:b this first set of episodes has been posted on my patreon as a pre-release reward for $10 supporters, and will be released publicy in the coming weeks. i do hope you enjoy.
Nice to Seat You Ch 1.3
:b this first set of episodes has been posted on my patreon as a pre-release reward for $10 supporters, and will be released publicy in the coming weeks. i do hope you enjoy.
TCN Interview, Robert Orr
As with all individual interviews, this one follows a pre established set of questions. if you have questions that were not asked here, please feel free to leave them below and we will add them to the list of viewer asked questions.
Esilym: Lost 2
"this mural looks like a pre-ascension relic and yet also modern piece. either this temple is an imitation of the old ways or it's a missing link in our history, possibly all of chalakdoluv history..."
New Trainer on the Block (Gardevoir TF/TG) [COM]
Most pokemon trainers started their adventures when in their pre-teen-teen years or if they didn't generally stayed home and more often than not had pokemon for a pet. tom and danny weren't like the others.