Sand Kitty Movies

Story by FoxyCyote on SoFurry

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Hey there! This is for my sand kitty! He calls me Miss for a reason, and no, this is not the same feline from "For Kitten" totally different person and species!

Also, I am tempted to do a story with all of my pets together, however it is still on the back burner for now! Please enjoy!

Story ~ FoxyCyote

Characters ~ Fox Mistress-FoxyCyote Aussie-Osaka


"Aussie! Come down quick or we will miss the movie!" A bright orange and black fox stood at the bottom of an impressive set of stairs. She wore a simple tight black T-shirt and jeans, black name brand sneakers covering her small feet. Her tail moved impatiently back and forth, the small jewelry wrapped around it jingling.

"Coming Miss!" A small slightly squeaky voice was heard from upstairs.

"Mistress, everything is ready for your party this evening, are guest allowed in before you return?"

The fox turned to the tall built coyote behind her, a smirk on her face as she responded sarcastically. "No let them sit in the weather. Of course! They are welcome to come in!" She laughed and hugged the sheepishly smiling coyote. "Now, remember, no one is allowed upstairs. Not until I return."

"Yes Mistress." He nodded deeply, almost a bow, and turned to finish his pre-party duties.

The fox mistress sighed as she watched her coyote walk off, thinking of all the naughty things they were to do later at the party. She had quite a few people coming over for this auction. She herself didn't need any more pets, but she had drawn the short stick with her friends and had to host the gathering. She had yet to tell Aussie, she knew how he hated these auctions. She had bought him at one, his bright sad blue eyes had called to her in a strange way.

Just then a small desert cat scampered down the stairs jolting her from her dark thoughts. A bright blue shirt, red jacket, and cargo shorts covered him. His eyes were young and dancing as always, ready to go have fun with his Mistress. "Here I am Miss!"

"Hurry, we're going to be late." The fox sang a hasty goodbye to the other inhabitants of the house and strolled hand in hand with the small cat to her car.

Aussie bounced in his seat, excited to see the newest movie in his favorite series. "Oh Miss I'm so excited! I can't wait to see if..."

His voice trailed on as the fox looked for a parking space, swearing and stomping the brakes as a young child ran out and away from their parents. "Damnit! Stupid kid." She looked over to see her kitten, his eyes pleading and a tad fearful. "Sorry Aussie, didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay Miss." He fiddled with the end of his jacket nervously. His ears tipped back and his tail tucking the best it can being that he was sitting.

"Oh Aussie, cheer up I wasn't yelling at you. You know that." The fox Mistress parked the car midway through the parking lot and turned to the small desert cat before taking off her seatbelt. She tenderly took his chin in her paw, turning his blue eyes to her green. "Aussie, listen to me, we've been over this. I will never yell at you. You are my itty bity kitty." She smiles and places a chaste kiss on his nose, ruffling the fur between his ears before stepping out of the car.

The tan and black marked feline hopped out of the car quickly running to the fox's side. He wrapped a small paw around hers and walked beside her to the ticket booth. "Miss I'm so excited! May I have popcorn?" His round blue eyes looked up to her and begged silently.

"This is a treat, of course you can." She smiled and walked briskly towards the concession stand. Ordering a large popcorn and medium soda, she looked at him to ask if that was all he wanted. He bit his lip and pointed to his favorite gummy fish treat. The fox laughed and asked for two boxes.

She watched him munch on the fish and popcorn as they made their way to the correct showroom. Laughing at the way he got so excited and nearly knocked people over with how fast his tail moved back and forth. His ears moving like a blur, trying to take in all the sight and sounds. She reached gently for his paw and led him to a seat in the very back row, soothingly petting his head while the commercials played.

Once the movie started he stared, slightly open mouthed and barely blinking at the screen. The fox was uninterested in the movie. Just watching bits and pieces here and there so she knew the basics of the plot, knowing the kitty would be talking about it for weeks. He smiled and laughed and jumped at all the right parts. Truly enjoying himself, and she was glad.

Once the movie was over, and Aussie's sugar high turned into a crash, she led him back to her car, driving home carefully as she listened to him sleepily talk about what had happened. "I'm so glad we went to a movie! I don't remember the last time I had so much fun!" The sandy colored kitty leaned over and nuzzled her arm. "I want to hug you forever!" He all but whispered, fighting his sleep.

"I am glad we went as well, you deserved it. I'm sure we can hug later after you've had a nap." She gently pet his head as she pulled into the driveway, cars already parked throughout the grounds. "Aussie, I have a meeting tonight. You are welcome to come down after your nap, but you may not want to."

"One of those meetings Miss?" He asked weary, unsure of how to react.

"Yes, I will be coming up to check on you every hour for hugs and snuggles though." She smiled at him and gave him a small kiss on the side of his muzzle.

"Okay Miss, nap and then snuggles later?" His sleepy eyes full of trust, asking for a silent promise.

"Of course Aussie, snuggles after your nap."


Threesome in the playroom. Pt1

One story before I head to bed tonight. ;) Hope you all enjoy! Please, do not use my characters without permission! Also, the behind the scenes, I actually was discussing this possibility with a few pets of mine. Soooo this is what I imagine it would...

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The Dark Room

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A Day Out

This is something special for my yote pet. Enjoy! \<3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Welcome to Parle Restaurant! How many? "Reservation for Madam Cyote." "Oh of course! Right this way Miss-" "Its Madam dearie." The young female...

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