The City of Firmament
A woman rose to the position in 131, clearing the streets of crime and laying down good laws that the people respected. this woman was sandra good.
3:18 The Hand Of God
Likewise, you could hold a high position of authority, but if others were controlling _you_ and calling the shots, what power did you truly have? the ability to manipulate and control went beyond any account number or political position.
The Scout
She slowly leaned her bulbous form over to speak with someone unseen, then back to an upright position. "my specialist agrees strongly with this possibility.
We Cannot Save them All
First squad, i want you to flank the southern edge of their position, the dead space between buildings should allow you to approach without receiving much direct fire.
Minimum Wage Wrestling #10
Dragon gets out of it and both get back to their feet before they both get the same idea of a dropkick on the other, they both miss, but pounce back up to keep their position.
Task Force Omega - Prologue: The Breaking Point
Not that this lower position would help him if an artillery shell got too close, but it was still the most sensible thing to do. the artillery barrage shook the ground.
NAFSCAR: How it works
By the 2010 rules, after 26 races, the top twelve drivers in the points standings are locked into the top twelve points positions and their points are essentially reset to an equal amount.
The Royal Treatment
Eric would have liked to remain in that position a lot longer. it was so relaxing and there were few things in the world he enjoyed more than lazing about. but he was getting hungry. his belly needed food.
Renewal of babies chap 3
Instinctively, her small hind feet curved up as if she were in a fetal position, and her soft paws moved onto her mother's breast to, in a way, stimulate more milk to feed her hunger.
Rafael Hayes joins the FBA
His position will be small forward/power forward.
OC Draft: Isaac Aridesh
He made fairly decent grades in high school to earn the gpa in order for him to pursue an art degree, then was offered a position as an art teacher when grant's pass high school was purging the inefficient staff members and apparently a position became open
Staying in fifth-position, tj played the notes again, listening for the sour sounds, and watching the tuner. moving his fingers millimeters at a time to get the green light, he checked his tuning and played the section again. and again.