Orken's Diary (5/???)
Estabamos discutiendo los planes de viaje y yo me fui de la cafetería porque tenia que ir a hablar con el coordinador sobre una materia, cuando iba de regreso a la cafetería que encontre con unos sujetos en el camino, los reconocí porque ellos estaban en el
Digimon masters Ch.4 teaming up with tony and everything goes wrong.
Talking about how fat he is and if he push him down the hill he'll just keep on bouncing down the hill and i have to keep trying to stop gabumon from shooting a attack at him when we finally made it there dorumon just stayed quiet i guess tony and him was planing
Nitro: i don't know much about planes. cars yeah... silver: oh. there's the pain. nitro: i think we should call it a day. end transmiss- aniro: do you wanna get sued?! then again, what should we say?
OR: Fenyks
**species name** : fenyks **origins/homeworld** : multiple worlds and planes; born from the union of ralkya and phoenix. **average height** : 6'0 to 7'1 **average lifespan** : 140 years **intelligence level** : sentient, literate.
The Unthinkable
No planes are flying in dropping bombs...and nothing shows up on the search! shadow: i would ask to investigate sir...but along with everyone else here, that would be suicide as to which country could blow up next is beyond me.
2 Worlds - The Beginning
"this time am goin to thake shortcut thru woods" mark planed woule plan in his mind and started walking thru woods when he heard some thing fall from sky and sow little explosen when that thing hitted ground.
Legend of Spyro - Sins of the Past - Chapter 1: End of darkness
The battle was over, war behind, yet darkness is still increasing as the covexitybeam lighting the area with purple light, still connecting these two planes weakened.
Max and David Ch 5
"oh sweety its okay, i miss him too." she said "i just feel like some times that when i get up he'll be in the kitchen making breakfast." he said "me too." she said "its weird, i was planing on telling him that day.
Dreamers: Prologue
There are those of us who are tied to different planes of existence, whether this is 'magic' or a single soul being shared between two people i still don't know. but, we hold lives in our hands and we are vital, no matter what anyone says.
Love Unknown Chaprter 5 The Wedding
I promise you, i will protest, cherish and love you mind, body and soul as long as i draw breath from this great plane and eve in the planes to come. you, yumiko are my all without you i shall perish."
Chapter 3
Then it went back down to the units, who sounded klaxons, and finally planes were airborne...
Hypnovember Day 12 - Program
"nope," chance said, already scrolling through the brightly coloured menu and examining the rotating models of jet planes. it was impressively comprehensive. as soon as he selected one - the closest one to the turbokat, naturally - he was in the game.