Love Unknown Chaprter 5 The Wedding
#4 of Love Unkown
As the days passed and turned to weeks, and even further to months; the two got closer and even deeper in love. As Yumiko had said the females of the tribe had come around. Most had settled with other males and quickly had children. Finally the day came for the two to consecrate their union, and become one physically.
Reven and Yumiko wake in their bed roll. Reven peacefully watches his beloved Yumiko as she sleeps. He leans in and nuzzles her "Wake up my sweet. Our Marriage rite is today," he whispers. Yumiko stirred nuzzling him, "mmm, Morning my love. The timing couldn't be better," she replies to him. Her sapphire hues gaze into his yellow loving gaze "tonight we make the attempt at a family, but today we get united." They purr as he slips out of their bed; "I have to go make preparations Mi-Dear. Your job is to stay here in the tent or go to the cove we met in." He smiles, kissing her softly "see you soon Mi-Love," he purrs before slipping out into the tribe's camp. Little did he know part of his preparation would be testing his loyalty to its limit. As part of the rite he would be left in a room alone in a room full of horny females, all in heat and unmated. He passes telling each one, "I love Yumiko. She is my world, my only desire." He had no desire to mate with these females. His only desire was to make Yumiko his forevermore. As the sun set he entered his father's tent. He asks "how many males actually take part in that breeding grounds you sent me through?" "Nearly all do my son," The tribal king replies.
Reven's mother was not in his father's tent. "Where is mother;" asked Reven. "She has gone to prepare your bride seeing her mother is part of the next life," his highness responded. "Reven, my boy, I wish to tell you something. When you and your betrothed were but younglings her tribe and ours had a treaty. We would protect each other. As the times passed we lost contact with each other. I am glad she survived; I worry now that her tribe is gone. That ours could be next. My son, I am not casting you out but it is time your lady and you conjoin our tribes making one. It shall be the Silver Shadow Tribe. You two will make traditions from both her ways and ours. With this said my son let us make haste we must dress you for your wedding." He stands handing his son a set of ram skin trousers with a ferret skin vest. Reven striped and change.
Yumiko and the Shadow tribe Queen sat in Reven's tent. "Young Yumiko, you are as beautiful your mother. You and Reven have always been close. I was please to see he had chosen you to settle down with. I will do the role the your mother should of done. It's unfortunate that she couldn't be here to witness this. Yumiko, you and Reven shall make a new tribe one stronger and better than any Therian tribe before. Now the time has come for you to dress in a dress suited for a Queen to be married in." She hands her a soft rabbit fur dress. Yumiko Dresses in the ceremonial gown. Standing there she purrs. "Beautiful just like your mother," the Queen exclaims. Yumiko blushes "thank you Your Highness," she states with a respectful bow of her head.
The sun has set. It was time. A Large celebratory fire erected in the center of the encampment. Reven steps out and stands in front of his tent. Yumiko steps out, taking Reven's paw. She smiles and turns, ready to walk forward. Reven's eyes go wide as he sees her. Gathering himself mentally he whispers to her "You look marvelous my Goddess." She replies to him with a deep purr. They stood before the King and Queen. The Queen raises her hand to make the gathered crowd turn quiet. When they had the King spoke loud and clear. "In my many years I have performed and seen performed this ceremony. None of them can compare to the one you are about to witness. Never before have I seen such love and devotion as these two possess. Merely children when they first met; to withstand years of separation to manage to come to this date; this point in time. It is truly a sign of greatness they behold. After this day they will be one on all levels. I also am proud to say they will be embarking on making a new tribe; the tribe will be called the Silver-Shadow Tribe, in memory of our fallen sister clan. Now on with it." The King takes a small pause smiling at the couple whispering "and yes I saw the love you held as children." His voice booming once more he says "Reven and Yumiko, this is your last chance to step away, if you so choose. We will give you a moment of Silence to decide. If you are sure this is who you wish to with forevermore begin your speech of love starting with you Reven."
After a couple of minutes, Reven turns to his beloved Yumiko, "Yumiko, my Goddess, we met many moon passes ago. We played together as cubs. Our animal spirits were in love when we bonded with them. Perhaps they knew we were meant to be. We may have lost each other as children, but as adults we will never be apart. We shall hunt, eat and even more as we will be one forever. I asked you to my tent, I have asked you to be mine forever more. I promise you, I will protest, cherish and love you mind, body and soul as long as I draw breath from this great plane and eve in the planes to come. You, Yumiko are my all without you I shall perish." After professing his love and loyalty to Yumiko there was a brief silence.
A moment or two pass as she recovers from his speech. She looks to him purring, "Reven, you are all I desire, strong, loving, sweet and honest. In the years we grew I had always hoped to see you again. After the devastation I returned to after my bonding rite I feared I would be alone. You found me; you lifted my spirits and reactivated my heart. It's no wonder our guides' chose us we are as they are were made for each other. I offer myself to you as your lover. I promise to be by your side forevermore. I will forever be in your shadow." She steps in closer to him.
With their vows stated they King Boasts "Reven and Yumiko from this moment forward you are together forever. Thru all that may come. I pronounce you husband and wife. Reven may kiss your Yumiko and claim her this night physically if you haven't already."
The King turns to the crowd, "Let the feast begin," Reven and Yumiko kiss deeply pressing into each other.