Love Unkown Chapter 4 Reven & Yumiko’s Engagement

Reven smiles and purrs holding her close, "Then Mi-Lady tonight may we join our bedrolls?" She looks to him blushing, "Yes we may." Her voice confident as she replies to him. Together they purr and open his bedroll laying it flat; then they...

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Love Unknown Chapter 2 Yumiko's Admirer

Young Yumiko now dreaming peacefully was unaware of the shadowed being watching over the sleeping beauty. He watches her in awe. He to a young therian dark leopard. He snuck off leaving the sweet young beauty, whose roar sparked his...

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Love Unkown Chapter one Yumiko's discovery

Deep in her thicket the young Therian leopardess sat scared and now alone, with her tribe gone. She cried, her heart heavy, weeping for her lost family. After seeing the devastation of her tribe obliterated and finding herself the only...

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Love Unknown Chapter 3 Lover’s Unit

Yumiko stores her herbs in her pack. She looks around and sighs softly, seeing no sign of her admirer. She eats a portion of her gathered berries purring her thick fluffy tail wrapping about her waist. When she finished her meager...

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Love Unknown Chaprter 5 The Wedding

As the days passed and turned to weeks, and even further to months; the two got closer and even deeper in love. As Yumiko had said the females of the tribe had come around. Most had settled with other males and quickly had children. ...

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