The story of Shadow and the pup

Shadow's pack had red eyes, black fur, and even the marks. but not like shadows different pack, the guard wolves we have, they are not part of that pack. they are only born like that. a birth mark. but those wolves- their marks held power.

Spreading the Shine Further (1/2)

Is there something going on with the pack that i should know about?" "oh no, the pack is fine now that we have the saber tooth problem under control," vritrax explained.

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The Stray Cat, Ch. 2

Government did not exist here: the pack paid off figures of power to get them to turn a blind eye. there was no real law, only the pack's decrees, and its thugs were the enforcers of these rules.

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Life From A New Perspective - Chapter Six - Law of Equivalent Exchange

He started forward with me by his side out to the pack, our pack. there were murmurs and questions of what was going on. we sat down and reenin raised his head. "baldur was attacked by reaver and his pack members."

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Seekers Tale part 3

"well in most packs that may be true. but remember, i created this pack myself, so what does it matter what other packs think." he stands there for a second thinking. "so the rest of your pack knows? and they don't care?"

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First Fatality And Funeral

The blazewood pack, being a very old pack, had developed a very special, personal form of rite for the dead that nonetheless involved the entire pack.

First Moon 3: New Developments

A grey furred wolf said to his pack leader. the wolfs name was owen he was the smallest in the pack of eight wolves. despite his size he fought with ferocity.

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The Wolf of Ragnorok

You have done a great deed today, kaminari, pack of my pack. i will see you after ragnorok \*\*\*

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His pack mates brought back food for him from their kills, but he barely ate. on the night of the new moon, his pack downed a moose. the flesh tasted wrong on his tongue. the flavor lingered like guilt over a broken taboo.

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aleu new dad part 2

''. raven smiles and hugs aleu . 3 weeks later jenna and raven get married. then 4 weeks later jenna get preagnet its now a new beggining. aleu and the pack then howls to the night sky.

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The Storm (Chapter 1)

Jet pack guy, take charge of securing the food supplies, with plentiful seed stores, but not all in the same place, just in case." jet pack guy nodded. " i'll see it done, ma'am." "still, there may be hungry days," said aunt arctic.