The story of Shadow and the pup

Story by Sissthiath Blackfang on SoFurry


#9 of A Wolf's Last Gift

The story of Shadow and the pup

It was morning now that Silver woke up. He ...

The story of Shadow and the pup

It was morning now that Silver woke up. He didn't realize he went back to sleep when he got home but he remember seeing his father attacking his brother. He looked in his cave and saw only Terra and Shadey. Silver thought to himself. "Liki must be on his quest from our elders. Well I hope he fixes what he now may lose my brother forever."

Silver decided to visit one of the elders and see what he thinks of this. Since Silver is an alpha, he gets advice from the elders from time to time. They sometimes help the alpha. He came over to one of the elders and bowed down low. He then sat down and looked at the elder. Just before Silver was going to speak the old wolf broke the silence. "You are here because of the dreams you been having with Shadow, Yes?" the elder said. "Well... yes I am. I want to know about a certain dream I had with him just last night." The elder looked at Silver with his hazed yellow eyes and sighed. "You're here because your father in the spirit world might have killed you brother. Well to tell you the truth Shadow is fine. He's hurt but your father lost. Remember Shadow, to us is, the Wolf God that watches over this pack. Shadow is.... Never mind." Silver looked at the elders. "Shadow is what?" Silver pushed, wanting to know more.

The elder looked at Silver. "You'll need to know sooner or later I guess. Shadow was in one of the most strongest packs in the lands we live. They lived over on the other side of the mountain range. Not the one Shadow was excuted to, but just past that. But he was in the strongest packs, no wolf dared enter their territory. If you did you would never return- you'd be killed. They traveled in great numbers. Shadow's father was their Alpha. Shadow's pack had red eyes, black fur, and even the marks. But not like Shadows different pack, the guard wolves we have, they are not part of that pack. They are only born like that. A birth mark. But those wolves- their marks held power. Power that the Wolf God himself gave them. But then a few months after Shadow was born, a horrible fire killed the rest of the pack." Silver interrupted. "So the only ones that survived were Shadow's father- for the moment, that is- and died. The only one left unharmed was Shadow." The elder looked at Silver. "Yes that's right." The elder knew Silver saw part of this story. Silver smiled. "So Liki's on his quest to fix what he's done." "Yes...Yes he is." Silver nodded. "Thank you... I feel at ease knowing more of Shadows pack and that he's safe." The elder looked at Silver and smiled "You're welcome, my alpha."

Silver walked back the way he had come. As he walked the image of Terra playing with Shadey a little came into view. Silver smiled at the two and sat down. Shadey walked over and looked at Silver with his red eyes. Silver knew that his son looked like Shadow. Silver looked back and Shadey pounced on Silver but landed wrong and hurt its paw. The young wolf yelped and whimpered to Terra. The corner of Silver's mouth quirked up in a sympathetic fashion. "If he can withstand being attacked by a fox, then he can withstand what has yet to come."

Silver got up and roamed; he watched the omegas run and bring down a deer. Now that Spring is here, the hunt was plentiful. Silver kept walking slowly and he came to a waterfall and watched the water rush down. He thought to himself for a moment, smiled and lay down and took a nap the sound of the water lulled Silver. As he slept, he dreamed.

Silver was by the waterfall; he thought for a second he was up but he noticed the blood on the grass. He bent his head down and smelled it, the scent of Shadow lingered. He looked up suddenly and Shadow seemed to be sitting on the moon. Shadow howled a deep, crooning howl only a wolf would give when he had won a battle. Shadow turned and jumped down to the ground and landing in front of Silver. "Hello big brother. I assume you can tell what has happened, right?" Silver saw blood dripping and spoke. "He's dead....but then that means you're free." Shadow growled. "Free? I'm not free! I'm dead, remember? I'm a free spirit but I'm never free- unless the wolf god lets me live again- which may never happen. It's been three months since my death now." Shadow sighed. "I see Shadey and Liki are growing up fast." Shadow sighed bitter-sweetly. Silver saw Shadow's face, the emotion. "Yeah, they sure are. Shadey is more like you and well, Liki's like me and Terra. I don't know why Shadey's like you more, though. I could never place it." Shadow looked down.

"I mated with Terra. Sasha didn't want a pup. So I wanted to continue the bloodline of my kind. I only wanted to know I let a life into the world. That's why I'm protecting him as much as I can." Silver understood now he only did it to further his pack's survival. "Shadow... I understand. It's ok. And by the way you so enjoyed it." "Enjoyed what?" "Mating with Terra." "Um... Yeah I did but why do you want to know?" "Oh, no reason, never really did do stuff." Shadow rolled his eyes. "You always liked knowing things." Silver grinned as he woke up. He yawned and still, the grin didn't disappear and thought to himself. "So Shadey's not my real son? Huh.... I wonder if Terra knows? But I'm not going to tell Shadey but yet, I see where Terra's genes take place. Terra and Shadow made Shadey. Huh. I thought it was impossible but, oh well, at least Shadow is happy."

Silver made his way home; a kill was being eaten and terra saved a nice big piece just for him. He smiled gratefully at her and sat down to eat his meal