Fallen Leaf

The feline had a guitar case next to him, and he too was writing in a notepad; lyrics and the music to play along with them, no doubt. she walked by. a stunning, fashionable woman.

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Notes - Prologue

Otto opened his notebook and found a folded paper laying on top. he turned it over in his paws, looking at it curiously before finally unfolding it. _lunch?_ that was all it said, and he stared at the delicately written note in a studious manner.

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Vorish Interview

Been able to reach him- -i call him for the interview and he says yes-says my boss -he lives near of manhattan you can walk to his house please you are a flamedramon you're very slim and fast this is a opportunity you can not refuse- i took my armor, my notebook

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sora's love part 2

After lunch they all went outside to chat tails said that he forgot his notebook and would be right back when he was gone silver said "i can see it" "see what?"


Foot in the Door

Two halves of an nra card fall out of one of the notebooks. numbers and names scratched out. i lay the items out onto the mattress. no land line in the house. in one last desperate bid for signal, i wave my cell in the air. nothing.

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A journey through the darkness and the light, a step beyond the worlds we know and into the worlds we imagine the true tale of Jake Wolf

I blinked as i realized that most of our classmates must have gone to other colleges and pulled out a notebook as some song lyrics started flowing into my thoughts.

Chapter 2: An Eerie Visitor

My lips turn down, just faintly, as i let my gaze roam further along, then return it to my notebook. there's no way he can project, i know he's not an astra.

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Anima: The Camping Trip Chapter 1

He said, closing up the notebook. "can do. catch you in a few days, then. i owe you one for this," russ turned away from the plane after ted gave a short wave of his fingers. as we walked to the edge of the gravel, the plane roared to life.

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Nightmare: Chapter 1

That's why i decided to start this journal and lay out the whole mess the old fashioned way, and nothing is more old fashioned and reliable than a good notebook and an ink pen.

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His Only Happy Ending

Markus put his pen down and stared dimly at the notebook. another message of sorrow, penned to release the pain. as always it helped little, it was simply something to do.

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Raptor Poof

She reached over for a notepad and a pencil to write down the company's website and the promotional code from the tv advertisement. "blue looks sexy in that diaper, don't you think?"

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A Silent Soul- Chapter 8

Grabbing my notebook and a pencil from my bag i quickly started jotting down the notes... only to realize i knew everything that was currently on the slide.

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