A Silent Soul- Chapter 8
#8 of A Silent Soul
Chapter 8 :)
Good morning you furs! I know this is probably like the weirdest upload time in the history of uploads but I'm currently sitting in the airport with nothing to do for 45 minutes so I figured might as well the next chapter up! We get to meet one of Elijah's friends from high school this chapter, who actually represents a good friend of mine who has been giving me advice on the story. I promised him a cameo, so here it is! I know he's reading this, and you know who you are. Thanks for everything. :P If this chapter seems a bit odd just know it's being fueled by coffee at 4 in the morning! :D Hope you enjoy, see you at the bottom of the page! :D
Update: I felt awkward writing this on the plane so I stopped and waited till I got to my grandma's house, so the upload time isn't that whack. Although the first couple paragraphs were written at 4:30 while I waited for the plane so they might be screwy! Now get to reading! :D
I stepped out of the shower and grabbed my towel hanging from the rack, drying my fur out. I swear, I need one of those drying chambers that dries your furs in a couple seconds... would get me about 10 more minutes of sleep every morning.
I sighed grabbing my brush to comb out the little knots that had made themselves at home in my thick fur. It was always a chore managing it, but it was worth it in the long run. Much more comfortable moving around, and it also scores you looks from others. After I finished grooming I got dressed and stepped back out into the room.
Jasper was still snoring away in his bed, as he didn't have a class until later. Lucky bastard I thought. I couldn't help but think back to the night before when Jasper and I watched the movie together.
I might not have paid attention the whole time, partly because I had no Idea what was going on and the other had something to do with being snuggled up to a very comfortable pillow in Jasper. The thing that shocked me the most about the whole thing was Jasper never got weirded out buy the situation, he actually seemed to enjoy it. Maybe there's a chance... I won't press him on it though.
Stealing one last glance at his sleeping form I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, closing it slowly behind me. I had chemistry this morning, one of my favorite subjects. I'd had an awesome teacher in high school and was looking forward to taking it again on the college level. There's just something about those elements that got me going.
Chuckling at that thought I weighed the possibility of being able to grab something to eat before class. My grumbling stomach seemed to second the idea, so I made a sharp left towards the dining hall. It was pretty empty surprisingly, and I got in line with the other early risers for eggs and sausage.
Speaking of early risers, a tap on my shoulder made me jump a little bit. Whirling around, my eyes lit up and ears perked as I recognized one of my good friends from high school.
"Sebastian! I didn't know you were going here! How have you been!" I asked overly excited, causing me to grab him in a hug. He returned the hug chuckling at my enthusiasm.
"I see you're still as hyper as always. I've been good, how are your classes going?" He asked. Sebastian was a black bobcat with white paws and gray tipped ears. He was pretty skittish around people and jumped at the slightest things, but once you got to know him he's actually very interesting and fun to talk to.
"Going good so far, I was on my way to chemistry when somebody got grumpy and demanded a detour." I stated glancing down towards my stomach. It growled back at me in response, and I shook my head. He nodded in understanding. Then unexpectedly he pulled me into another hug.
"I heard about what happened with your mom, I'm really sorry Elijah." He said softly. My entire demeanor displayed my depressed state as he brought the subject back to the surface. I nodded as he released me from the hug.
"If you wouldn't mind I'd like to come to the funeral with you." He asked.
"Of course you can come, I'll need all the support I can get." I told him solemnly.
"What time is the funeral? I want to know so I can be ready." He questioned.
"3:00. I'll probably pick you up around 2:30 though." I replied. Once we got through the depressing conversation we started talking about life and how our summer's went. We both did about the same thing; stayed home and played video games all day.
We somehow got onto the topic of classes when I realized I should be in class right now.
"Oh my god my class started 5 minutes ago! Listen meet me back here at lunch so we can talk more okay?"
He nodded, "Sorry for making you late." He said quietly.
"Don't worry about it, I'll just say I got lost on the way and the professor should let it slide. It's still technically the first day after all, just a different class." I replied. Waving goodbye I ran out the door and took off towards the chemistry building, trying not to be as late as I was going to be already.
Upon reaching the room, I noticed quickly that it was a lecture style class. The professor wouldn't care if I was late or not, the only thing I would be missing out on is early notes for being late.
Still I didn't want to be rude by just barging in like I owned the place, so I quietly pushed the door open and found a seat towards the back, not wanting to be noticed. Many turned their heads to acknowledge another presence entering the room, but swiveled back around to pay attention, or just act like they're paying attention, to the lecture.
Grabbing my notebook and a pencil from my bag I quickly started jotting down the notes... only to realize I knew everything that was currently on the slide. Every time she moved slides I got ready to write incase I saw something I didn't recognize, but after six slides I just dropped my pencil and closed my notebook. What a waste of time I thought.
The rest of the lecture dragged on and I couldn't help but think back to the night before once again. Jasper was so comfortable with me just leaning on him, and I even fell asleep on him! And he didn't move a muscle! That's gotta mean something... right?
I let my mind wander to other things for a while before the sight of everyone in front of me standing up informed me that the class was over. Glad that's over I thought as I walked out of the lecture hall.
I went back to the room to drop my stuff off before I went back to the cafeteria to meet with Sebastian. I noticed Jasper had left, assuming he must have gone to class. Shrugging I left the room again and made my way to the dining hall.
Walking inside I spotted Sebastian easily as he'd separated himself from the larger crowds. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder like he had to me this morning, and I got a very similar reaction. Worse actually as he nearly jumped out of his own pelt. I rubbed his head mockingly as he glared at me.
"Not funny. You know I'm jumpy." He scolded.
"I know, that's why I did it!" I laughed. He grumbled something inaudible which only made me laugh more until I saw a familiar face approaching us.
P.O.V. Change: Jasper
I filled my tray up with food as I'd missed breakfast while sleeping in and looked around for an empty table to sit at. Right as I decided on one a familiar laugh reached my sensitive ears causing them to swivel towards the source.
Spotting Elijah quickly, I noticed another person sitting at the table with him, a black bobcat it looked like. Elijah reached over the table and ruffled his hair slightly which provoked a slight growl out of me for some reason. Woah, where'd that come from?
I made my way over to them as Elijah met my gaze and waved me over.
"Hey Jasper! I want you to meet one of my best friends from high school. This is Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Jasper." Elijah explained. I sent a somewhat wary glare towards the bobcat who returned it with a half hearted wave. Elijah frowned a bit at the failed introductions, but let it slide for the moment. The sound of a familiar feminine voice behind me once again casued my ears to perk up.
"What's this? You all decided to meet up without me? How rude." Rachel pouted as she put her tray down.
"Hey Bastian, how's life?" She asked the bobcat using his nickname teasingly.
"Pretty good, how about yourself Rachel?" He asked in return.
"Not bad, could be better, could be worse, but I'm hanging in." She replied. He nodded at her answer before turning back his food. I began eating as well, although my appetite had decreased slightly from a few minutes ago.
We ate quickly as we were all wanting to get back to our respective rooms. Or at least I was, I really didn't want here for some reason. Everyone else seemed content on talking, so I grabbed my tray and put it up before leaving.
I went back to the room and laid on my bed for what seemed like only a few minutes when Elijah walked in. He closed the door quietly behind him and sat down on his bed.
He bit his lip nervously as his tail twitched behind him before he spoke.
"Was there... anything you wanted to talk about?" He asked me tentatively. I shook my head no indicating that I didn't feel like talking about it, but he continued pressing.
"Are you sure? You can talk to me about anything you know." I shook my head again in response as I stared at the ceiling.
"You wouldn't understand... I don't even understand." I said quietly.
"That's why we should talk it out Jasper, that's what friends are for right? We are friends... right?" He asked me sadly. I nodded my head.
"Of course we're friends, it's just not something I can talk about right now. I need some time to think about it first." I told him wanting to end the conversation before it got out of hand.
"Jasper I've spilled my heart out to you but you can't bring yourself to talk about what you're going through? Do you not trust me?" He pressed. I growled slightly at his accusation, standing up from my laying position.
I turned to him and pointed a finger accusingly, "You didn't have to tell me all those things. It was your choice." I coldly informed him. It seemed to strike a chord in him as his ears flattened against his head and his eyes filled with hurt.
"Jasper..." He nearly begged.
"That's the end of it Elijah, we're not talking about this any more. Not until I get my head back on straight." I told him as I stormed out of the room. He whimpered loudly which nearly stopped me cold in my tracks but I forced myself to slam the door behind me.
I knew my only chance of not hurting him was to stay away from him. It hurt me so much to do it but I couldn't put him at risk because of my stupidity. I'm so sorry Elijah, but it's for the best.
P.O.V. Change: Elijah
I whimpered loudly as Jasper walked to the door. He seemed to hesitate slightly but continued out the door, taking care to slam the door behind him. It took every part of me not to chase after him, but instead I curled up and began to cry.
What did I do to deserve that? I've been nothing but nice to him ever since I got there and then he pulls this stunt? It's my fault. I pushed him to hard... I just wanted him to open up a bit and I chased him away, and now he hates me. It's all my fault.
I mentally scolded myself as I tucked up closer and cried even harder, wanting him to come back. I waited for him for the rest of the day so I could apologize, and after midnight I began to thing that he'd left for good.
Two o'clock came around and by then my tear ducts refused to produce any more tears so I just stared at the door waiting for him to come in. Finally around 3:00 in the morning the door opened and Jasper walked in.
The moonlight streamed in through the window and illuminated his face, and I could tell he'd been crying as well. Our eyes met for only a second before he looked away, causing me to whimper once again.
He crawled into bed without saying a word and tried to go to sleep. I only had one last question to ask him.
"Jasper...?" I whispered. His ear that wasn't buried into the pillow twitched ever so slightly to let me know he was still awake. Taking a shaky breath, I asked him.
"Did you want to come to my mom's funeral tomorrow? It would mean a lot to me..." I nearly begged. His ear fell and he shifted his body to curl up tighter. He never answered my question.
I nodded to myself and rolled over to face the wall, not wanting him to see the fresh tears streaming down my face. For the second time in the last week I'd be told no when I needed a yes the most. With that thought in mind I slowly cried myself to sleep.
P.O.V. Change: Jasper
"Did you want to come to my mom's funeral tomorrow? It would mean a lot to me..." He asked me so quietly I had to strain to hear him. My ear fell flat as I pondered the question. Every part of my body screamed at me to say yes and apologize for all I'd put him through that day. But my fears got the best of me and I curled up tighter to pretend I hadn't heard him.
A few moments later I heard light sniffling behind me, informing me that he'd started crying. My heart shattered knowing what I'd done, but it was only slight pain compared to what it could have been had I gone through with the friendship.
I refused to see anybody else hurt because of me, and Elijah would not be another victim. I hope you can bring yourself to forgive me my friend... I fell into a fitful sleep as I was forced to listen to my roommate's grief knowing I could have prevented it.
Woahhhhh plot twist! Now I know you guys might be mad at me and believe me I'm mad at me too, but this is all a part of the big plan I have. My mind works in horribly weird ways but I promise it's all sunshine and rainbows in the end. Or is it...? Guess you'll just have to wait and see! Anyways that's all for me today! There won't be an upload tomorrow due to it being Thanksgiving and I'll be busy stuffing my face with food. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and I'll see you all Friday! Bye! :D