Lost Memories: Chapter 2: Starting at Sunrise
He began to speak in a powerful and raspy voice, "minions! now is the time to reclaim the land that was once mine! we have been exiled for far too long! this is the time to reclaim our glory! no one shall stand in our way!
The Soulless Soldier
"well, if i follow that, sir, he suggests a local god had one of her minions save me, and between her and the serpent made me what i am now. apparently a protector of this world..."
Only Human (Chapter 8)
"i don't want a petty minion, fool! i want the master!" "i don't know exactly who it was." this time the speaker was a wolf, who was presently pinned under the dead tiger. "i didn't see the com screen. but it sounded like a snake.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army Story - Chapter 4
All minions working under hell afterlife services contracts were promised their youth back on completion of their work term. that was one of the big perks.
Wolfen - Chapter 24
I believe he left you alive intentionally to turn you into one of his minions, but you did something that i had no idea you were capable of. you suddenly stood up and howled into the air. a bright light shone around around you and then exploded.
"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 6
"the _r'hinsa_ are _not_ minions of the dark bloods, nor have they brought any hostilities to this part of the galaxy.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixty Six
Dexter will be doing a perimeter sweep to make sure none of his minions are lurking nearby. edgar, mr. wrogan, and i will be watching a short distance away. when we get word from dexter, we will attack." "what if he tries to leave?"
For Your Safety
He has a bone to pick with you but no minions left." liam has guessed that the voice was from when he had his break, but this only confirmed it. miguel lifted each knee as high as he could for each step he took, "weakling!"
The End Pt1
"... another fight, this time, abaddon, my pet will claim three of your minions, choose any you wish him to fight." my head snapped around at lucifer's words. i had to focus, couldn't let myself lose it until i was ready.
Wolfing out Scooby Doo style
When this change has finished i would like for the two of you to change your friends as well into my minions, always willing to serve me. do you understand?" velma and daphne both nodded in a stupor, "good, now i will take my leave to eat my dinner."
Dante | Chapter II
As his minions slowly began to disappear into a realm that was almost worse then hell itself, created by the shadows and evil gods that have long since been damned by mortals, he roared, charging at dante as he withdrew his handgun, stopping
Leurheart II (Chapter 4)
Cassandra's minions have spred almost all over esperia now and all of our attempts on attacking the castle without atleast a plan of some extent will most likely result in failure because of her powers, wich have grown to levels we couldn't imagine...