"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 6
#7 of Daggers of Darkness book #3, "On the Trail of Legends"
Here's chapter 6 for the third book of my sci-fi adventure series, "Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends". This story is set 500 years into the future with some of the descendants of the characters in my novel, "Family Tails". This book begins the physical journey that will ultimately tie together the story lines of "The Sacrifice for Peace", "Family Tails". "Daggers of Darkness", and "Tangled Vines".
The posting of this story on here may not be a fully polished product -- that will come later when I have the story fully edited and published. However, I will try to keep the typos, etc., to a minimum. The main things I would like from those reading this are comments, questions, and suggestions. I only ask that you please keep criticisms constructive and polite.
Story, characters, and related art © 2013-2019 Ronald J. Lebeck (that's me).
"Personal log entry, Terran Standard Date: 2515-01-27; Time: 0813 hours FCT. We have returned to our ships so that we can get ready to meet with The Council in The Great Hall. I understand it's located inside a hollowed-out butte--everything here seems to be on a grand scale, though given the natural size of the Dra'kans, it's no wonder.
"What we learned about Erlanna was shocking, to say the least. One would think an immortal being would be above brutalizing one of their own, especially attempting to force himself on a younger female, but apparently not. Well, by the standards of most races, what was being done to Erlanna is disgusting and reprehensible, and according to Arneora, such acts have been largely unknown among the relatively younger portion of their population. Hopefully the individual will be dealt with appropriately and Erlanna will have peace. She is a sweet gal--thoughtful, though perhaps a bit on the impulsive side, curious, caring, and beautiful. Her_size, while in her large form, is the part to worry about--she could severely injure someone without thinking or even being aware of it. That goes for all of the Dra'kans. We've estimated Erlanna's full length to be fifty meters; in comparison, Arneora's full length is somewhere around seventy-five meters, but then she's been around a_ lot longer than Erlanna. I understand that they are able to fly while in their large form--that must be something to see.
"I am going to try and ask D'Narial about what will be done with the Pliq who have been attacking the Fansq, and who will be doing it--the Dra'kans or someone else. I may see if he knows anything about the region of space we crossed a while back that had the unstable pockets--it might be an interesting bit of history. Speaking of history, I'm itching to find out what is on that data cylinder he gave me--he said it contained a 'history', though he didn't elaborate as to of what.
"We should all be nearly ready to go to that meeting by now. I'm heading to the crew's mess to get a cup of coffee and see who's ready.
"End log entry."
James shut down his terminal and leaned back in his chair to stretch a moment. Lilly was brushing her fur-hair, Tanya was getting her shoes on, and Shauna had just finished drying off after her shower. Lilly happened to glance over at James and saw him still leaning back with his arms behind his head.
"A raisin for your thoughts," Lilly said to James with a sly grin.
James smiled and said, "You know, I just happened to remember Miss Ja'f'darwe had mentioned something about having brought some of those cheeseballs with her when we left Élendor. I wonder if they're still any good."
"Did the Dra'kan gals get ya in the mood for weekender?" Lilly asked, putting her brush away and walking towards him.
"It's been awhile since we've had some time to really enjoy ourselves..." James replied while Lilly sat on his lap and snuggled.
"Yeah, always seems to be somethin' goin' on. Maybe we just oughta put a big ol' 'do not disturb' sign on the ship, and tell the galaxy to leave us alone for a couple of days. Ya think that would work?"
James chuckled and said, "I wish."
"So, you want the 'green goddess' now, da?" Tanya teased, joining in.
"Which one?" James asked with a smirk.
"Wha...?" Tanya asked, cocking her head and perking her ears up.
"Well, there's Miss Ja'f'darwe, and Læree'ahn, but I think we can count her out, and there's..."
"Ah, so you want Rissa, da? Now I know you have thing for scaly gals!" Tanya exclaimed with a laugh.
"I wonder if those cheeseballs would work on her," Lilly wondered.
"Wha...? You, too?!" Tanya asked, feigning shock at Lilly's comment.
"Hey, anybody that can dance like she can, has got to have some moves! Right, Jamie?"
"She's probably got jaws like a gator," Shauna quipped.
James looked past Tanya and saw Shauna pull open a drawer to get clean underwear out--she was standing there in her full statuesque glory, with mane and tail fully brushed, and her feathering all nice and fluffy.
"Now _there's_something to howl for!" James exclaimed, and he started to howl.
Tanya and Lilly joined in, causing Shauna to look at them as if they'd lost their minds. Pushing the drawer closed with a hip, she sauntered over and put a hoof on the edge of James' chair.
"Anytime you think you're game enough to take this on, honey child, you just let ol' 'Momma Shauna' know..." she said with a country accent, leaning over and blowing him a kiss.
"Woo-hoo!!" Lilly hooted, "I think she just called first dibs on ya, Jamie!"
"Shauna, you know what you can do..." James said, looking at her suggestively.
"And I intend to, as soon as we get a chance, but right now we got that meeting to go to, remember?" Shauna reminded him.
"Yeah, we'd better get a move on, ladies. Duty first, then play time," James agreed reluctantly.
* * * * *
When Rissanivi disembarked from her little courier ship and sealed the hatch, D'Narial was standing nearby waiting.
"Huh? Oh, um...Master D'Narial, um...hi," Rissanivi greeted him nervously, discretely looking about to see if any of the crew members from Nightwing or Se'nika were close.
"You are still afraid of me?"
Rissanivi swallowed hard and flicked her tongue out, and replied, "Um...may...maybe, um..."
Stepping a little closer, D'Narial said, "If it is because of what happened to Erlanna, I...am not like that. I may expect obedience from those who serve on my ship, but...I do not...do such things as that. When I first met you, I wished to show you another side of our people than what you may have heard. I still wish that. I would like to take you to The Great Hall myself, so you may see it as one of us would see it. We would have time to arrive before the meeting--you have my word that you will arrive safely, unharmed by anyone. It is an experience you will not forget. If you will agree, we should leave soon in order to make the trip in time. I know the way from here...it will not take long."
"Um...don't know..." Rissanivi said, still nervous.
"The Dra'ka Nulen, Captain Daugherty, and Commander Rhuw-Rha'an are just over there--I will swear upon my honor before them that I will fly you safely to The Great Hall. Come...please?" D'Narial asked politely.
Rissanivi hesitated for a moment and then gave a quick nod of her head. D'Narial smiled and they walked together to speak with Arneora and the two commanding officers.
"Dra'ka Nulen, Captain, Commander," D'Narial said, bowing appropriately.
Giving a glance to Rissanivi, Arneora asked, "What is it, young Master D'Narial?"
"I wish to personally take Miss Salnuano to The Great Hall in the manner our own prefer. Given a certain incident, she is...understandably hesitant." D'Narial kneeled and continued, "Before the three of you, I swear upon my personal honor to carry her safely, without harm, to The Great Hall, as a way to show her a different side of our kind and our world than what she has heard in the stories she has grown up with. On my life, I will keep her safe from harm."
Arneora glanced quickly at James and Rha'an; Looking down at D'Narial, she said, "I know the worth of your word, young Master D'Narial, and I know that you are trustworthy." To Rissanivi, she said, "It is a rare thing that you have been offered, child--such has not been done for a very long time. As I said when you first met me, you are safe here on Dra'ka. No one will dare harm you, that I can guarantee with certainty."
"I understand Madam Salnuano's reluctance--I and my own would be quite upset if any harm would come to our friend. We, too, highly value personal honor--we will hold you to your oath, Master D'Narial," Rha'an sent openly.
"How do you intend to get Rissanivi from here to this Great Hall of yours?" James asked.
"I will change into my larger form and fly her on my back," D'Narial replied.
"What will prevent her from accidentally falling off?" James asked.
"She will be provided a means to secure herself in place. I will fly carefully," D'Narial replied.
"I see." Putting his arm around Rissanivi and pulling aside, James said, "It's up to you, Rissa. He hasn't given us any reason to not trust him so far. Might be a pretty neat experience--how many people can say they've flown on a dragon? Wouldn't that be something to tell little ones years from now?" James suggested.
Rissanivi thought on what James said.
"Um, maybe...yeah. Not too fond of high places, but, um...just once, maybe?"
James smiled and said softly, "I wish I could go along, but...hey, we have little video recording devices that you can clip to your clothing. I can get you one right quick...then you can show people what you saw."
"Um, sure, might see things if get scared and close eyes," Rissanivi agreed.
James knew Petty Officer Canberra had yet to disembark with Læree'ahn, so he contacted him mentally.
"Canberra, grab one of those VRM-512 recorders on your way out, would you? Should be some in the gear locker by the boarding lift."
"Aye, sir, we're just about there, ey."
"You two are the last ones," James sent.
"Aye, sir. At the locker...got it...we're in the airlock now, ey."
"Rissa, Canberra will be down in a sec, he got one for you," James said, tapping the side of his head discretely when he saw the confused look on her face.
Rissanivi mouthed the word, "Oh," and looked up at the boarding lift.
When Felix and Læree'ahn came down the lift, James was waiting for him.
"Ey, here you go, sir," Felix said, handing the device to James.
"Thanks, Canberra. Læree'ahn, you look nice," James said, complimenting her on her appearance.
"Pleased I am you like, Captain," Felix's wife said shyly; the green portions of her skin lightened their color slightly.
"Here you go, Rissa. Tuck it away somewhere for now--when you're about ready to take off, clip it...here. It'll stay on until you take it off. Just remember to press this once to turn it on, and twice to turn it off. Got that?" James asked, giving her quick instructions on the recorder's use.
"Um, yep--one on, two off," Rissanivi acknowledged. Looking up at James, she smiled at first, but then closed her eyes tightly and pressed close to him. "Hope innards not get rude."
James put his arms around her and held her a few seconds.
"Just think you're in a really good flight sim, and you'll do okay."
"Um, hope so. Thanks."
"We'll meet you there, Rissa," James said with a smile, holding her hands a moment.
Rissanivi nodded her head and went to join D'Narial.
"Um, guess am ready now..."
James motioned for D'Narial to lean closer, and said quietly, "She told me she's not too fond of heights, so go easy on her, okay?"
"I will be careful, Captain."
* * * * *
Arneora led both crews to the portal chamber at the starport, set the destination, and entered her personal code. When the image of The Great Hall's own portal chamber appeared, she said, "Follow me," and stepped through.
Once everyone had arrived through the portal, Arneora gathered them close.
"James, they will look to you as the leader--no offense Commander, just the way things are here. Now, when they get around to it, they will likely ask you what you can tell them of what has been going on near your space, such as that incident with those fool Wurnak Da'i you people were involved in. By the way, we caught some that were part of a raid they conducted on some people we have been keeping a watch over. Those prisoners will be brought out for questioning...and then they will be dealt with. If any of you are the squeamish type, you can step out before that happens. There will be another individual who will be brought out for questioning, though I have no idea why someone went so far out of the way to get this person. Nobody bothered to tell me this before last night, so it is a surprise to me, and likely a bigger surprise to you. Just...," she looked around and then glanced up; when she looked back at James, she added, "...remember what I said last night."
* * * * *
D'Narial led Rissanivi out of the hangar facility and into a cavern that opened up onto a wide cliff edge.
"Wait here," D'Narial instructed, and then struck off around a pillar and through a doorway. When he came back several minutes later, D'Narial had two other Dra'kans with him that Rissanivi had not seen before, and he instructed her to follow him outside.
"Rissanivi, I will change to my larger form and these two will help you to climb on. You will be provided with a means to secure yourself and they will assist you. This will not take long."[1]
Rissanivi watched as D'Narial walked a distance away, towards the cliff edge, and then--as she saw Erlanna do the night before--he leaned forward as if stretching, and then his body dissolved into multi-hued light and grew, reshaping itself, and continuing to grow, until coalescing into his full dragon-like form. D'Narial settled down on the ground and looked over to Rissanivi.
"Climb on," D'Narial said, his voice now louder and deeper in his larger form.
With the other two Dra'kans behind her, Rissanivi approached D'Narial with trepidation. The two assisting her looped a wide strap around D'Narial ahead of his wings, and then helped Rissanivi climb onto his back. They showed her how to put her legs under the strap so that it crossed over her upper thighs, and then hook her lower legs around it, tucking her feet back under the strap.
"Hold onto his mane and keep your legs as they are until he lands--you will be quite secure during the flight," one of the two assisting her instructed.
When they were out of the way, D'Narial stood with his wrist joints on the ground, supporting his front half. Rissanivi remembered the video recorder James had given her and she removed it from her belt pouch, fastened it to her clothing where he had shown her, and pressed the button once to activate it.
"Are you ready?" D'Narial asked, looking back at her.
Speechless, Rissanivi simply nodded her head in reply.
D'Narial walked in a bat-like fashion towards the edge--it was a sheer drop of over three hundred meters. Taking a quick look around, D'Narial spread his wings...and dove off the cliff.
Falling some distance to gain airspeed, D'Narial swooped up and began gaining altitude with powerful strokes of his wings. Once he reached what he thought was an appropriate height, he leveled off and began a more energy efficient mode of flying. Although the mountain air at the altitude they were flying was colder than Rissanivi would normally be able to tolerate, the heat radiating from D'Narial's body kept her warm enough despite the wind. He glided around the close, jagged peaks of the rugged, mist shrouded mountains, skillfully weaving his way between them. They passed in and out of clouds, sometimes flying very close to the rock. Rissanivi wondered how he could possibly see where he was going at times, when she could only see vague shapes in the mist.
D'Narial gained altitude and banked around a large outcropping of rock and passed into another cloud. A moment later, the cloud parted and the sun shone brightly, revealing two gigantic statues of Dra'kans--one male and one female--each holding their wings in such a way as to be welcoming honored visitors and gesturing to enter their domain. As they passed between the statues, Rissanivi looked up at the faces with wide eyes--and was so struck with awe that tears flowed from her eyes.
After passing the statues, they entered a large valley that spread out below them with forests and fields, buildings that looked small from the height D'Narial was flying, and what looked like roads, waterways, and bridges. In a short while, D'Narial veered to the left and headed towards the steep cliffs that bordered the valley. Flying close along them, Rissanivi thought she heard the sound of water falling. Passing by another sharp-edged abutment of rock, a waterfall came into view. It was wider than any Rissanivi had ever seen before, for it seemed to stretch on for several kilometers. When they were closely passing the waterfall, Rissanivi saw huge formations of crystals jutting out, catching the sunlight and turning it into a kaleidoscope of colors that illuminated the mists generated by the falling water. It was one of the most beautiful sights Rissanivi had seen in her life.
Banking away from the falls, D'Narial took them once again over the valley. Rissanivi looked down and saw their shadow passing over the broken low-flying clouds and the ground. Since they left Elysinar, she had been reading the electronic version of a set of heroic fantasy books from Nightwing's library database about a world where human warriors rode on the backs of "good" dragons to battle "evil" dragons and their riders using special magically forged lances[2]. Rissanivi had not been able to imagine what that would have been like until this moment.
Ahead of them loomed a butte rising up towards the far end of the valley. It had been hollowed out by the Dra'kans in the distant past to serve as The Great Hall where important topics were discussed openly and decisions were made. The ruling body was simply known as The Council and was made up of a representative from each of the dominate clans. When they were approaching the butte, Rissanivi saw a wide mall lined with larger than life statues, which she later learned were of famous Dra'kans of the past. D'Narial flapped his wings to gain a little more altitude, and then dove towards the end of the mall. Rissanivi held on for all she was worth, holding herself close to his body--if she could have screamed, she likely would have, but she was frozen with fear as the ground rushed up towards them. D'Narial pulled up at the last moment and zoomed between the statues lining both sides of the mall. Rissanivi could have sworn the faces of the statues followed them as they whipped by at break-neck speed. Reaching the end of the mall, D'Narial flared, flapped his powerful wings to stop their forward momentum, and then landed gracefully.
Rissanivi was so overcome with emotion by what she had just experienced, it required someone else to come and help her off D'Narial's back so that he could revert to his anthro form.
"Did you enjoy the flight?" D'Narial asked as he ushered her inside.
Still speechless, Rissanivi could only nod her head, causing D'Narial to smile.
* * * * *
The Council had not yet been seated when the two crews entered the main chamber of The Great Hall with Arneora. Rissanivi arrived shortly after with D'Narial, heading straight to James.
"Hey, Rissa, how was the...?" was as far as James got when Rissanivi pressed against him, prompting James to put his arms around and hug her.
"You okay, girl?" Lilly asked, looking questioningly at Rissanivi and then to her mate.
By expression only, James indicated to Lilly that he didn't know.
"Rissa?" he asked quietly.
When she looked up and met his eyes, James guessed the answer--she was still too moved by the experience to speak. He gently pulled her head closer and tucked it under his chin, rocking slightly.
"We can talk about it later, okay?" James whispered.
Rissanivi nodded her head and heaved a slow, deep sigh.
"We came a bit early," Arneora said to James after they had taken their seats. "There will be others joining us in the gallery to watch the proceedings, so if you get any strange looks, do not worry about it. They will see that you are with me and that will hush most of the talk."
"Forgive me for saying, but given your position, I thought you would be sitting with The Council," James said.
"Oh, I just advise them when necessary--they are supposed to listen and heed what I have to say on a matter, though sometimes they do not. However, that usually does not end up going well when all is said and done," Arneora explained.
"Politicians--sometimes I wonder if they're some sort of cosmic joke the Universe enjoys playing on us; they're a pain in the tail no matter where in the galaxy you find them," James quipped.
Arneora looked at James a moment and then laughed heartily.
"That, my dear, is a good one! I'll have to remember that! It certainly seems to be true!" Arneora exclaimed with a big grin, patting him on the shoulder.
True to Arneora's word, when the other Dra'kans began taking seats in the gallery, the two crews drew plenty of attention. As usual, Lilly watched everyone she could see--there were many balcony levels above the floor level that she could not see clearly in the dim light; only the floor level was brightly lit. The ones she could see well enough to watch, Lilly saw the stares, fingers pointing, and whispered conversations.
"I wonder what they're yakkin' about us," Lilly thought to herself.
When the seats were filled--James guessed there must be several hundreds, if not a thousand or more, present--one solitary Dra'kan dressed in some sort of official garb, entered and stood before the raised seats where The Council would sit. With a loud roar, he brought the multitude of voices within The Great Hall to silence.
"Stand and show respect!" the lone Dra'kan said, his voice apparently being picked up and amplified over speakers.
Everyone arose from their seat as the members of The Council entered. When they had taken their own seats, the Dra'kan who had ordered them to stand said, "Be seated!" He turned to face The Council, bowed deeply, and then took a seat to the side.
As soon as the leader of The Council stood and stepped to the front of the raised area, Frer-Sha'an recognized him.
"Madam Commander, Honored Captain, that is the one who assaulted Erlanna--I saw an image of him in her mind while I healed her, I swear it!" Sha'an sent privately to her superiors.
Surprised, James put a hand on Arneora's arm and asked, "What's his name?'
"That is Kh'nar, he is the head of The Council. Why do you ask?" Arneora wanted to know.
"He's the one who has been hurting Erlanna," James replied, his voice tinged with a growl.
"How do you know...oh, never mind. The healer no doubt. An investigation has been opened and evidence is being collected at this very moment. After...this last time, we found him...on the ice fields of the southern pole. It is the winter season there--it gets _quite_cold this time of year," Arneora said with resignation.
"How did he get _there_from your place?" James asked.
"I...cannot tell you, I only know that is where he was found. He was lucky in that he was found in time--there was an unusually fierce storm. I do not know your temperature scale, though suffice it to say that it was well below what even we can tolerate for long without protection," Arneora replied.
"So, how did _Erlanna_suddenly appear in the place we've been staying? Did somebody transport her there? It didn't seem like it was her doing," James asked.
"She _did?_That's...interesting..."
Arneora was surprised to learn that her assistant had suddenly appeared in the rest chamber her guests were using--the smallish chamber Erlanna used was not far from there, so she had figured her assistant had simply fled there after Kh'nar attempted to have his way with her. Arneora had surmised Naoia must have sent him to the ice fields by what she had said when she was leaving, though she didn't think about Naoia having sent Erlanna away from further harm.
"My old friend, that ability of your people to be in the right place at the right time for the right reason gets to be downright unnerving_at times!_" Arneora thought to herself.
"Did you not know how Erlanna ended up with us?" James asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No, I did not. I have not had the opportunity yet to speak with her on that subject--I just assumed she had made her way there after he had left," Arneora replied. "However things have turned out as they did, I am certain justice will be done." Arneora turned her attention towards The Council and thought to herself, "Kh'nar, you fool, if Naoia makes good on her promise--and I have no doubt that she will, I will not have one scale's worth of pity to waste on your sorry hide."
The two crews sat through the opening formalities and initial business much as any university student would sit through a boring lecture. When it came time for the prisoners to be brought out, everyone was on the edge of their seat giving their full attention.
"Citizens and guests, our Watchers have captured several individuals who had been part of a raid where they attempted to strike a communications station belonging to the Erebni, who have been under our protection. We will now question these prisoners before all present--when the questioning is finished, they will be dealt with in accordance to the instructions provided by one of the ancient Drakkorians who has spoken for the First Ones in this matter. Bring up the prisoners!"
The Hall echoed loudly with the chanting of the numerous Dra'kans present, as a section of the open floor lowered, parted, and slid back. Rising up from below was a platform with several stone pillars in a "V" formation, each with a prisoner secured to it by silvery shackles. Rha'an and her crew immediately hissed when they recognized the species of the prisoners--James and his own crew likewise felt strong animosity when they saw the Wurnak Da'i.
"I wish to bury my blade into your worthless husk and watch with satisfaction as your form disintegrates!" Plel-Whu'an sent with focused acidic fury to the closest prisoner, who reeled from the impact of her sending.
"Control yourself, Whu'an! While we all wish to have our vengeance upon their kind for what they did to us, remember we are guests here--these Dra'kans caught them and will deal with them in their fashion. We shall see what form of justice they deliver soon enough," Tres-Sal'an admonished.
Whu'an sat back and crossed her arms, her tail thumping on the floor, and sent, "As I am reminded, though the mere sight of these burns my blood!"
"And my own as well. However, let us be patient and see what happens--if they are to be questioned, then perhaps we ourselves might learn something useful."
"Jeezers, they're _ugly_suckas!" Lilly said quietly, in regards to the prisoners.
"They're even worse up close," Sylvia commented flatly. "Stink, too."
"From what Canberra told me, it musta been pretty grim what you ran into down on that moon," Lilly said.
"That's putting it mildly," Sylvia agreed with a small shudder. "They were eating the prisoners--not sure if they were dead or not at the time."
"Eww!" Lilly said with a grimace. "What is wrong with those people?!"
"They are minions of the Dark Bloods, child--their minds have been warped beyond all comprehension. Those ones you know as the Pliq will eventually become just as loathsome and as vile as these, now that they have fallen in league the Dark Bloods. Would you believe that once upon a time, several thousand years ago, these Wurnak Da'i were generally peaceful? The large ones were a pastoral folk while the small ones were skilled artisans and the like. Now, see the result of generation after generation that have been twisted and corrupted by the Dark Bloods. It would be a mercy to end their torment--they can find no peace in life, such as it is for them now," Arneora explained sadly.
"I cannot believe they were once as you say, after what we experienced while in their captivity," Rhuw-Rha'an sent.
"Oh, they were," Arneora said. "Among your own people, were not those you call the an'im-Raleen_once as the rest of you? You know what happened to them--the same thing happened to the Wurnak Da'i, and _is happening to the Pliq and others. We have been doing what we can to stop them, but..."
"But you need help," James interjected.
"As much as we hate to admit it, yes. I understand at least some of the Elder Races are returning to join in the fight--we hope that the Younger Races will see the danger the Dark Bloods and their minions represent and join with us. They must be stopped before they spread beyond the confines of this galaxy, which they nearly have the ability to now," Arneora explained. "Ah, the interrogation is about to begin. You may have a chance to ask questions of your own."
An attractive blue-scaled female Dra'kan, wearing official garb and carrying a staff with an orb held by a claw on the top end, entered The Great Hall from below on an open lift near the opposite side of The Council from where the crews sat. She was flanked by two large male Dra'kans in uniforms similar to D'Narial's.
"Inquisitor Fae'ela, read the preliminary report to The Assembly," the one named Kh'nar instructed.
The blue-scaled female gave a curt bow towards the leader of The Council and walked a few steps towards the prisoners, stopping on an ornate mosaic laid into the stone floor.
"The prisoners on display before all were members of a Wurnak Da'i foraging group that had begun attacking the Erebni Long-Range Communication Station located in the Almei Cluster. The Erebni present on the station were incapacitated by Wurnak Da'i mind suppression devices. However, before the hostiles could begin taking captives, our forces--led by J'Laran, in command of the Kahraor Faer--intercepted the Wurnak Da'i ships and destroyed them. These you see before you were collected from one of their ships before it was destroyed. Although not specifically equipped to interrogate prisoners, the Finder on the Kahraor Faer attempted to gain some information through verbal questioning. Given the nature of the captives, the questioning proved fruitless. Shipmaster D'Narial, of the Faln Aore, arrived and suggested the prisoners be brought to Dra'ka for questioning and J'Laran agreed to it if the Dra'ka Nulen would also agree. After hearing Shipmaster D'Narial's reasoning, the Dra'ka Nulen agreed, and now here they are."
Inquisitor Fae'ela looked around and up into the gallery as she spoke, making eye contact with as many of those in attendance as possible. When she had finished, she half turned towards The Council and awaited further instruction.
After a brief discussion among the members of The Council, the one council member who was in charge of security stood and said, "You may begin your interrogation, Inquisitor Fae'ela.
With a short bow, Fae'ela and the two guards walked to the first prisoner at the point of the "V", which was one of the smaller Wurnak Da'i. He grinned lasciviously at her, making rude comments which were picked up, translated, and broadcasted for all to hear, which made him laugh in a disquieting manner. Fae'ela seemed to be completely unfazed by the rantings of the prisoner--saying nothing at first, she stopped a short distance from him, lifted her staff and pointed the orb end at the Wurnak Da'i prisoner's head. Tendrils of energy shot forth from the orb and reached into his brain--the leering expression immediately changed to one of wide-eyed shock as his body twitched uncontrollably.
"Why did you attack the Erebni? Where are the bulk of your forces? How many ships do they have? Where do they intend on striking next? What is their goal? Who commands them?" Fae'ela asked as if she were merely conducting a survey.
With each question, a pulse traveled down the tendrils of energy into the prisoner's head, convulsing his body, and then traveled back to the orb. When she was finished with her questions, the tendrils of energy abruptly ended and the prisoner slumped against his restraints. Fae'ela walked back to the mosaic and fitted the bottom end of her staff into a hole at its center, and then stepped back. Speaking a command, the mosaic design in the floor illuminated and sent upwards a column of light. The orb of her staff crackled with energy and images, words, and other information began to appear within the light. When Fae'ela spoke another command, the information extracted from the prisoner was translated, compiled, sorted, and made into recognizable sense.
"The report is completed," Fae'ela announced."
"Give it," the Council member in charge of security prompted.
Fae'ela nodded her head and then, speaking another command towards her staff, a voice played over the PA system and recited what was found.
/* "Attacked communication station to learn its secrets, to find all those who use it, to collect living essence of prisoners for Masters and use remains for food. Location of forward force at star system designated L'Hinfa Two-One. Number of ships estimated at one hundred ninety-one. Next major target designated planet Esba'in in S'alnos system. Goal is to harvest power and resources to strike further coreward into denser population areas prior to expedition to outlying small galactic remnants. Command of forward forces in person of Hakrel Kiamet. End of report." */
Rissanivi's breath made a hissing sound as she inhaled sharply upon hearing the planet of Esba'in, where her friend had his repair business.
"Oyba-len! Casvan!" she exclaimed quietly, covering her mouth with her hands.
Arneora looked over her shoulder at Rissanivi and asked, "Something wrong, child?"
"Um, friend Casvan on station around Esba'in. He said big trouble coming when there last and got ship fixed. Said people running away from darkness spreading, come through long enough to go other places to hide," Rissanivi replied.
James added, "We took Rissa there to get her ship fixed after some thugs took a potshot at her. Her friend runs a small ship repair facility on that station. Apparently, they've known each other for some time and have done business together."
"Ah, I see," Arneora said. What she didn't say was that the First One, Naoia, had told her about what was coming to Esba'in, and that they would be ready to deal with the Dark Bloods and their minions when they arrived. What she did add was, "The planet and the station will be defended. I wouldn't doubt that we will be sending some ships of our own there as well, especially after getting this information out of the prisoner."
"We've fought Wurnak Da'i ships before, along with their ground forces. My ship led a successful counter-attack on one of their capital ships, enabling our task force to destroy it, and we helped to block their other ships' ability to escape," James said, looking at the prisoners and then to Arneora.
"Would you be interested in telling that tale before everyone present?" Arneora asked.
"If it might help in some way, sure," James agreed.
"And you, Commander, would you also be willing to tell of your experience concerning the Wurnak Da'i? It will be understandable if it is still too uncomfortable to speak of," Arneora asked Rha'an.
"As James has said, if it may be of help, I will do so," Rha'an sent in reply.
"Excellent. Come with me," Arneora instructed.
The _Dra'ka Nulen_led James and Rha'an out of the gallery and onto the open floor.
"I will speak," Arneora announced, walking boldly towards The Council.
A wave of murmurs swept through the Dra'kans present in the galleries when they saw who was following Arneora. Before Kh'nar--or any of the other Council members could speak, Arneora led her two mortal friends to the mosaic on the floor and she addressed everyone.
"Standing with me before The Council and the Assembly, are Captain James Daugherty from the Sol Federation of Worlds, and Commander Rhuw-Rha'an from the Mûr Tua'ansa Star Empire. They and their crews have first-hand experience in dealing with the Wurnak Da'i, from two different perspectives. The commander and her crew had been captured by a Wurnak Da'i advance party; the captain and his crew have direct experience in combating the Wurnak Da'i, both on the ground and in space. I have brought them before all present so that they may tell their stories--hear them." Turning to Rha'an, Arneora instructed, "You will have to speak aloud, my dear--everyone will hear you and your words will be translated automatically."
With a nod of her head, Rhuw-Rha'an stepped forward and saluted in the manner of her people.
"I am Commander, First Grade, Rhuw-Rha'an, in command of the_Chel-Sar_ class exploration ship, Se'nika, in the service to our Empress, Krel-Mri'ana, of the Mûr Tua'ansa Star Empire. We were charting a new area of space when we discovered a world that appeared to be inhabited..." Rha'an began, telling the tale of her and her crew from when they discovered the remains of the colony, their capture, the brutal effects of the mind dampeners upon them, what they witnessed, and their timely rescue by Sol Federation forces and the crew of Nightwing in particular. She ended with, "If your forces had not intercepted these," she pointed at the prisoners, "they would have done to the poor souls on the communication station what we have seen them do to others, and would have done to us, if not for the efforts of Captain James Daugherty, his crew, and those of their sister ships, in rescuing those held captive who were still alive. Because of them, our Paths did not come to a gruesome end, and we are now friends, both personally and as a people. We Mûr Tua'ansa do not forget our friends--we also do not forget our enemies." Rha'an took a step towards the closest prisoner and baring her fangs, hissed at him. "If you were _our_prisoners, you would no longer exist. Because you belong to the Dra'kans, you are theirs to deal with, though I and my own are sorely tempted to deal with your ourselves here and now."
Rha'an fought to keep her temper in check and forced herself to not reach for her weapon. She turned and stepped back to stand beside James.
"I know that was hard for you to do, my friend," James sent comfortingly to Rha'an.
"They are the last that any of us expected to see out here," Rha'an sent in disgust.
"No doubt," James agreed.
When Arneora prompted, James stepped forward and bowed to The Council and then to the Assembly.
"I am Captain James Daugherty, Pilot and Commanding Officer of the Sol Federation Ship, Nightwing. It was a very short time after my ship was finished being built when we received our first mission. We had reports of an unknown alien incursion into an area at the edge of our space where two of our ships had gone missing. We had received other reports of ships, small stations, and the like being reduced to scrap with the engine cores missing and no bodies found. My ship, along with her four Spirit class sister ships and several others, went to investigate." James continued telling about how they had discovered the Wurnak Da'i outpost, learned about the mind dampeners, and found that several species were being held, including the surviving crew members of the two Sol Federation ships that had gone missing and the crew of the Chel-Sar Se'nika. James related the rescue and retrieval of those who had been held prisoner, the battle that ensued and the destruction of the enemy capital ship, and the sending of a special message back to Wurnak Da'i space warning them to not come back.
"You!" the prisoner who had been "interrogated" by Fae'ela shouted hoarsely at James, "It was _you_who cursed our ships!"
Looking questioningly at Arneora for a moment, James looked back at the prisoner and asked, "What are you babbling about? What do you mean, 'cursed'?"
"Closer ships came to border, failures began--got worse when tried to leave our territory! Some ships blew themselves up! Only way to remove curse was to execute those who designed things, had to remove and destroy equipment, take a lot of time and effort to make new and replace! Your curse angered Masters, they look for you!"
"We didn't 'curse' anything, eejit. All we did was send a message to your leaders telling them what would happen if you dared come back our way again. We don't go around picking fights with people, however, if you want to pick a fight with us, you will get one. I'd say to go tell your 'masters' that they can stick their b.s. so far up where the sun doesn't shine that they'll choke on it...but you know, I got a feeling that you just might not be walking out of here. Don't ask me why, I just do. If my Mûr Tua'ansa friends had their way, you definitely wouldn't be walking out of here. Your boys there may be big, they're bad, and they're certainly ugly, but they're stupid. And you aren't exactly the brightest candle in the box, either, you bloody little eejit. Bad guys are stupid, they always get caught."
"We smart!" the prisoner shouted.
"Really? You're bad guys, you did something stupid, you got caught--what else is there to say?"
James crossed his arms and turned his back on the prisoner. There was laughter among those sitting in the galleries after his words were translated.
"I bet Shauna could punt his dumb ass all the way across this floor," James sent with a dose of sarcasm, looking up to Rha'an with just his eyes.
Rha'an raised an eyebrow and sent with a touch of humor, "That I would like to see."
Arneora watched with interest how Rhuw-Rha'an and James talked to the prisoner. She could understand the restrained fury of the Mûr Tua'ansa, though she smiled slightly at James' words. She had sensed that he was telling the truth when he talked about the message that had been sent back to the Wurnak Da'i, so she made a note to herself to ask James about just what the message contained when they were through.
"Your stories were quite interesting," Fae'ela said, stepping onto the mosaic. "Given what we have learned of their ways, you and your crew were fortunate to have been rescued, Commander. One thing that is intriguing, Captain, was your mention of engine cores found to be missing among the debris of ships that have been attacked by the Wurnak Da'i. We, and others, have noticed that as well. What do your people make of that?"
"We've discussed the possibility that they might be used as weapons," James replied.
"How so, if I may ask?"
"The scenario we thought of was that they could be placed around a planet, and then threaten its inhabitants with detonating them unless they surrendered. If they _were_detonated, such an explosion would likely kill every living thing on it," James explained.
"A crude, but effective, weapon," Fae'ela said, holding her hand up to her chin a few moments in thought.
"I agree. The other possibility would be they want to power something, but what that might be, we don't have a clue," James added.
Fae'ela nodded her head slightly and then looked questioningly at Arneora and asked, "We know the Dark Bloods are wanting to spread into other galaxies, but...why?"
"Excuse me a moment, ma'am," James piped up, getting a sudden thought. "Can an image of this galaxy be shown here?"
"Of course, why do you ask?" Fae'ela inquired, looking curiously at James.
"Well, just a hunch...if you'll humor me a moment," James said.
Arneora cocked her head slightly to one side and said, "Show him what he wants, Fae'ela--let us see where he goes with this."
"As you wish, Dra'ka Nulen," Fae'ela said. She called up an image of the Milky Way galaxy that was much more detailed than any he has seen before.
"Thanks. Now, can you show the locations of every known civilization that have existed in our galaxy?" James asked.
Fae'ela issued more instructions to the computer system and a multitude of stars were highlighted.
"Okay, which of these is where the Dark Bloods are from?" James asked. A moment later, a marker appeared pointing out the homeworld of the Dark Bloods. "Of all of these civilizations, past and present, which ones are known to have been visited by the First Ones or otherwise have some connection to them?" When Fae'ela marked those, James then requested, "Now show where the Dark Bloods and their followers have hit."
There was a wave of murmurs throughout those present in The Great Hall.
"Add the worlds where the Elder Races have been, if you would, please," James requested.
A pattern was beginning to emerge.
"I believe I understand where you are taking this, James," Arneora said, looking intently at the map.
"These Dark Bloods seem to be hitting worlds that the First Ones have been to, as well as some of those belonging to the Elder Races. Not all of you are still around, if I remember," James observed.
"That is true, James--some of the Elder Races have passed into history, others have moved on, while some of us have stayed behind," Arneora said.
Thinking of something, James asked, "Where is Esba'in?"
Fae'ela looked at the image and pointed, "There."
James looked at it a few moments.
"There used to be an older civilization there before the current one?" he asked.
"Why, yes, there was," Arneora replied.
"You think that_might be why the Dark Bloods are heading there? Like, maybe they're _looking for something, besides just rounding up people like cattle and taking engine cores?" James asked.
"James, you have an interesting mind. That just might be a very good possibility. Fae'ela, save this--I wish to study it this evening," Arneora instructed.
"As you wish, Dra'ka Nulen," Fae'ela said with a slight bow, and then proceeded to save the image as it was currently being displayed.
"Well, that was enlightening, Captain," the Council leader, Kh'nar, commented.
"Sir," James responded, bowing, though maintaining unblinking eye contact with Kh'nar, who stared back.
James felt two very warm hands on his shoulders and a warmth permeating through his uniform from behind.
"Kh'nar...," Arneora said icily, "...you should deal with the prisoners." She stared hard at him long enough to get her point across. "Everyone has heard what these two had to say," Arneora said, looking around The Hall. "With what is already known, should we not proceed?"
The Great Hall erupted with shouts as The Assembly voiced their desires.
"Very well, then. We thank your visitors for their contribution to these proceedings," Kh'nar said.
"They are friends, Kh'nar...do not forget that," Arneora said, her voice hinted at violence while a smoke-like vapor escaped her nostrils and a light filled her golden eyes.
Fae'ela took a step back and said, "I have nothing further." She nodded curtly once again towards Kh'nar, and walked to the side of The Council, looking back at Arneora.
"James, stay close to me in case we need to quickly relocate. I do not wish to be standing between these two," Rha'an sent privately, her tail beginning to twitch nervously.
"Yeah, I think that might be a good idea," James agreed, wondering if these council meetings ever got out of hand.
Once back in their seats, Lilly took a hold of James' hand and then sent privately, "Jeezers, Jamie, if looks could kill, huh?" referring to Arneora and Kh'nar.
"Yeah, it was getting a bit tense there for a while," James agreed. "I wonder if he knows that I know what he's been doing to poor Erlanna."
"Ya better hope he doesn't decide to come after you_, just in case!_" Lilly replied.
"I'm beginning to think we'll be safer out in the black than sitting around here, the way things are going," James agreed.
"James, the prisoners are about to be dealt with. If any of you are the least bit squeamish, they may wish to step out now," Arneora mentioned.
"What's going to happen to them?" James asked.
"They're about to be executed. Our way," Arneora replied.
"Oh. Er, I'll check to see who wants to," James said quietly.
James gathered the crews together and told them what was about to happen.
"They're going to execute the prisoners, so if anyone does not want to witness it, they need to step out until it's over. Any takers?"
"They will end the bad ones?" Meyleh asked nervously.
"Um, Dra'kans...they burn like said. Won't be pretty," Rissanivi replied sadly.
"Sir? Læree'ahn and I will stay with anyone not wanting to watch, ey," Felix offered.
James patted Felix on the shoulder. He understood why his wife would not want to watch, and he figured that Miss Ja'f'darwe would not want to watch, either, for Élendorians were a peaceful people. Elí and Meyleh, Dr. Garland, Lt. Cdr. H'alwa, Dr. Teros, Chief Sorrel, and Petty Officer Bronski, all went with Felix and the two Élendorians out into the hallway they had come in through. D'Narial offered to go with them out of a sense of responsibility--not because he didn't wish to witness the execution.
When they had left, Rissanivi said to Lilly, "Um, now you see why Dra'kans so scary."
The Dra'kan in the official garb who had opened the meeting came forward again and said for all to hear, "Stand in judgment of the prisoners."
Arneora stood and motioned for the others to do so as well. The two large males who had accompanied Fae'ela came to the fore.
"Wurnak Da'i, you have taken part in an attack on the Erebni--a people we are sworn to protect. You will now face our wrath for your wanton act of aggression. The Dark Bloods cannot save you. You may die assured that we of Dra'ka will be among those coming for your foul masters--they, too, will be cleansed from this existence just as you are about to be. Flame them," the Council member in charge of security ordered.
The two uniformed males walked in opposite directions, keeping their faces turned towards the prisoners. When there was enough space between the two, they initiated the change into their large forms. The sight of the transformation struck terror into the Wurnak Da'i prisoners--the smaller ones cowered while the larger ones struggled futilely against their restraints. Chanting began--quietly at first, growing louder as the two now full-sized males took their positions, one on either side of the prisoners, at an angle so that they would not be directly opposite one another. Rearing up, they inhaled deeply...and The Hall suddenly became deathly silent. Rissanivi, who was standing in front of Shauna, held her hands together and turned towards the Ship's Engineer, saying something in her native language. Just as Shauna put her arms around Rissanivi, hugging her, the two male Dra'kans breathed out forcibly.
The roaring heat, even at the distance the crews were from it, was tremendous. The white-hot flames were nearly blinding.
Ivor and Sylvia held each other as they looked on. Not much could shock Sylvia, though what she saw, did. When the flames ended, and she could see properly again, there simply were no words to describe what she felt. Ivor, too, was in shock as he held Sylvia close.
What were once stone pillars that the prisoners were secured to, were now little more than glowing nubs with splashes of molten rock beginning to solidify. The heat radiating from them felt as if one was next to a lava flow.
"Oh, jeezers!!" Lilly exclaimed quietly, staring wide-eyed at the spectacle.
"Um, like said, Dra'kans slag everything," Rissanivi said.
"No...kiddin'..." Lilly agreed.
"Damn...they're _way_beyond bein' crispy crittered," Sonya commented quietly in wide-eyed awe.
All Ivor could say was, "Aye."
* * * * *
Khel'zet watched from her holding cell as the Wurnak Da'i prisoners were being secured to the pillars. Before they were brought out, a wide door opened upwards and a slab of some kind of metal with a number of pillars in a wedge formation entered the space lined with the holding cells. The prisoners were hauled out, one by one, and attached to silver-colored manacles. When they were all secured to a pillar, the wide door opened again, and the slab glided out on a type of magnetic levitation track. Before the door came down and closed, Khel'zet saw the slab rising upwards out of sight on a lift. She never saw them again.
A while later, Khel'zet heard the announcer circuit that indicated the large wide door was about to open again. With an uneasy feeling, she got up and peered through the forcefield of her containment cell. She watched the huge door slide upwards and beyond it, she saw another metal slab gliding her way with only one pillar standing in the center.
"Perhaps they come for_me _now. I do not like this. I have done no wrong to anyone that I am aware of, yet why do I feel as if I am a prisoner? If what that strange beast-being said is true and I am thousands of j'mu-vela[3] from my homeworld, who will speak for me before those in power? Who will sing of my deeds and honor before the clan's fire should I be killed?"
As soon as the slab came to a stop, two guards appeared before the opening of her containment cell. Shortly, Khel'zet was removed from her cell and secured to the stone pillar as the other prisoners had been earlier. The two guards left her to be alone with whatever her fate would be. She felt the restraints as best as she could using her fingers. They felt like smooth hard metal with no discernable seams or fasteners. The wrist bands were connected to the rock by what felt like round, smooth metal cables, but they were of one piece and not braided or twisted strands. They felt hard, but how they could possibly be flexible as rope was beyond her.
Khel'zet did not wait long before the wide door opened and the slab began to glide out of the cell area. Looking up, she saw that she was entering into a vertical shaft that extended upwards some distance. In the dimness above, she could see light emanating from other openings. Once the wide door started to come down, Khel'zet felt the metal slab begin to rise. She watched the other openings come and go as it continued going up. The speed was not uncomfortable as she ascended, passing nine levels, before the top of the vertical shaft opened above her.
Blinking from the bright lights shining upon her, Khel'zet found herself at floor level in a huge open area that could have easily been a hangar. Looking around, she saw that instead it appeared to be some sort of arena with multiple levels of balconies. Trying to maintain a brave appearance, Khel'zet saw the Dra'kans seated before her on a raised platform...and then she saw the two truly huge fierce-looking beasts with wings and almost lost it. Khel'zet fought to stay in control of her faculties.
"What possible sport could I provide these people against those monstrosities?" Khel'zet thought to herself.
The Communications Technician heard an alien voice speak words in a language she had heard before, though had never seen those who spoke it. Khel'zet turned her head to the left--what she saw shocked her, for the faces matched descriptions she had read in her training.
* * * * *
"A R'Hinsi?!"
Arneora closed her eyes a moment and quietly sighed when she heard and felt the reactions of James and his crew. She was beginning to understand why Naoia was so concerned about the two recent adversaries being together in the same place at the same time--hard feelings ran deep between them, particularly for both HMC Mindy Sorrel and Communications Technician, Lower Grade, Khel'zet Harankhek. Mindy had been gravely wounded from a near miss by a bolt from a R'Hinsa plasma cannon; James had lost close friends and his extended family had known personal loss; Tanya's previous ship, the Olympia, had suffered heavy battle damage and casualties in battle with the R'Hinsa ship, the Z'chekt. Khel'zet lost her brother in the same battle on the planet known as Chandor-IV that James, Mindy, and Sylvia had taken part in. Neither the three Terrans nor the lone R'Hinsi female knew yet of their connection to each other.
Khel'zet had been performing a similar function near the R'Hinsa-Sol Federation DMZ as Lilly had been prior to her being transferred to Nightwing--intercepting and analyzing communications from the other side.
The Sol Federation of Worlds had never known exactly what triggered the war between them and the R'Hin Empire--what knowledge they did have was second or even third hand at best. The R'Hin Empire had always been shrouded in secrecy--very little was known about what went on within their borders. The rare R'Hin vessel that had ventured out of their territory would refuse friendly hails and as often as not would shoot first without warning if any ship seemed to approach them. That first shot was often fatal. What _was_known was that a previously stable star in the vicinity of their space had inexplicably gone supernova, likely causing widespread destruction among affected systems along the border on the far side of the R'Hin Empire. Shortly thereafter, the R'Hinsa began attacking their neighbors in succession, starting with those closest to the disaster.
The R'Hinsa warships, when first encountered by the Sol Federation of Worlds, were heavily armored, heavily armed, and overpowered. Technology-wise, they were not much different, though they were tough. The war--known as the R'Hinsa Campaign--went badly at first for the Sol Federation, until the T'Narans joined the fight with their more advanced ships. After three years of conflict, the R'Hinsa withdrew from the war just as suddenly as they began it, with no explanation. The few communications between the Sol Federation of Worlds and the R'Hin Empire established the Demilitarized Zone, and there had been an uneasy cease-fire since.
"Why do you have a R'Hinsi being held captive?" James asked Arneora.
"As surprising as it may seem, I do not know. I only found out last night before what happened to Erlanna. I have been trying to find out, but my usual sources seem to know nothing about it. The last thing I wish to see is anyone making a mistake that could reignite hostilities between your governments. I assume you feel the same," Arneora replied.
James frowned and said, "I do. If what we've been learning about the Dark Bloods is as bad as it sounds, we certainly don't need to have the R'Hinsa starting a two-front war." Thinking a moment on it, James asked, "By the way, the R'Hinsa aren't in league with those Dark Bloods, are they?"
"No. That I know for certain," Arneora replied firmly.
Taking her word for it, James said, "Well, I guess that's something, at least."
Arneora said nothing further for a few minutes while she thought about the situation.
"What the hell are they doing bringing one of _them_here?!" the normally soft-spoken Mindy asked with such vehemence that it surprised those around her, particularly Frer-Sha'an.
"Mindy?" Sha'an inquired. "Your thoughts are so..."
"That's a R'Hinsi..." Mindy stated, staring hard at the prisoner.
"One of the people who had injured you, yes?" Sha'an asked.
"Yeah...and they killed_a lot of people for _no reason when they started that war with us. Look at her, standing there with that smug look on her face..." Mindy replied.
Sha'an examined the R'Hinsi female and sent, "She is afraid, Mindy."
"Afraid of what? R'Hinsa are ruthless!"
"She is afraid of the Dra'kans in their full form, she is afraid of what might happen to her--she has no idea why she is here or what is wanted with her. She is as surprised at seeing your people as you are at seeing her. In fact, she has never seen one of your people in person before," Sha'an sent.
"What? How do you..."
"Do not forget our mental abilities, Mindy. The prisoner's mind is as open as yours is at the moment. I could learn as much about her in an instant as you might if you were to question her for several nights, if it were not for our own code of ethics, as you say. We do not walk where we are not invited. When I healed you, I faced that dilemma, though I could not ask until our own Chi'an was able to learn your language with Felix Canberra's help, and then she taught it to us. Only then could I ask your permission. Remember, my friend, you and I--we are healers, not warriors. As we heal the body and mind, should we not also attempt to heal past differences? We are, after all, alike even as we are different," Sha'an explained patiently.
Mindy thought on what her friend had said and had to admit that Sha'an was right. The past was past, and the R'Hinsi female that had been dragged so far from home had nothing to do with the wound Mindy had received during the war, nor was the R'Hinsi female responsible for what had happened to those aboard the assault landing craft she had been sent to rescue.
"What is the meaning of this, Kh'nar?" Arneora demanded, gesturing at the dark-skinned prisoner. "The R'Hinsa are not minions of the Dark Bloods, nor have they brought any hostilities to this part of the galaxy. Why has someone gone so far out of the way to collect one of their kind only to make sure to bring her _here_at the very time those of the Sol Federation are also here?"
"Ni'ral, would you explain why to the Dra'ka Nulen?" Kh'nar asked the Council member in charge of security.
Standing slowly and looking a bit nervous, Ni'ral explained, "The R'Hinsa have a history of aggression and violence, having attacked nearly every civilization that bordered their traditional space, often without provocation. Since your visitors..."
"...Friends..." Arneora corrected with a warning growl.
"Uh...friends...have had war ruthlessly inflicted upon them by the R'Hinsa for a number of their years," Ni'ral said nervously, "it was thought that they would appreciate the chance to question one of their adversaries..."
"..._Former_adversaries--they are not at war with each other now..." Arneora again corrected with a hard look.
"Um...former, as you wish, to find out why the R'Hinsa attacked them without reason," Ni'ral finished.
"Should this not have been handled by having both parties sit down together and actually talk_to one another?" Arneora asked, folding her arms across her chest and glaring at The Council. "Surely we could just as easily have arranged _that as to drag someone halfway across the galaxy against their will!"
"Uh, it was only a few..." Ni'ral started to argue feebly.
"You do understand my point, do you not?" Arneora demanded caustically.
"Y-Yes, Dra'ka Nulen," Ni'ral said.
"I was beginning to wonder. Now, take her back home--there is no reason for her to even be here," Arneora said as she turned and started walking back to her seat in the gallery.
Surprised murmurs swept through The Assembly.
Arneora stopped in her tracks, turned her head towards The Council, and asked icily, "What did you say?"
Kh'nar stood and said, "You heard me. You are overruled. The prisoner will be interrogated. Inquisitor Fae'ela, question the prisoner."
"I protest! The Dra'ka Nulen clearly pointed out that..." Fae'ela argued.
"Enough! The Dra'ka Nulen was overruled--and so are you. Question the prisoner!"
The Assembly erupted in furor over the ruling.
"SILENCE!!!" Kh'nar's amplified voice reverberated throughout The Great Hall. When everyone quieted down, he said sternly, "You will do as you are told, Fae'ela."
"And you, Kh'nar, are a fool," Arneora said angrily, snorting a cloud of smoke.
Fae'ela looked pleadingly at Arneora for a moment, but then Kh'nar said in a low voice, "Fae'ela..."
Closing her eyes a moment and giving a quick nod of her head, Fae'ela walked over to the R'Hinsi female. Quietly, she said, "I do not wish to do this. You will find it...uncomfortable."
Fae'ela pointed her staff at Khel'zet's head and closed her eyes. With each question, Khel'zet screamed in agony and her body spasmed with pain. Mindy, despite how she might have felt about the R'Hinsa in general, could not stand to see this particular one be tortured.
"Sha'an, we...we gotta _stop_this brutality!"
Despite being conflicted in meddling in the affairs of other civilizations, as far as on a personal level, Sha'an had to agree with Mindy. An innocent life needed protecting. Using her telekinetic ability, Sha'an ripped the staff out of Fae'ela's hands and sent it flying towards Kh'nar, embedding it into the platform between his legs. Sha'an then teleported herself and Mindy to the R'Hinsi female. "I cannot allow you to brutalize this person," Sha'an said aloud, as she brought into existence a shield of psionic energy, protecting the three of them.
A shocked gasp swept through the majority of the Dra'kans.
"Can you understand me? I'm Chief Petty Officer Mindy Sorrel, I'm a Corpsman--er, a medic, if you know what that is. I'll help you if I can," Mindy said, attempting to communicate with the R'Hinsi female.
"What's your name?" Mindy asked quietly, pulling out the hand-held medical scanner she always had with her and began to check on the female's condition.
"Is that your first name?" Mindy asked quietly.
Khel'zet nodded her head.
"That's good enough for now. Sha'an, can you get us out of here?" Mindy asked.
Sha'an tried to teleport the three of them to safety, but was unable to.
"Something interferes...I cannot relocate all three of us. I...I believe the restraints may have something to do with it," Sha'an sent.
"Jeezers, now what do we do?" Mindy asked, growing nervous.
Rhuw-Rha'an teleported herself and James, with Tres-Sal'an and Plel-Whu'an joining them, to stand with Mindy, Sha'an, and the prisoner. Although still dazed, Khel'zet stared in wonder at the abilities she witnessed the strange aliens wielded.
"Release her," James demanded, staring at Kh'nar, causing another wave of murmurs to pass through The Assembly.
"You have no authority here, mortal, Kh'nar said with a sneer. "Go back to your seats and stay out of the way."
"Release her, or I'll tell everyone how you've been forcing yourself on a young female, you sick pervert," James said, crossing his arms in defiance.
The audio pickup amplified James' voice and the computer system translated it into the Dra'kan language for all to hear.
The Hall suddenly grew so quiet one could hear a proverbial pin drop.
"James, what are you doing_?" Arneora thought to herself in shock. Shifting her thoughts, she called out, "_Naoia, if you can hear me, James is confronting Kh'nar in front of everyone over the R'Hinsi female...and Erlanna!"
"I do not take kindly to insolent mortals making up lies or making demands. Leave before I have you restrained along with that," Kh'nar threatened, pointing to Khel'zet.
"So, you just like beating up on people for no reason, do you? You know, my people generally don't go around brutalizing females. It takes a real low life to do such a thing, Mr. High and Mighty Immortal who damn well should know better! You've done nothing to earn my respect--the only thing you have done is earn my contempt, you bloody bastard."
Lilly held her hands to her face in shock.
"Jamie!! What are ya doing_?! Ya told_ me not to do that, and you...you...!"
"Holy cripes!" Shauna whispered. "You bonehead, you can't taunt a freakin' dragon! That's suicidal!"
"I will flame you myself!" Kh'nar roared.
"Ladies, if you please...?" James said quietly to Rha'an, Sal'an, and Whu'an.
Rha'an gave a slight nod of her head, and the three of them drew their weapons, holding them aloft and activating them fully.
"You will not survive the attempt," Rha'an hissed.
"Guards! Flame them, NOW!" Kh'nar ordered.
A collective gasp of awe sounded through The Assembly as multiple swirls of multi-hued light suddenly appeared running towards and then stopping around James and the others.
James swept his eyes to either side to see that several Great Lupins had arrived, and they looked like they meant business. Gently putting a hand on Rha'an's weapon arm a moment, he walked towards one he thought he recognized.
"James. Heard you need help. Brought friends."
"I am so glad to see you, Char'ena," James said quietly, giving her his approximation of a wolf hug.
"Char'ena keep eye on friends. Keep other eye on that one," she said, indicating Kh'nar. Taking a step closer, Char'ena stared Kh'nar in the eye, and said, "Have message for you." Char'ena's voice changed in such a way that it sounded like another person speaking. "Kh'nar, I haven't forgotten about you. Shut up and sit your annoying pompous ass down." Char'ena gave a derisive snort and looked at the other Council members. "Rest of you, meeting over. Go home."
Char'ena and the other Great Lupins stayed until everyone but Arneora, D'Narial, James, and the others were the only ones left.
"Anybody know how to get her loose from these things?" James asked in regards to Khel'zet, who was still secured to the rock pillar.
"I get," one of the other Great Lupins said, trotting over to Khel'zet. "Hold still, take a moment." When he bit down on the flexible metal portion, a pulse of energy traveled along its length and the manacles fell away. Mindy and Frer-Sha'an caught Khel'zet before she fell to the floor. Char'ena walked over to Khel'zet and said, "Remember promise. Friends help, take care of you. You safe now."
Khel'zet slowly nodded her head and said, "I...remember. Thank...you."
Char'ena nuzzled Khel'zet briefly before turning to James.
"We take back now."
Everything dissolved in a swirl of multi-hued light; when it faded, they were back in the guest chamber in Arneora's mountain lair.
Erlanna was surprised to see everyone suddenly return, more so because they weren't alone.
"James! Lilly! Tanya! Shauna! And...Char'ena?! Oh, and you brought friends..."
"James needed help so brought friends with. Can't stay, needed elsewhere for now, but maybe I come back later."
Quietly, Erlanna asked, "Is it Esba'in?"
"We go help. Whole pack go; others, too," Char'ena said.
"Be careful," Erlanna said worriedly, stroking the Great Lupin's fur.
"We will."
"Hey, Char'ena, thanks again for you and your friends showing up when you did. Oh, there's a big wooly-looking guy by the name of Casvan on the Esba'in station--he's Rissanivi's friend. If there's any way you can make sure he's safe..." James said.
"Will try. See you later," Char'ena replied, giving him a quick nuzzle.
And with that, the Great Lupins all disappeared in swirls of light.
"Jamie, I oughta _smack_ya for pullin' a stunt like that!" Lilly admonished as she threw her arms around his neck.
"That was a very dangerous thing to do, James," Arneora added, eyeing him.
"You said we were perfectly safe here, didn't you?" James asked with a sly grin.
"You were _testing_what I said?!" Arneora asked incredulously.
"Uh...no, I was _counting_on it."
"James, you are crazy," Arneora said, rolling her eyes.
"Heh, I get that a lot."
[1] This scene was inspired by, "Enchantress", by Two Steps From Hell; listen to it on YouTube at
[2] See TSR's, "Dragonlance Chronicles" trilogy.
[3]J'mu-vela - R'Hinsi equivalent of a lightyear.