Parallel Possible Paths Past Previous Personae (Picture by Cardinal)

Her pure fur, into chitin, was merged, new limbs: claws for preying, wings that surged. the then former mammal could never have been more pleased with how easily into her new body she eased.

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"for us to merge." xix slowly summoned a transformation circle and did the necessary preparation. "may i start?" kael just gave a weak nod.

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Light of the Situation (Gardevoir TF/TG)

Jared's toes merged until only three digits remained, turning them into a kind of paw. his hips widened as his rear did underneath his new garment. jared felt his manhood slowly begin to enter back into him.

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RVA: Through a Hologram Darkly

She merged it with the more fanciful options of a body sculpting shop's creation system, and then began playing.

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Sight and feeling, smell and hearing, it was an ensemble that slowly merged together as each new pixie self popped into existence, pop, pop.

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A Helping Hand (Absol TF) [TRADE]

Amber's fingers merge together to leave three digits behind, of which became hard and sharp to became claws. amber's feet followed behind shortly afterward. amber's body then took on a digitigrade stance, quite forcefully and painfully so.

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Insta-Fur (Anthro TFs)

His feet followed shortly after, digits merging together until there were only three as they became paws. dan's face pushed outward into a muzzle as his nose became small and wet at the tip of it. his teeth became a bit sharper and more candid.

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Pain and Vengance

Odin's body started to shimmer, as did freyja's, before they both seemed to merge with one another. what was left astounded us.

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Venturing: Gonna Dough

The merge is happening and we are not part of it however. leave order before it happened then come back after a while or we give you a phone call. once again we are replaced." "who are we being replaced by?"

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"at the point where your two chains meet, not only do they merge, but others, in their single chain, know you as both people.

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A Night Call from Justice

In typical toon fashion her hips, belly, and butt were merged into a single round mass that curved up to her waist. that was hardly unusual, but everything above the equator was revealed to be just as chubby.

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Sinori's Story - Chapter Four

If her spirit merged with the younger version of herself, then they would have all of her memories.

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