all best efforts still ended in failure

All she said was, "do not cross that line, i'm warning you, do not cross that line, you will have pushed me to the limits." and she laughed, really laughed just like it was the best joke!

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With a final yawn he peered in between the trees, the line was gone now. he moved out of the trees and looked around the ground, eyes darting inch by inch manically looking for the line.

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Muscle Camp - Chapter 2: Terminal Error

Either way, he was bound and determined to get to the line and make it onto his flight as he made a rather slow bee line straight for what he figured was the start of it.

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Vaccination Day - Story

Now let's line you all up," she added as she started arranging the cubs in line behind another group. marina gently guided the stunned bear to end of the line. snow turned to look away from the exam room, and marina could see him trembling with fear.

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The Petting Zoo Draft

line starts here." the animals quickly scramble to form a line. dash the cheetah goes first, "dude, get the platypus. those things are flippin hilarious." spotty the leopard says, "that maned wolf has some pretty nice legs."

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Lonely Oak Chapter 117 - Senet

His finger pointed to the next symbol in line, which was clearly a depiction of water, with five wavy lines taking up the entire square.

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"Go For Gold" Short Story

All had their eyes forward, cheryl's dilating as she focused on her line like it was her prey. "on your marks! get set!"

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Race to live prt.4

She had this race in the bag, and just to show off, her break lights came on and she started to spin out, right across the finish line. i simply relaxed myself as i crossed the finish line.

Pony Poets - The Wheel Story (2nd in series)

"that could be our next line? or even two? we pull the weeds and water crops, lines of carrots and rows of hops." sam snorted at the thought of carrots.

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Triumph and Tragedy (A battle ballad)

It is intended to be a lyrical ballad with abcb rhyme with iambic trimeter in b and iambic tetrameter in a and c, which means eight syllables in the first and third lines and six in the second and fourth lines of each stanza with the second and fourth lines

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Unintended Consequences

He muttered under his breath, grabbing the scroll from the table to double check the lines. even a single mark out of place could spell catastrophe.

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Introduction to The Lone and Level Sands Stretch Far Away

I think what i'm proudest of is that the last line isn't just the same as the last line of the source material, but that by having it be both the last line and the title, i could run it right into the final repetition of the story title just by leaving it

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