Dragon Storm: Chapter 18: The beast within and Lazz's Final Act of Desperation!

As such, lazz proceeded to kick ori higher into the air while blasting fireballs down ward to increase his own momentum. with each kick ori was sent higher and higher into the air.

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Subjugation, Ch 6

Even as he regained his balance and threw a punch the enemy brought up a leg and kicked his arm aside, stayed balanced on one foot, and used the same leg to kick him straight in the stomach.

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Lost Pokemon Episode: 16 - Fighting Fire with Magma

Flames cover the pokémon's feet as he continued to kick at articuno. the bird pokémon easily dodges the kicks as it counters several dark ice attacks.

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JUXTAPOSITION Chapter 3 - Chasing Trains

Just a few more kicks. a few more watery half-breathes. with each kick, his head would shoot over the surface, and each time, he could see the opposite beach coming closer. suddenly, he felt something grab him.

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Ricky vs Yusufu [Sparring Wrestling Match]

That kick knocked him back a little, but he tried to get up just the same.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 24: Fighting Own Battles

Nathan passed him the ball, and he kicked it. shit, his kick went too high. victory was already in their hands, but the shepherd wanted to enjoy the moment more. this game was not about victory, but about the moment.

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How the Foxyote Ruined Christmas and then Saved Christmas

As the pair neared the bottom, saint nick just popped loose; kick tried to support him, but it just was no use! kick fell to the bottom, hit the bricks with a plop... and the corpulent claus fell directly on top._ _ _ "owwwwwwwww." kickaha whined.

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Oggstrosse Part 4 - Final Confrontation?

Left and right snap kicks stopped the demons movements only to be hit multiple times again but this time with kicks, the forward round house kick sent oggstrosse staggering unable to stop himself as b-man continued the onslaught of surgical punches and kicks

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 7: The Attack

She struck at him with a double kick, swinging her body around and kicking out with her hind legs at him, one after the other.

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POV vore - you and Toothless the dragon

You squirm and kick, but it's too late. toothless stretches out his nose and gulps, and the heavy bulge that is you slides down his throat and neatly into his stomach.

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Deep Space - Chapter 7, Unfortunate

I kicked the cart he was on, "yo, rope." he just groaned. i kicked it again, a little harder. "rope, come on." he said something, but it was too quiet for me to hear. i kicked his ankle this time and he screamed.



Would she kick him like the man with the mustache? malcomb got ready to run away. mrs. biss did not kick malcomb. she bent down near him. would she scream and yell like the girl in the red shirt? malcomb got ready to run and hide. mrs.

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