Freezing betrayal.

"hmph, that sounds more like an imprisonment than an offer to join a new family, if you ask me. if you were to be one of them, why couldn't the idiots just let you choose instead of forcing you into it?"

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Rising Anew

He felt more imprisoned than a student in a classroom. the students slowly streamed in and sat down at the various desks sitting around the room. it was morning so they all seemed to want to remain quiet for now.

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Chapter 16 - Mortality

Odin was being kept imprisoned within the seal that eclypse had set up. she cursed her foolishness, she should have listened to bragi when he told her that they should not have bothered to remake eclypse. somehow he kept proving hard to control.

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Chapter 5 - The Lovers

Freya had explained to him that during her vision, she saw a imprisoned child being beaten and put into slavery by slave traders which still existed on terra to serve the more third world palaces of kings in the east.


Freedom Fire Epilogue: The Dawn of Freedom (END)

While konaz had been imprisoned in the darkness dimension, his power was still channeled to kranos, which meant that the dragon was still alive despite of getting fatal injuries. a black dragon came to the dragon, and seraphor was stunned by its visage.

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From Zero to Hero, Part 5

I look at my watch and see 10:33 displayed on its face, i then look up and see a face from my past, a face that i will never forget, the face that cost me four years of my life, the hyena that committed the robbery and murder for which i was wrongly imprisoned

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They came over and took it away, heading for the cave where they would imprison it until they knew what to do with it. dagnir slowly sat up and looked at meril and ryesh. he smiled, and they both embraced him.


imprisoned, perhaps, but what institution wasn't a prison in its own way? her cub would live out his life behind high walls, destined to be outcast, but safe... unless... a shiver of fear washed through askeila. surely brout would take her bait.

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Splintered Light - Prologue, Pt 2

The warning did not help, however, and in order to avoid having them make good on their promise he fought back, wounding both of the men who attempted to imprison him.

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"it is my belief that king ahadi successful killed us and had his shaman imprison our spirits." "why am i still holding the shaman's oysters?", pumbaa asked, holding up the parts that he'd torn from the shaman.

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Chapter 28 Imperfect Love

He would see her removed, perhaps imprisoned for her crimes. he only needed etienne to realize what sort of power was at his fingertips. there was no turning back now. especially after what charles had seen of corene.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twenty-Five

He knew that the creepers tried to mess with his mind during his imprisonment but yukiomaru has only been acting up since the battle with kazamde.

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