Diary of a High School Girl- Chapter 1

"come on don't be grumpy in the morning tyka, or else you will be the rest of the day.." he looked at me with a smile as i said this and hugged back. the other passengers look at us oddly, but we just smile and laugh. "high school."

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Karen's Plushie Problems

A fun little short for my friend paulrevere1991, in which the ever grumpy karen continues her adventures in finding a cure for her 'turnintoahorse' condition only to get an even stronger cure imposed by a strange object.

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Off Leash Chapter 9!

Oric, meet a titanic pain in the ass puma who is hungry, grumpy and probably wants to eat us both at the moment." "hey!" i protested. "tell me it ain't true." "well . . ."

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The roar it gave off proved that it was grumpy but it didn't stop them. "hyper voice! now!" malva commanded and pyroar let out a roar which sent the ursaring back, holding it's ears at the sound.

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VTQ: Gooification

Noticing james was getting a bit grumpy, tom nudged his shoulder. "james you know we're just teasing you but you have to admit it was silly of you to try and cover it up. plus at least these are better than those stale snacks you usually get."

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.3 - The Malicious Masquerade

All in all we were rather grumpy and a little washed out by the time we took a tasteless and greasy breakfast in the main hall.

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"The Ilot"

He sat upright in a seat by himself looking grumpy. alamar caught the young husky's gaze, briefly returned the smile, then returned his suspicious look on the door.

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High Tail High, Chapter 1: New Beginnings

His father, the grumpy, coffee-stained jeaned wolf driving the cramped yet comfortable car, had moved them from his home and friends. but more importantly the only friends a ferret like him could have, it hurt him alot.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 43

"you're just trying to make me feel better," she sniped, turning a little grumpy. he shrugged. "well, yeah," he stated bluntly, "but...i don't have to be lying, do i?"

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 27)

"it's funny, you looked a bit like desmond, being all grumpy like that." the taller feline can't help but grimace at such a remark. hafsa tilts her head, allowing it to rest on her hand, and lets out a sigh. "you really don't like him, huh?"

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Thirty Three

Ethan...he had changed so much from the grumpy, self-centered little jerk i'd met less than a month ago. "an admirable choice," legion said, making his way over. "yet pointless."

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Space for a time.

We're grumpy, need a toilet break, and our skin feels oily and taut. we're so sick of hearing "are we there yet?" except that it didn't take us eight years, because we're travelling at the speed of light. to us, it didn't actually take any time.

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