During The Snapped Years

Admittedly, i had my reservations when i first caught glimpses of the guy. it was all too convenient.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 23

Still, the frequent glimpses he caught between the shifting shoulders of those in front of him told a story that was hard to miss.

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The truth in the clouds

Nothing more but a cold lonliness, i let go of love, to forget what i lost; it crawls up my chest; i let go of hope, to ease the pain; it slithers up my neck, as i look upwards into the night sky; i let go of my memories, to slip away; the last few glimpses

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 1)

She could see glimpses of it through the trees. at the sight, jem felt an uplifting burst of joy, her screaming muscles catching a second wind as she turned the last corner... they were all there! no! impossible!

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cassandra and me chapter 1

After what seems like thirty minutes of scaling, we happen upon the cavernous fallen tree upon which we clamber underneath of, mere moments later we got a glimpse of just what it was that was attacking us, and boy were they ugly! .

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One and the Same - Journal Entry - Murcurii, July 3rd, Year 1355

I catch glimpses of what looks like metal blades, reflecting the light of the fire as they swing about. and at last my view lands on a shadowed figure standing in the flames, it looks as though it is reaching out to me.

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Ferris, the Clever Fox in the City

The slice of life is a commission experiment aimed at capturing a glimpse of someone's character in action.

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Orion, the Broody Red Panda in Space

The slice of life is a commission experiment aimed at capturing a glimpse of someone's character in action.

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Ways To Love Your Brother

I catch a quick glimpse of her white and black bellyfur before i hear a squeal and there's a knee in my crotch. the pain radiates from my crushed balls to my thighs, and i double over in agony.

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Colliewood & Whine

Dogs packed the theatres when a volpino movie was showing, and a glimpse of his fluffy tail bouncing down whine street was enough to bring fans and autograph hunters out in full cry.

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Through my eyes

They say you can understand someone more easily when you get a glimpse of what they've been through. wether it's a photo, video, or something else like that. say you've seen this guy around your city.

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CHAPTER 1: the rising sun

Mid-yawn grey turned behind him to glimpse a herd of white vans and trucks stacked high with metal poles, traffic cones and dirty machinery.

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