College Brings About Change pt2

I'm just swamped with all this extra work. thankfully i have a bit of a prep period right now." he motioned to the students. "and it appears that several of the young men in my first class have decided to do some extra reading on the subject matter."


I Found Luck

"mother rabbit," little one's mother said, "do you have any extra shoes for my little one?" "oh," mother rabbit said, "i am so very sorry to you both. i do not have a single shoe to spare.

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The Script

Each of the vulpinos signed a consent form but they would be paid twice the going rate for hollywood extras.

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Journal Entry, First Day

Emotional shakedowns never fail to stand my tail fur on end, and most nights, grasping teddy extra hard just to get some extra sleep is a must.

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Omnivice Explination (Work In Progress)

Then shi added the extra arms card to give hir four arms total.

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The Divide, Chapter 1: The Bar and the Girl

Also, today was slow so there's a bit extra for ya." even though i've been coming here for what i guess is closer to four years now, i've never mentioned that i was in the war.

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Leviathan Chapter Seven: The Sea

The extra salt of the water required a deep change in every cell of the body and the addition of a couple extra organs to the expansive midsection. but also, the fat straddling her body rendered diving extremely difficult to begin with.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 21

As he watched he also had to conclude he wasn't t he only one with extra powers. the gryphon was hovering with its body spread out behind it.


An Unexpected Date - poetic story

Skyler packed away the extra serving of brisket in an insulated pouch, hidden away from psych's sight, along with the floral candles. she can't reveal the romantic picnic she has planned at dusk.

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Baby Bart

Then mom came in and laid some extra diapers on his table. "sorry bart but these will have to do till i've been shopping... you ok?" she explained. "nope... why do i keep having these accidents?" bart cried.

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Close Shave

He had admired the old lab, and he was not above an extra-judicial killing to avenge his old boss.

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