A Fiery Desire

Then he was assassinated and the empire split.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 42 - “Do Eoji et e Janandira”

'long ago, emperor suryel the second ruled his empire in the third era of asindar... his massive empire stretched all the way from the northern province of kycina to the maelili islands in the southern sea...

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The Imperial Throne

And the one you stand before now rules one of the greatest empires in the world.

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Fera, or 'Quadruped' Kyruku

They exist alongside their anthro counterparts in numbers estimated at a current population of several million empire wide, many whom were brought to terra over the centuries.

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Smart Poisons - 1 - Naming

But, according to rumor, for a militia soldier, it was better to be captured by the confederacy than the empire.

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The Presence Between the Pages

They could read the language of the empire - slowly, to be sure - but the writing on the cover of the book was of some other tongue. "belek." the cat jolted and whirled around.

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Weird Ways To Start A Race

"route info: head straight to the empire state building to receive your next clue." angie says. teams have to make it to the empire state building using any means possible. the clue box awaits just outside the building.

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Chronicles of Draxuz: Prologue

He still couldn't understand why the empire wanted them. they were only simple farmers, and had supported the empire for nearly 3 generations.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 104: Feast Of The Damned

#104 of counter earth chronicles: fallen empire last chapter: the leadership of the lost city has faced many threats and challenges to its very existence over the course of the last seven months.

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Fox Confessor Brings The Flood

"according to the laws of the empire, when there is a dispute, it is the right of either party to request a bard, if available, to mediate. she is clearly within her rights as a citizen of the empire." lady li was stunned by the turn of events. "fine.

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Blood Rose-18

empire soldiers were fairly well fed at all times, even at the expense of the village they raided. but even he could tell they didn't need as much as she had managed to catch.

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