Realms of Fantasy Chapter 6: New Katt in Town

And i can't deny its popularity, if the walk through the market and the hallway showed me anything. sure, that guy you bought the clothes from was a program, but that woman; she wasn't, right?

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Never Trust a Cat

He couldn't deny that she was beautiful, but he could never meet her for the simple fact that she was a cat, and he a mouse.

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Calmer Heads

"so samantha do you deny the letter that man just read?" i hear silence and the druid speaks, "i believe we have our answer. we need to decide on a punishment then."

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 9

He was dead, they all knew it and couldn't deny the fact no matter what they did. then again he didn't die, he's already dead, he was _disqualified_. "you're noisy..."

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True to Form: Prologue

I am sure my superiors will not deny giving you a bonus for coming so quickly, and so eagerly." she punched at her keyboard, and nodded.

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RoKo! Chapter one: a series of unfortunate events.

She looked up, and began to say the exact same words that all my other applications that denied me. some didn't even bother to say no, they just never returned my emails. this place wasn't my first choice, in fact. it was way down at the bottom.

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I shall not bow

I know there is hope and yet you look at me as if i'm insane...and yet you deny it. let me tell you this if there was no hope then why am i standing here.

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Just a minute...

Was criss-crossing what i could think & see in the center of this building, i felt a pulling to fall back i leaned as hard as i could forward, but couldn't get any slack i fell into what seemed a damp warm floor, relaxing to the touch i knew i couldn't deny

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Long Live the Witch

Now there was no denying the witch was looking younger. her hair was now a dull blond, and her skin was much less wrinkled. she knew they were as much entranced with her change in appearance as her own. "it's the curses.


- Celesteon - Reunion Arc - Ch. 10

"i know, but why is it you are denying her that request?" charles inquires. sid's ears lower. "i don't know...i just feel as though i'm not ready for something like that.

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Eyes like the Forest (Intro/Teaser)

I have seen too much to deny it!" it is almost a scream, but comes out as a hoarse whisper instead, my body unable to produce much more than that. "others would fail, you must keep going." "... am i truly the only one?" "yes.

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Kiss of Destiny: Prologue

He was never harsh or rude about it, but always listened to her calmly and graciously denied her advances. feeling suddenly tired, she stood and stretched.

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