Just a minute...

Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Poetry, Poem, Slice of life

The air was heavy, hard to breath in

I was losing continuousness, I couldn't see where to begin

The steps were uneven, my ground was shaking

As I blinked, I found myself continuously waking

Every time, sleeping a little longer than before

I walked through a building empty, yet when my eyes would close, I could see a door

Just out of reach, & warmth growing behind me

I was day dreaming in reality, my mind was criss-crossing what I could think & see

In the center of this building, I felt a pulling to fall back

I leaned as hard as I could forward, but couldn't get any slack

I fell into what seemed a damp warm floor, relaxing to the touch

I knew I couldn't deny it anymore, it was my life fading, blood soaked, I couldn't do much

I struggled to remember how to use my hands & feet, something I'd done my entire life

Every thought to move, felt like the sharpest edge of any knife

My eyes were open, yet I could not make out what angle I was at

The room spinning, my eyes useless, I was blind as a bat

I gave all my focus to every breath

I found only the shadows around me taking shape, was I to meet death...

Beyond any reasoning, I rose to my feet, I stood when I could no longer stand

Was it all me, or was I given a hand

The thought gave me strength enough to fight

I staggered through the flames, & found an amazing sight....

There before me, a crowd of people, fear filled smiles turning to wordless faces

One rushed to my side & answered to me, thank the heavenly graces

The eyes turned back now to wanting, so much was given to help my fading light

It was a miracle to live now, let it be another to continue throughout the night

Words were spoken but fell on deaf ears

The language seemed unknown, as if not heard in years.

For a time, I smiled as they did there best to keep me here, what kindness, what class

I felt only relief & happiness as my time ticked away, & came to pass

I felt hope & love till the very end

I could only bid farewell to my new last friend

Eyes open, It seemed like a dream to see family surrounding me

I could only speak a few words, "how can this be...."

My body was in pain, but I was alive, I was here

With tears falling & love overflowing from hugs held near

No words need to be said, no remedy for my smile

Another day....just a minute, all of it, I'll make worth while...

---Thanks for reading---
