To Fight and Defend: Lost and Found

"we've got no clue if any of this is real." brock said, remaining pessimistic. "regardless, ash is our friend." "he'll be happy to hear that. you two get some rest.

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darkness(short song)

The darkness calls for you never even gives you a clue when you jump out the window. all starts and ends with a rope lets hope you don't choke. never will i see the light because i only live in darkness.


The Guardians of Time Ep 26-The Eclipse of the final dungeon

Lucas had then begun to try to put things together and go back on the clues his team has discovered throughout their adventures in the time realm. "don't worry steven... your brother is coming..."

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The Guardians of Time Ep 18-The Beach episode

"although it was weird we found that time world in the castle... i feel like it was a clue in there to find your brother somewhere in there..." "same..."

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The Guardians of Time Ep 8-The Desert

It also was calculated that there should be a guardian of this dungeon that should have some sort of key or clue for the next area. the boss guardian was a sphinx with the second time gemstone in its chest and the team did have a hard time with it but.

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The Expedition

Another clue." "a clue? even if we got a clue, what then? the door is still locked and the monster is still out there, closing in fast." the lion whimpered.

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In-Between Ch. 2

What he thought during this entire time i have no clue, but for some reason i was alright with not knowing, since i knew i'd find out eventually. if that'd happen today or tomorrow, what'd be the difference!

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Straight From My Heart

Baby please don't ever make yourself regret and over my absence you need not fret i will always and forever love you i wish i could find the words to give you the slightest clue.


Our Season

Pretending he had no clue was just how he bought himself time. kratos loved her, but he was unsure if he was ready to handle pups. a sigh escaped his muzzle. he couldn't play dumb forever.


GoM-Ep16-The Date-

And somehow in brian's mind he thought that all this was some sort of elaborate date that alexandria had no clue about. eva who also lived in the same dorm room as alexandria was outside her room before she heard this. "um... alexandria?" "yeah?"

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Furry Holmes Chapter 1

Proceeding to find other leads or clues, i moved to the glass cabinet that contained the stolen necklace. the burglar was not in a hurry, or in fact, experienced.


Peacefully frustrating people...

Never dropping a moment to hesitation, always moving through with no reward slide only if slipping crossed your mind give into what's needed, not wanted, for a time long beginning to unwind be human, if nothing else seems right sound similar with no clue

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