The Guardians of Time Ep 26-The Eclipse of the final dungeon

Story by Vangabond on SoFurry

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#26 of The Guardians of Time

Looks like the team is preparing to take on the final area.

One month later, the team had taken a break from fighting in the time realm to focus on their lives and their powers. Lucas had gone out of his way to have special outfits created for the guardians of time to help enhance their powers and to look more stylish. The design that Lucas had created was that it was a white long sleeve suit with a golden trim to it, with a gold colored cape gold boots with white gloves. These suits are powered by magic and can click on and off by a clock shaped gemstone that appears as a watch on the user, in the regular world. Lastly, these suits were made to give good defense and buffs to whomever may be using it. Lucas had then begun to try to put things together and go back on the clues his team has discovered throughout their adventures in the time realm. "Don't worry steven... your brother is coming..."